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Holy Crap! How to make drugs on TV

[Jun 8,2004 10:05am - succubus ""]
ok i just saw how to make pure DXM on TV

they showed over the counter drugs and how you can buy them in pharmacies and then showed you how to get fucked up using them

[Jun 8,2004 10:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
some of us have been doing this for over 10 years and all of a sudden its news??
[Jun 8,2004 11:31am - JellyFish ""]
they should give wrong directions for how to make meth and watch all the morons blow themselves away.
[Jun 8,2004 11:45am - Abbath ""]
"Crack, want some crack!? Get you HIGH!" -Tracy Morgan
[Jun 8,2004 4:15pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
They usually leave out a keypart or two when discussing that stuff.
[Dec 12,2005 3:03pm - anonymous  ""]
u guys are fuckin gay, look at ur gay little site and all the gay little people who do gay shit their...stop being gay, you gay gay people
[Dec 30,2008 7:46pm - anonymous  ""]
wadda bunch ov liddil kuntz u r
[Dec 30,2008 10:20pm - the_reverend ""]

anonymous said:u guys are fuckin gay, look at ur gay little site and all the gay little people who do gay shit their...stop being gay, you gay gay people
best post ever.
[Dec 30,2008 10:26pm - dftg  ""]

anonymous said:u guys are fuckin gay, look at ur gay little site and all the gay little people who do gay shit their...stop being gay, you gay gay people
I disagree.

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