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ARCH/MATHEOS Announces Only U.S. Show

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[Jan 31,2012 10:30am - boblovesmusic ""]
ARCH/MATHEOS — the new progressive rock band featuring FATES WARNING/OSI guitarist Jim Matheos and former FATES WARNING singer John Arch — will play its only U.S. show on May 5 at the Webster Theater in Hartford, Connecticut.

(the rest of the new story is rehashed info about the album)

I'm very very very very excited about this!
[Jan 31,2012 10:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
webster threater sucks.
[Jan 31,2012 10:34am - boblovesmusic ""]
drat, still will probably go
[Jan 31,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]
yeah of all venues that was a poor choice.
[Jan 31,2012 1:01pm - Mark_R ""]
I came, I saw, I came again. This was my #1 album from 2011. The webster does blow pretty hard, but whatever...if it's where I have to go, I'll go there.

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