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That $336M Powerball winner in my town...

[Mar 6,2012 12:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Is this girls Grandmother!


[Mar 6,2012 12:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Rainbow Sherbet Trust, which White has established to administer her new fortune. The trust bears the name of the frozen treat that drew a family member, accompanied by White, to Stop & Shop the evening she purchased her winning lottery ticket.

“We’re excited, very blessed and will determine in the coming months how we’ll spend the money, but we know we’ll always have rainbow sherbet,” White wrote in her statement, the only one she gave at the press conference this morning.

It relates how she wanted to go to Stop & Shop all day that fateful Saturday to buy a ticket for that night’s Powerball drawing. The person she had hoped would drive her had been working all day at home and didn’t get the chance to bring her to the supermarket.

“Then around 7 p.m., a family member wanted some rainbow sherbet to eat later, so they decided to go to Stop & Shop,” White wrote in her statement. She had just finished making a sandwich and was asked if she wanted anything at the store.

“I said emphatically, ‘I can’t believe you asked me if I want you to get me something. No, I don’t want you to get me something. I want to go with you,’” she recalled saying.

“And although I was told there was no hurry and I should finish eating, I said we needed to go now. When we arrived at the Stop & Shop, I went to the ticket counter and asked if I had time to buy a Powerball ticket.”

The woman behind the counter said she did, and White asked for three Quick Picks with the Power Play that costs $1 in addition to the $2 cost of each ticket. So it was a $9 wager. With a Power Play, winners can boost Powerball prizes by two, three, four or five times the original prize amount, but the multiplier does not apply to the jackpot.

“Later that evening, I was at home listening to the news while the family enjoyed the rainbow sherbet,” White wrote. “I heard the drawing and roughly wrote down the numbers as they called them out, but missed some. I waited until they said (the numbers) again in about 10 minutes and wrote them all down. I didn’t immediately look at my ticket.”
[Mar 6,2012 12:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
must be nice.
[Mar 6,2012 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
welcome to the end of your life.
[Mar 6,2012 1:20pm - yummy ""]
Meanwhile, the governor is gonna figure out how many of his politician friends he'll hook up with the taxes before he even considers using that to benefit this broke state.
Maybe I'd be more optimistic if I knew her tho.
[Mar 6,2012 6:06pm - Gravesideservicestation  ""]
should have stayed with her instead of the pig you're with now
[Mar 6,2012 6:24pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE666 ""]
John that was not us. Log in account only is the real post. Assholes troll under our name for no reason whatsoever. It isnt funny.
[Mar 6,2012 6:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I lol'ed
[Mar 6,2012 6:49pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
dwyer i used to hook up with trinity in highschool...shoulda stuck it out with her....in b4 race traitor.
[Mar 6,2012 6:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pffft - only the computer duster girl is real

[Mar 6,2012 6:57pm - Truth  ""]
She aint using any of that 336 MIL on shitty Pathos cd's. Stop kissing her ass ya old fart.
[Mar 6,2012 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
that girl doesnt look white...

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