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Mellow Yellow

[Mar 28,2012 10:18am - Ghoulash ""]
I thought it was gone but im starting to see it everywhere again. Does it remind anyone else of piss?
[Mar 28,2012 10:35am - hungry hungry zippos  ""]
if its yellow let it mellow

if its brown flush it down
[Mar 28,2012 10:54am - goatcatalyst ""]
Electric piss
[Mar 28,2012 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 28,2012 12:03pm - ghoulash nli  ""]
Mellow Yellow + funions = the best.
[Mar 28,2012 12:05pm - ghoulash nli  ""]
Oh yeah and since I'm on the subject of "soft drinks", when did taco bell get rid of dr. Pepper? That's a sad reality.
[Mar 28,2012 12:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
taco bell sticks with the 'carry only good soft drinks' policy
[Mar 28,2012 12:22pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Dr Pepper is good Alex. What the fuck! Also, I believe it is Mello Yello. Still a shitty syruppy glop flat ass soda drink that sucks.
[Mar 28,2012 12:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Dr Pep tastes like the rev's walls to me
[Mar 28,2012 12:23pm - hauptpflucker ""]
He coats his walls in Dr Pepper? That would rock for the first 30 seconds, but once the bugs started sticking to it I don't think I'd want to taste it any more.
[Mar 28,2012 12:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Are you friends with him on facebook? He posts hourly about his cats pissing on the walls.
[Mar 28,2012 12:26pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I don't think Dr Pepper tastes much like cat piss.
[Mar 28,2012 12:28pm - Alx_Casket ""]
We shall agree to disagree!
[Mar 28,2012 12:29pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Way to get off topic. Back to the main theme of this thread. MELLO YELLO sucks. (And is much more like cat piss than anything other than Mt Dew... or cat piss)
[Mar 28,2012 12:41pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I like Mt Dew. Used to go to Taco Bell just for the baja blast.
[Mar 28,2012 12:43pm - hauptpflucker ""]
[Mar 28,2012 3:21pm - Ghoulash ""]
has anyone here actually tried mellow yellow since they've come back on the market?
[Mar 28,2012 3:24pm - Thunderstool  ""]
I don't think it ever went off the market! Any hauptpflucker is right. It's Mello Yello.
[Mar 28,2012 3:27pm - Ghoulash ""]
maybe it was never off the market but it's presence was not very strong for a long time.
[Mar 28,2012 4:06pm - wilford brimley  ""]
soft drinks dun' gave me the diabeetus
[Mar 28,2012 5:29pm - Lamp ""]

Alx_Casket said:I like Mt Dew. Used to go to Taco Bell just for the baja blast.

Okay, you don't like Dr. Pepper (one of my favorite sodas) but you do like Baja Blast (which is some of the most repulsive piss I've ever drank), I think I can safely ignore your opinions on soda from now on.

And Mello Yello, who cares. Sun Drop for the fucking win.
[Mar 28,2012 5:46pm - Soda Connoisseur  ""]
Only SQUIRT is real[img]

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