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SEXCREMENT sign to Comatose Music, premiere video/single

[Apr 24,2012 10:17pm - blue ""]

Massachusetts' miscreants of monolithic death groove Sexcrement are pleased (and aroused) to unleash their second helping of debauchery, 'Sloppy Seconds' on May 29th worldwide via Comatose Music. Mixed by Eliot Bayless (Revocation) and mastered at New Alliance East (Converge, Trap Them), the album serves up a full frontal assault of brutally colossal yet rockin' heaviness marinted in all things perverse & taboo. With their sophomore release, these depraved bottom feeders - vocalist Adam Mason, bassist Blue Spinazola, drummer Devon Hunt and guitarist Evan Duplessis - have crafted their finest display of disgusting devastation to date.


Sexcrement - Sloppy Seconds
1. Heard It Through the Rape Vine
2. Chemical Handcuffs
3. Well Hungover
4. Heels Up
5. Trucker Bombed
6. Assisted Living Lapdance
7. Obestiality
8. Ride Johnny Ride

To add to the excitement, the band alongside underground filmmaker Victor Bonacore/Chainsaw Kiss Productions are proud to debut the video for the first single 'Trucker Bombed.' Starring legendary horror scream queen Linnea Quigley (Return of the Living Dead, Silent Night Deadly Night etc) the video is a urine soaked journey into the darker side of addiction complete with Ms. Quigley's signature mix of camp & downright fright to seal the deal. Make sure to watch for cameos from members of Origin, Revocation & more:


These extreme metal debutants are primed and ready to take advantage of you in 2012 and beyond. Make sure to check them out on their 'West Coast Penetration' tour this June, and look for their new (trojan) magnum opus cumming soon!


[Apr 25,2012 2:25pm - croch crickets  ""]
*chirp chirp*
[Apr 25,2012 2:46pm - timma ""]
Holy formatting, Batman.
[Apr 25,2012 2:48pm - timma ""]
Also, everything about this rules. Even the formatting.
[Apr 25,2012 3:02pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Apr 25,2012 3:18pm - RustyPS ""]
ITT: I put peepee in your peepee
[Apr 25,2012 3:29pm - Goatrider ""]
I just peed and this makes me want to pee.
[Apr 25,2012 4:46pm - largefreakatzero ""]
The video is great. Wonderfully shitty. I dig.
[Apr 25,2012 4:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 25,2012 5:40pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Nice one getting Linnea for the video. She rules
[Apr 28,2012 9:53pm - blue ""]
Video has hit over 10,000 views. Apparently the Internet loves pee.
[Apr 29,2012 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
Piss is a hellova drug.
It too bad you fuzzed out the vaginas. Since Vjs are gross that would have been the worst.
[Apr 30,2012 12:22pm - blue ""]
Why do you think we blurred the vajeens but kept the huge dildo?
[Apr 30,2012 1:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
2 girls, 1 chamberpot

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