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I'm Blasted

[Jun 22,2012 8:34pm - demondave ""]

I have been having a real tough of things lately, but tonight I'm blasted and having a good time at home

My wife and I are drinkin gin on a screened in porch and a our dog in running around in the back yard with the neighbors dog and a couple neighboorhood kids. Good times.

I should put on the new Dying Fetus. Should be a trifecta or something

[Jun 22,2012 8:56pm - KEVORD ""]
I hope you're going to Maiden on tuesday Dave.
[Jun 22,2012 9:01pm - demondave ""]
[Jun 22,2012 9:57pm - KEVORD ""]
Cool. I'll have to catch up with you.
[Jun 22,2012 9:59pm - the_reverend ""]
Ian heading home to clean up fish guts and maybe have some whiskey
[Jun 22,2012 11:48pm - SkinSandwich ""]

[Jun 23,2012 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
Omg... so glad I didn't drink before doing the turtle. Would have made the dry heaving more "productive"
[Jun 23,2012 12:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Speaking of turtles, I actually found one in my yard this morning. Big mofo too. Must have came over from the lake up the road.
[Jun 23,2012 9:15pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I saw a massive snapping turtle this morning while bass fishing. My buddy urged me to shoot it, but I refrained. I think the fucking things are protected.
[Jun 23,2012 9:59pm - demondave ""]

this reminds me of a thread from a while back when I tried to relax and listen to vinyl, and their was a massive snapper that hassled my dog and the house across the street burned down.


If I could edit the lines I would put up the pics again
[Jun 23,2012 10:25pm - chernobyl ""]
Top RTTP wives. Someone make a list?
[Jun 23,2012 10:29pm - KEVORD ""]

chernobyl said:Top RTTP wives. Someone make a list?
Mine would be #1 for all the RTTP bullshit she deals with from me.
[Jun 24,2012 1:22am - motley grue  ""]
blasted and wasted listening to Midnight, Avsky is next, fuck your values fuck your beliefs
[Jun 24,2012 1:27am - Lamp ""]
I'm blazeted
[Jun 24,2012 1:47am - motley grue  ""]
gonna start my comedown beer and looking at some Lizzy Borden bullshit on tv...
[Jun 24,2012 1:49am - motley grue  ""]
need moar chick ass in this failed thread
[Jun 24,2012 1:51am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 24,2012 1:52am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 24,2012 1:52am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 24,2012 2:02am - motley grue  ""]
fapping yeah

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