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Winter Is Coming, vote-off for Sunday headliner!

[Aug 9,2012 11:17pm - Spencer  ""]
The facebook event

"So...out of all these bands who would you like to see headline Sunday...

1) Ritual
2) Novembers Doom
3) All Pigs Must Die
4) Aeternus
5) Sunn O))
6) Troll
7) Alcest
9) Absu
10) Nachtmystium

whoever wins does not mean they will head line or even play the fest. We will say we have been in contact with 4 of the bands mentioned above..."

All I will say, is anyone who votes Alcest / Absu / Nachtmystium isn't thinking straight due to the fact they all tour nonstop.

Only voting Sunn O))) and Novembers Doom is real.
[Aug 9,2012 11:19pm - Spencer  ""]
I don't even think it's technically a vote-off, it could just be an opinion census, but i'd like to think the promoter will use the peoples opinions to decide between the four bands he's in contact with.
[Aug 9,2012 11:19pm - faggy shit is coming  ""]
[Aug 9,2012 11:27pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2012 1:18am - Garth Algar  ""]
[Aug 10,2012 5:52am - nekronaut ""]
When WOE canceled the promoter said there was a replacement.

Why are they posting a popular opinion thread now?

Book shit behind the scenes. People will come no matter what as long as you know what you are doing...........
[Aug 10,2012 6:15am - amorok666 ""]
Since when do Alcest and absu tour nonstop? As car as I know both of them have come through once in the last 5 years or so. Not exactly goatwhore.
[Aug 10,2012 6:16am - amorok666 ""]
Also Alcest canceled.
[Aug 10,2012 7:01am - arilliusbm ""]
lol @ thinking Aeternus will come play.
[Aug 10,2012 7:11am - KEVORD ""]
I vote for Black Metal Teenagers.

[Aug 10,2012 7:40am - Yeti ""]
[Aug 10,2012 8:39am - GH  ""]

arilliusbm said:lol @ thinking Aeternus will come play.
[Aug 10,2012 8:56am - arilliusbm ""]
1) Ritual -- no thanks.
2) Novembers Doom -- too many hamburgers and ipad lyrics
3) All Pigs Must Die  -- dumb name, no care.
4) Aeternus -- not going to happen
5) Sunn O)) - zzzzzzzzz
6) Troll -- not going to happen
7) Alcest -- meh, they've played 3 times in the past two years, won't happen until next album, which he said will lose all metal elements
8) ABAZAGORATH - likely. Played with them in april. Decent set, nothing like they used to be.
9) Absu - I doubt they'd want to play.
10) Nachtmystium - probably won't happen.
[Aug 10,2012 8:58am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm going to go, just to heckle Orc Adams and throw tomatoes at him.
[Aug 10,2012 9:10am - trioxin245 ""]
Is this a real thing or troll? I hope it's a troll.
[Aug 10,2012 9:38am - arktouros ""]
aeternus, yeah right
[Aug 10,2012 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]

amorok666 said:As car as I know

Lol wat
[Aug 10,2012 9:50am - trioxin_245 ""]
[Aug 10,2012 9:54am - anonymous  ""]
jelarious aril is jealous
[Aug 10,2012 9:57am - arilliusbm ""]

anonymous said:realistic aril is realistic
[Aug 10,2012 9:59am - arilliusbm ""]
If being honest and having opinions are jealousy in your eyes, please have the courage to log in.
[Aug 10,2012 10:06am - GH  ""]
In arils world, Still waters run deep
[Aug 11,2012 4:39am - Spencer  ""]

amorok666 said:Since when do Alcest and absu tour nonstop? As car as I know both of them have come through once in the last 5 years or so. Not exactly goatwhore.

Compared to some of the other bands on that list, yeah, those bands tour nonstop.

Absu toured just last November, I saw Steven Wilson the same night in Boston as that Absu show. And Absu also play doomfests and MDF and one-off shows as well.

Alcest have toured three times in the past two years. (albeit, their first US tour's Boston show hey dropped last minute and their third US tour the closest they came was to CT)

If Sunn O))) or Novembers Doom are the headliner, then awesome.

But if Nachtmystium end up being the headliner, i'm not going. No way i'm supporting that god awful band.
[Aug 11,2012 11:59am - trioxin245 ""]
In light of this recent update on this fest, I have down graded my status from 'might go to get drunk with notshaver if I can find a ride' to 'will not attend this queer shit regardless of whether good bands like Evoken play or not.'
[Aug 11,2012 2:23pm - chernobyl ""]

trioxin245 said:In light of this recent update on this fest, I have down graded my status from 'might go to get drunk with notshaver if I can find a ride' to 'will not attend this queer shit regardless of whether good bands like Evoken play or not.'

Why so srs?
[Aug 11,2012 3:27pm - Czarnobog ""]

trioxin245 said:In light of this recent update on this fest, I have down graded my status from 'might go to get drunk with notshaver if I can find a ride' to 'will not attend this queer shit regardless of whether good bands like Evoken play or not.'

its cool, we just got kicked off.
[Aug 11,2012 3:32pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Aug 11,2012 3:35pm - KEVORD ""]
[Aug 11,2012 3:36pm - KEVORD ""]
Nachzehrer is no longer in the movie.
[Aug 11,2012 3:38pm - trioxin_245 ""]
so what you're saying is that I should stay in and watch the new Breaking Bad? SOLD
[Aug 11,2012 3:41pm - trioxin_245 ""]
no honestly I'll probably still try to go if someone wants to drive a nigga
[Aug 12,2012 3:06pm - faggy shit is coming  ""]

Czarnobog said:its cool, we just got kicked off.

[Aug 12,2012 4:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Kicked off? Elucidate.
[Aug 12,2012 4:17pm - Czarnobog ""]
dude sent us an email yesterday saying he didn't like our attitude towards the fest, that we "spit in their faces after all they have done for us" blah blah blah and "the legion" was no longer interested in working with us. meh.
[Aug 12,2012 4:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pish posh
[Aug 12,2012 4:37pm - Czarnobog ""]
oh yeah, and we got blamed for making fun of dead ypres guy's mom. THANKS FOR GETTING US IN TROUBLE WITH THE LEGION YOU GUYS.
[Aug 12,2012 4:40pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, what are you guys fucking stupid? Black metal has always been about being POSITIVE bros!!!
[Aug 12,2012 4:54pm - KEVORD ""]
How to make Black Metal friends and influence people.
[Aug 12,2012 5:19pm - chernobyl ""]
Hahahahahah they kicked them off hahaha
[Aug 12,2012 5:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Can Barren Oak take the open slot, message me LEGION.
[Aug 12,2012 6:03pm - RagnarokWraith ""]
The only thing more black metal than getting kicked off the fest would be for Notshaver to stab Lord Viall in his stairwell
[Aug 12,2012 6:10pm - KEVORD ""]
That's assault brother.
[Aug 12,2012 6:35pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Once I saw this

Czarnobog said:its cool, we just got kicked off.

I knew this

Czarnobog said:dude sent us an email yesterday saying he didn't like our attitude towards the fest, that we "spit in their faces after all they have done for us" blah blah blah and "the legion" was no longer interested in working with us. meh.

must be the /r/eason.
[Aug 12,2012 6:37pm - KEVORD ""]
The original post with the E-mail before it was edited was better.
[Aug 12,2012 7:37pm - nekronaut ""]
I made him take it down.
[Aug 12,2012 7:39pm - KEVORD ""]
[Aug 12,2012 7:42pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
[Aug 13,2012 1:00am - Spence ""]
Ritual was confirmed for the headliner on sunday.

Such a fucking bust.
[Aug 13,2012 2:35am - Nazgul667  ""]
regarding the comment posted by RagnarokWraith. I am looking forward to this festival. I might have to get the police involved because i've spent good money to get to this fest and will not have it shut down because you stabbed the promoter.
[Aug 13,2012 2:58am - Lord Vial  ""]
This goes out to Michael from Nachzerer; do not attempt any sudden moves, I have already notified the police of a potential threat and they will be monitoring the festival closely that as well as the legions finest soliders. Do not attempt anything you might regret.
[Aug 13,2012 3:11am - RagnarokWraith ""]
It was a joke you faggots
[Aug 13,2012 3:33am - BSV  ""]
You girls need to post what was said so it can get included in that book that's coming out.
Getting the cops involved inspired me to not buy a ticket.
Also, isn't this the Ritual that printed in an insert that they committed some horrific crime and went inactive for years but never revealed what the crime was? I can't find it, I think I got it from Lost Disciple years ago...
[Aug 13,2012 3:49am - Josh Staples  ""]
Youre so cool
[Aug 13,2012 4:02am - BSV  ""]
cool enough to keep the dorks up at 3:49 am. Fuck off, poser.
[Aug 13,2012 4:20am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]

You are the poser my friend, duurrrrrr
[Aug 13,2012 4:26am - BSV  ""]
I'm glad I keep you inspired, it's gnarly when people get obsessed with you, I cherish the attention you give me.
Show some balls and call me out at the show, you can't, you falsed.
[Aug 13,2012 4:34am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]
Ill suck your balls at a show faggot
[Aug 13,2012 4:42am - BSV  ""]
Come out of the closet and use a better log in name. You can't talk shit in person. Poser cunt cowards don't lose, they just never win.
I wanna know what was said for Nachzehrer to get kicked off this event so we can all make fun of everyone. Gawd.
[Aug 13,2012 4:56am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]
Youre not a very smart guy.
[Aug 13,2012 5:00am - BSV  ""]
Youre not a very smart troll.
[Aug 13,2012 5:00am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]
Also for the record, why do you keep throwing the word poser around? who said anything pretending to like anything? I know I didnt or could it be the fact you are just so goddamn brutal and kvlt except NOBODY thinks that of you.
[Aug 13,2012 5:08am - BSV  ""]
I can call you a poser all day cause you're posting as a troll; it's science, you can't even stand up for yourself. log in, say it. next time i pass you the joint, say it. next time we headbang up front, say it. just don't fucking hide kid. poser is the ancient elder way of calling all falses out, young 90's child.
[Aug 13,2012 5:10am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]
Yeah but I can just not to any if the forementioned and be perfectly fine just insulting you from here.
[Aug 13,2012 5:12am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]
Because im such a poser pussy that I repeat the same shit over and over 'say it to ma face bro' ...sure if i feel like it but its kind of a waste of energy and im wicked pussy yo i aint gonna post logged in bro
[Aug 13,2012 5:14am - BSV  ""]
that's why you're a poser. i mean it's awesome you feel obligated to stalk me and turn this pretty sweet thread into some campaign for me.
someone just post that email. this is a juicy story.
[Aug 13,2012 5:19am - Josh Staples 4 lyfe  ""]
Nope, sorry that makes no sense.

Also Ill probably tell you who I am eventually and you wont do anything about it so it doesnt matter and if you do, ill just beat you up because i am a vicious tiger and you are a cow
[Aug 13,2012 5:22am - BSV  ""]
Just tell us now and stop taking all the spotlight from the Legion vs Nachzehrer supercard.
[Aug 13,2012 5:27am - Josh Staples office supplies  ""]
Legion, those dudes know whats up 666 black metal forever in basement. Big fan of orc adams actually.

Mike notshaver is a faggot who pets dogs all day at petco
[Aug 13,2012 6:51am - It's chernobyl  ""]
He's the biggest pussy on RTTP.
[Aug 13,2012 8:12am - Yeti ""]
wait....this fest has gone to shit? GASP.
[Aug 13,2012 8:28am - arilliusbm ""]
Talking shit about Staples at 5am = troll detected. Pathetic jabs at one of the hardest working guys in New England Metal. Yea, you're probably joking, but at least log in and come out you fucking dolt.

Also, anyone who didn't see this fest drama coming from a million miles away shoud open their eyes up more.
[Aug 13,2012 8:58am - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:That's assault brother.
made me lol
[Aug 13,2012 9:07am - the_reverend ""]
I didn't know anything about anything so...
[Aug 13,2012 9:10am - Alx_Casket ""]

the_reverend said:I didn't know anything about anything so...

[Aug 13,2012 9:13am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, too bad you can't see anyone's IPs everytime they post.
[Aug 13,2012 9:54am - Czarnobog ""]
haha, what happened to this thread?

anyways, no real drama here guys. legion dudes thought we had a shitty attitude towards their fest and didn't want us to play anymore, we don't really care and think its kinda funny. end of story.
[Aug 13,2012 10:01am - arilliusbm ""]
I am more entertained by the fact that upon hearing this news, Barren Oak tried getting on the fest ASAP.
[Aug 13,2012 10:11am - Alx_Casket ""]
We are awaiting reply from LEGION. Nothing will not stand in our way for world domination, not even Orc Metal
[Aug 13,2012 10:20am - MikeOv  ""]
I didn't read this entire thread but the band "Troll" who is mentioned, that could only refer to the band with Nagash, correct? That's so ridiculous.
[Aug 13,2012 10:24am - Mark_R ""]

Alx_Casket said:Orc Metal

Anyone remember the band Nazgul from, I think, Italy? I remember them being pretty good but having very hooty, owl-y vocals. They still going?
[Aug 13,2012 10:25am - arilliusbm ""]

MikeOv said:I didn't read this entire thread but the band "Troll" who is mentioned, that could only refer to the band with Nagash, correct? That's so ridiculous.

Yea, that was my assumption as well. If anything, it should be Trollech.
[Aug 13,2012 10:27am - MikeOv  ""]
I actually enjoy "Drep de kristne" and the first Covenant album "In times before the light". They're nothing spectacular but they hold a certain charm.
[Aug 13,2012 10:32am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, I used to love Drep de Kristne. Heavy use of keys and powerful vocals.
[Aug 13,2012 10:34am - Yeti ""]
i remember loving "Nexus Polaris" in high school. i listened to it a few months ago, it did not stand the test of time.
[Aug 13,2012 10:38am - MikeOv  ""]
Lex Icon, lol...
[Aug 13,2012 10:39am - MikeOv  ""]
That one album Animatronic was like Marilyn Manson metal, but somehow Mirrors Paradise was a guilty pleasure. ::shudders::
[Aug 13,2012 10:40am - Yeti ""]
then Hellhammer became Joey Jordison.
[Aug 13,2012 10:43am - MikeOv  ""]
Mr. von Blomberg at your service.


People can say what they want about Dimmu Borgir, but what the hell is really going on here?
[Aug 13,2012 10:45am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 13,2012 10:48am - MikeOv  ""]
What was up with 1999 to 2002 with all of my favorite bands and musicians going to utter shit? All of these Norwegian and Swedish bands were on the top of their game and then all of a sudden, the majority pulled a 180 and never looked back. The 2000's could have been great but every band just decided it was time to suck.

...What could have been
[Aug 13,2012 10:50am - Yeti ""]
det som engang var
[Aug 13,2012 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
Thanks Mike. You just summed up my 5 years of rants in one paragraph. Us three should do some music together soon.
[Aug 13,2012 10:58am - largefreakatzero ""]

MikeOv said:Mr. von Blomberg at your service.


People can say what they want about Dimmu Borgir, but what the hell is really going on here?

It looks like it really has to pee.

Also, cool "weapon" bro (is it a bro?)

Finally, I really want to kick that thing in the face.
[Aug 13,2012 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
I like the eyebrows. I think I'm going to do it.
[Aug 13,2012 1:13pm - chernobyl ""]

It said:He's the biggest pussy on RTTP.

Aril identified
[Aug 13,2012 1:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nope. But yea, if that was you trashing on BSV that's a DICK MOVE son.
[Aug 13,2012 1:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

KEVORD said:That's assault brother.


Do ya DOUBLE DOG dare me?
[Aug 13,2012 1:24pm - posbleak ""]

MikeOv said:

[Aug 13,2012 9:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 14,2012 10:26am - Lord Viall  ""]
We are proud to announce that Vital Remains will be performing on Friday, October, 12, Winter Is Coming Fest.
[Aug 14,2012 10:29am - KEVORD ""]
Officialy a fest.
[Aug 14,2012 10:37am - Mark_R ""]
I like Vital Remains fine but wish they were after Evoken.
[Aug 14,2012 10:38am - Spence ""]
This festival is no longer happening for me.

i was considering going saturday for Agalloch, camping somewhere and seeing Sig:Ar:Tyr and a GOOD headliner the next day - but Ritual distinguished all hopes of that.

[Aug 14,2012 10:43am - Yeti ""]

Spence said:This festival is no longer happening for me.

i was considering going saturday for Agalloch, camping somewhere and seeing Sig:Ar:Tyr and a GOOD headliner the next day - but Ritual distinguished all hopes of that.

[Aug 14,2012 10:46am - KEVORD ""]
If Spencer isn't falling for this Twigs and Berries Fest nonsense anymore the Legion is in trouble. I wonder how many 3 day passes they've sold.
[Aug 14,2012 10:49am - Spence ""]
*Extinguished, holy fuck.

Automatic spellcheck is horrid.

They're supposedly getting close to selling out 3 day passes. But something tells me their FB is exaggerating.
[Aug 14,2012 10:49am - J. Walter Weatherman  ""]
And THAT'S why always be skeptical about retard promoters
[Aug 14,2012 11:40am - J. Walter Weatherman  ""]

J.%20Walter%20Weatherman said:And THAT'S why always be skeptical about retard promoters

[Aug 14,2012 12:54pm - xmikex ""]
Horshack's mom booked as the surprise headliner

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