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I hate when people leave vague vms!

[Aug 19,2012 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
When a number that idk pops up, I let is go to vm.
I hate when I get vms like "hey Aaron, it's joe. Call me back.".
Chances of me calling back are slim.
[Aug 19,2012 8:29pm - Burnsy ""]
I originally read the thread title as vague IMs and loled at anyone still using AIM.
[Aug 19,2012 8:31pm - KEVORD ""]
I hate answering the phone. Just text cause I don't want to talk to anyone.
[Aug 19,2012 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I answer calls with txts
[Aug 19,2012 8:38pm - Burnsy ""]
I hate when I leave someone a detailed voicemail and they call back without listening to it.
[Aug 19,2012 8:56pm - Lamp nli  ""]

the_reverend said:I answer calls with txts

Fuck you.
[Aug 19,2012 8:56pm - Burnsy ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
the_reverend said:I answer calls with txts

Fuck you.

[Aug 20,2012 10:12am - trioxin245 ""]
I used to hate text, but frankly I hate talking to people even more. My phone has a button that says 'ignore with text' for when people call, which is great.

[Aug 20,2012 10:44am - AndrewBastard ""]
fuck voice mail and phone calls...text or GTFO
[Aug 20,2012 10:46am - yummy ""]
I hate associating with people. I prefer to soup up my Facebook account with all I am and hope to be and just have people refer to that page before ever considering texting or calling me to ask how I am.

[Aug 20,2012 10:46am - yummy ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
the_reverend said:I answer calls with txts

Fuck you.

I mean^^^^
[Aug 20,2012 11:04am - the_reverend ""]
All my VMs are transcribed by google and txtd to me anyhow.
right after I posted this, I got an extremely detailed vm saying that a guy at a gas station found my license and sent it to the police. I should probably called them. or as google said

" Hi before I leave this is George calling for side mobile want to let you know that I found your aunt your driver's license. The other day and I gave it to the what the police so late, should be getting in touch with you. If not, you get in touch with them and go pick it up. Alright, bye bye. "

When I listened to the VM, he said "Hi Russel Hartley" blahblahblah. looks like Russel Hartley lost his wallet.
[Aug 20,2012 2:29pm - yummy ""]
I think he took his wallet
[Aug 20,2012 3:03pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

yummy said:I think he took his wallet

[Aug 20,2012 3:21pm - yummy ""]

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