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The LEGION Appreciation..

[Aug 21,2012 7:07am - The Legion Appreciation  ""]
Lets hear it for THE LEGION..the ones responsible for bringing agalloch and fen and all of these other great bands over for the winter is coming fest. The Best thing about it is the bands will all get paid and the fest is the best thing to happen to new england metal in a long time. I propose a toast of mead to the almighty LEGION. We are forever in their debt for putting this wonderful fest on
[Aug 21,2012 8:33am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 21,2012 8:36am - Burnsy ""]
[Aug 21,2012 9:00am - Lol  ""]
1. Samefag
2. Connecticut should be forced to secede from New England
3. Yay, you booked a fest. Want a medal?
[Aug 21,2012 11:53am - The Legion Appreciation  ""]
up. Not the samefag by the way
[Aug 21,2012 12:12pm - chernobyl ""]
*clap clap clap
[Aug 21,2012 12:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Samefag is Coming Fest
[Aug 21,2012 12:43pm - chernobyl ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Samefag is Coming Fest

lol good one, Steven.
[Aug 21,2012 12:52pm - Big Fan (not Lord Viall)  ""]
This is going to be the fest that FINALLY puts New England on the metal map.
[Aug 21,2012 12:57pm - Horrorscope  ""]
[Aug 21,2012 1:15pm - Yeti ""]

Big%20Fan said:This is going to be the fest that FINALLY puts New England on the metal map.

is there a way we can stay off the metal map?
[Aug 21,2012 1:19pm - chernobyl ""]
OP is Lord Raynard Wily
[Aug 21,2012 1:35pm - Spence ""]
New England is already the metalcore/deathcore capital of the world, more or less. It can't get much worse than this. haha
[Oct 15,2012 3:31pm - Props  ""]
Props to THE LEGION for bringing the best fest ever to New England. May many more come.
[Oct 15,2012 3:37pm - Spence ""]
I heard that the fest was a huge failure and only the day with Agalloch had a good crowd. Failfest has come and gone.
[Oct 15,2012 3:42pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Did anybody bang the Widow of Ypres?
[Oct 15,2012 3:45pm - Luke at Priority  ""]

Spence said:New England is already the metalcore/deathcore capital of the world, more or less. It can't get much worse than this. haha

Any genre, we're going to have prominent acts. We're a "cultural hub". It's been this way for a veeeeerrrry loooooonnng tiiiiiiiiime. Don't like it? Move to one of the states where there's no venues, no tours passing through, and no musicians to play with.

[Oct 15,2012 3:45pm - Luke at Priority  ""]
I gotta remember to change my troll names between posts, dammit.
[Oct 15,2012 3:46pm - Burns-zum  ""]
Stay away from our room, luke.
[Oct 15,2012 3:59pm - Spence ""]
I'd have to be mighty mighty silly to move away over not liking the music scene.
[Oct 15,2012 4:01pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

Spence said:I'd have to be mighty mighty silly to move away over not liking the music scene.

Would you move away if the music scene didn't like you?
[Oct 15,2012 4:03pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Hey be nice, Spencer is my friend!
[Oct 15,2012 4:05pm - Spence ""]

Only solution, move to Arkansas. Clearly.
[Oct 15,2012 4:13pm - DYA is FOR RYNN‘S WORLD AND FOR THE EMPEROR  ""]

Headbanging_Man said:Did anybody bang the Widow of Ypres?

[Oct 15,2012 4:23pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

Alx_Casket said:Hey be nice, Spencer is my friend!

That's twice today someone here has felt the need to defend a friend over a casual joke. When did you folks all get so homo?
[Oct 15,2012 4:25pm - ?  ""]

Arrow%20NLI said:
Alx_Casket said:Hey be nice, Spencer is my friend!

That's twice today someone here has felt the need to defend a friend over a casual joke. When did you folks all get so homo?

[Oct 15,2012 4:27pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Oct 15,2012 4:32pm - arilliusbm ""]

Arrow%20NLI said:
Alx_Casket said:Hey be nice, Spencer is my friend!

That's twice today someone here has felt the need to defend a friend over a casual joke. When did you folks all get so homo?

Plz leave Pete's pizzas out of this.
[Oct 15,2012 4:38pm - Burnsy ""]
[Oct 15,2012 5:07pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
Admittedly - I don't get it.
[Oct 15,2012 5:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, it doesn't make any sense other than pizza being my best friend.
[Oct 15,2012 7:06pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
I still don't get it. You like to eat your greasy Italian best friend's pepperoni?
[Oct 15,2012 10:06pm - Burnsy ""]
[Oct 16,2012 1:07am - Arrow NLI  ""]


No shit, do something for 12 years every day, you'll get good at it. Don't see why it's relevant, or funny...

Sounds like one of those "I'm making fun of you, but without the balls to let you know I'm doing it" things. You know - like girls do. But I'm confused, because I'm pretty sure Jim's not a girl.

[Oct 16,2012 1:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Christ, you look way too deep into things. If I wanted to make fun of you, I would just do so. But I dont have a problem with you. But now you're making me wish I did. In that case, I'd just drive down to Plymouth and whoop your old midget ass rather than talk shit online.
[Oct 16,2012 7:59am - anonymous  ""]
Oh snapeeesh
[Oct 16,2012 8:07am - largefreakatzero ""]
Thought this thread was about the American Legion (cheap drinks, etc).
[Oct 16,2012 8:18am - arilliusbm ""]
Elk's Lodge or GTFO.
[Oct 16,2012 10:03am - nekronaut ""]
Moose Club.
[Oct 16,2012 11:38am - Arrow NLI  ""]

arilliusbm said:

1)Christ, you look way too deep into things. If I wanted to make fun of you, I would just do so. But I dont have a problem with you.

2) But now you're making me wish I did. In that case, I'd just drive down to Plymouth and whoop your old midget ass rather than talk shit online.

1) Either you joke wasn't funny, or I wasn't privy to the whole joke. Not much deep thought involved there, Jim.

2) That wouldn't go so well for you. I think you're aware of that as well. Instead of weak threats, stop by and smoke a bowl sometime.

[Oct 16,2012 11:46am - arilliusbm ""]
A) You loosely insulted me for no reason 6 hours later.
B) You're right, it would go so awfully wrong. What am I thinking? Must be all the estrogen.

I don't live in Mboro anymore but would smoke a bowl with you. also, lol at all of this.
[Oct 16,2012 11:51am - Arrow NLI  ""]
It's not estrogn, its saying you'll whoop pwith a little napoleonic dude that enjoys fighting, and is good at it, when you admittedly aren't a fighter.

But again, I like you Jim. This is pointless, I just must defend my pizzas honor. stick to Facebook arguments, and avoid the physical challenges.
[Oct 16,2012 11:53am - arilliusbm ""]
? I'm admittedly not a fighter? I try to avoid fighting due to reprecussions but that didn't mean I don't like to fight.
[Oct 16,2012 11:55am - Arrow NLI  ""]
Also if I'm testier than usual, I'm sitting at the dentists right now. Always puts me in a mood.
[Oct 16,2012 11:55am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 16,2012 11:58am - arilliusbm ""]
I would never fight someone 100lbs lighter than me and a foot shorter. That's not fair. Told the same thing to Randy_Marsh when he threatened to stab me and beat me with brass knuckles.
[Oct 16,2012 12:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 16,2012 12:08pm - arilliusbm ""]

Arrow%20NLI said:Also if I'm testier than usual, I'm sitting at the dentists right now. Always puts me in a mood.

[Oct 16,2012 12:13pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

arilliusbm said:I would never fight someone 100lbs lighter than me and a foot shorter. That's not fair. Told the same thing to Randy_Marsh when he threatened to stab me and beat me with brass knuckles.

You're 260, and 6'9"? Wow.

Meanwhile I don't think you understand - implying you can kick my ass offends me. Makes me want to fight you to prove you wrong. Napoleon complex, get it?
[Oct 16,2012 12:18pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
And chef's reaction sounds like the same thing, minus the actual ability to kick your ass without the weapons.
[Oct 16,2012 12:20pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
And when the fuck is the dentist coming back... I'm losing my mind here.
[Oct 16,2012 12:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
I heard you were 5'3'' WTF.
I'm a tad over 6'5'' and weigh 250.
Lol, none of this matters and I'm sure you can pack a punch.
[Oct 16,2012 12:29pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
Not to get too much into it, but no, I don't pack a punch. I wrestle.

Meanwhile I understand you meant no offense, and this whole thing is stupid. Is much rather slap whoever told you I'm 5 3
[Oct 16,2012 12:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
We need to have an rttp tournament of champions.
[Oct 16,2012 12:42pm - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said:We need to have an all male rttp nude jello wrestling tournament.
[Oct 16,2012 12:50pm - Alx_Casket ""]
support :point:
[Oct 16,2012 1:01pm - DYA is FOR RYNN‘S WORLD AND FOR THE EMPEROR  ""]

trioxin245 said:
arilliusbm said:The only physical confrontations ever to come out of RTTP chestpuffing were RustedAngel getting headbutted off the internet and Ross punking out Raytard.

[Oct 16,2012 1:04pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
Okay, at a normal keyboard:

1) Jim, i'm sorry for all the escalating bullshit. I was at the dentist since 11:45, and there's no way I could be in my normal happy, funny place.

2) Hey - Now it's official - me and jim had a fight this morning that ended with my face swollen and me spitting out teeth.

3) Seriously, I fucking hate the dentists.

4) NOT 5'3", at all. My fiance is 5'3". I'm 5'7, 5'8 ish. I like to say 5'9 because that's where I land standing up completely straight with boots on ... lol

5) Don't ever assume you can kick ANYONE's ass. Being a small dude, I've had a lifetime of mongo's that want to push me around because they assume they can. This is what spawns so called "little man syndrome". Eventually we get sick of it. I'm not saying I'll kick your ass, or you could kick mine. I'm saying I guarantee it'll be a painful bloody mess for both of us.

6) Fighting, after all the tough guy talk, is for morons. I'd much rather smoke dope and hang out. I'm at the age (and out-of-shapeness) now where a fight will leave me sore and shitty for days. Hell, sleeping wrong leaves me sore and shitty for days.

7) Randy Marsh, REALLY? That's the saddest, gayest thing I've heard, and that INCLUDES this entire girl-fight I just had with Aril.

8) Sign me up for nude Jello wrestling. Since losing all this weight and getting fit again, I look damned good in Jello.

[Oct 16,2012 1:05pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

DYA%20is%20FOR%20RYNN‘S%20WORLD%20AND%20FOR%20THE%20EMPEROR said:
trioxin245 said:
arilliusbm said:The only physical confrontations ever to come out of RTTP chestpuffing were RustedAngel getting headbutted off the internet and Ross punking out Raytard.

I know another instance, but both people involved don't really want it being a public thing.

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