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Getting rid of cable revisit

[Aug 21,2012 9:01am - the_reverend ""]

Seeing as I want to finally cut the cord and just use comcast for the internet. That article doesn't have much to it, but right now I pay about $165 for cable each month. For that I watch
1) science channel
2) history channel
3) natgeo
4) comedy central for Tosh/South Park*/futruama/random late weekend night eddy murphy raw
5) fox for simpsons*/family guy*/worcoholics/daily show*/colbert report*
6) TNT for falling skies*
7) AMC for walking dead*
8) NBC for the office*

And every now and again, I tune in TBS for something crappy.
* = watch on hulu or the website of the show

I have a shit ton of content at home for movies/music. So I set up http://xbmc.org/ this weekend on my desktop and it's pretty freaking awesome. Gives me an almost netflix like interface to all my music/videos/photos/media.

Apple TV: So I looked at spending $99 on an apple TV so I can jailbreak it and load xbmc on it. I have a PS3, but really hate the interface. The problem here is that I wouldn't be able to watch any of the *'d things up there if I set up with an apple TV. But I would be able to mirror my iPad screen to my TV which is neat.

Roku, Google TV, boxee? not sure anything about those since I didn't look.

What I ended up going with for now is I ordered a HDMI card for a Windows Home Server machine that I have at my house:
I bought this thing for $230 and all it does is sit quietly in my back room and back up my computers. Sitting on 4x1.5TB worth of space, 4GB of RAM, and a 120GB SSD. I'm going to install xbmc or plex (http://www.plexapp.com/) and put the new box where my cable box (and possibly my p3s) currently sit. I'm hoping that the N40L is able to keep up and stream correctly.

anyone else have any experience other than tl;dr or csb?
[Aug 21,2012 9:04am - the_reverend ""]
here is my bill
Total Monthly Service Fees $152.98

it is almost $165 after taxes/fees.
[Aug 21,2012 9:05am - arilliusbm ""]
Free cable at Justin.tv
[Aug 21,2012 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
if I got the next level up internet service, I would save $100/month.
[Aug 21,2012 9:08am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm interested in this because I don't have cable at the moment. I dont watch tv too often but want it for history channels and NESN/CSN.
[Aug 21,2012 9:16am - Alx_Casket ""]
$54.20 per month for comcast internet + local channels (never watch tv)
One roommate has netflix, the other has hulu+. I just use netflix for star trek, everything else I download, then stream off my PC with ps3 media server. XBMC is awesome, if I didn't have the ps3 setup I would be using that with a media PC.

Rev watches Tosh on the sofa with his cats?
[Aug 21,2012 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
Watch/selecting videos on the PS3 sucks IMHO. My TV has the same DLNA set up in it and it similarly sucks. The only thing that the TV does "better" is that it plays all files in a folder in order. So I can click on one show and it plays a series. There is a XBMC to PS3 media server plug in so you can get content
[Aug 22,2012 9:47am - trioxin245 ""]
Why would you ever pay for cable when there's all these torrent sites nowadays?
Not to mention this http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/
[Aug 22,2012 10:20am - ark  ""]
get rid of cable you pussy. haven't had it in years. i pay $20 a month and steal a charter business line. just get barebones cable with internet. 200/month is robbery and anyone who puts up with that is a fool. fuck cable companies.

also i have no problem with PS3 media server. use a crossover cable from your pc and bridge your connection, direct ethernet line with no streaming problems. lately though i havent had a problem with streaming over wireless from pc to ps3. or the best thing you can do is just hook up your pc directly to your tv, or a spare PC you can remote into.
[Aug 22,2012 10:21am - ark  ""]
i just have to suffer from watching stewart/colbert a day or two late...oh no
[Aug 22,2012 10:23am - Lamp nli  ""]
I can't even remember the last time I watched TV on my own.
[Aug 22,2012 10:30am - ark  ""]

the_reverend said:My TV has the same DLNA set up in it and it similarly sucks. The only thing that the TV does "better" is that it plays all files in a folder in order.

ps3 media server does this too. it might be an option you have to enable. but yeah, DLNA is definitely not perfect, but PS3MS is the best solution i've found. XBMC is good but i haven't had much luck with it's built in DLNA.
[Aug 22,2012 10:47am - chrisREX ""]
You watch Tosh.0? I'm sorry.
[Aug 22,2012 10:49am - ark  ""]
the show is funny but him not so much. his "i'm offensive but cute" act is kinda lame.
[Aug 22,2012 10:51am - arilliusbm ""]

ark said:the show is funny but him not so much. his "i'm offensive but cute" act is kinda lame.

Agreed. Can't stand him.
[Aug 22,2012 10:55am - posbleak ""]

ark said:the show is funny but him not so much. his "i'm offensive but cute" act is kinda lame.

He peaked at High Fashion

I run Nullriver Medialink from my Mac and almost never have problems streaming across the wireless network; if a file type isn't going to play then it takes about 30 seconds to plug a laptop directly into the TV with an HDMI cable. Who gives a shit about whether or not the interface is pretty?
[Aug 22,2012 10:56am - trioxin245 ""]
eh I though he was kind of funny.
[Aug 22,2012 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
ps3 media server/wms/twonky/etc... all navigate like crap on the PS3 or TV using DLNA. I'm sure that xbmc would be exactly the same. I go to video and all I get is a list of movie files with no context.

Now, if I plug my XMBC directly to my TV, I get a slick media interface. Plus, I can watch colbert/stewart/southpark studios/hulu free/etc...
[Aug 22,2012 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
today, I will get a new hdmi card ($32) so I can hook my proliant server up to my TV. Then I just need to re-locate the charger for this wireless kb I have. I also have a logitech remote. It would be awesome to set that up to work with the WHS box.
[Aug 22,2012 10:59am - the_reverend ""]

posbleak said:He peaked at High Fashion

posbleak said:Who gives a shit about whether or not the interface is pretty?

you contradict yourself. and high fashion just happened before sick kicks.
[Aug 22,2012 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Sounds like so much work to watch shitty ass shows.
[Aug 22,2012 11:05am - Burnsy ""]
Tosh is a total faggot.
[Aug 22,2012 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
the only shows i care about are just plain awesome. i know their aoundtracks arent 8-bit
[Aug 22,2012 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]
You know what? All these 8bit song jabs are getting stale. I'm going to make an 8bit song making fun of you.
[Aug 22,2012 11:33am - posbleak ""]

the_reverend said:today, I will get a new hdmi card ($32) so I can hook my proliant server up to my TV. Then I just need to re-locate the charger for this wireless kb I have. I also have a logitech remote. It would be awesome to set that up to work with the WHS box.

Jeez, you get all this shit pre-configured straight out of the box with a Mac, what a pain.
[Aug 22,2012 11:45am - ark  ""]
[Aug 22,2012 11:56am - iteY  ""]
kill your cable, rape your Facebook
[Aug 22,2012 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]

posbleak said:
the_reverend said:today, I will get a new hdmi card ($32) so I can hook my proliant server up to my TV. Then I just need to re-locate the charger for this wireless kb I have. I also have a logitech remote. It would be awesome to set that up to work with the WHS box.

Jeez, you get all this shit pre-configured straight out of the box with a Mac, what a pain.

out of the box, a Mac comes with a remote control? A non-shitty media server? a TV? I think not, but I'm glad you spent too much for a slower computer.
[Aug 22,2012 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]

here is also something saying that mac suck.
[Aug 22,2012 12:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
I thought you loved your iPad.
[Aug 22,2012 1:25pm - posbleak ""]

the_reverend said:out of the box, a Mac comes with a remote control? A non-shitty media server? a TV? I think not, but I'm glad you spent too much for a slower computer.

Comes with a remote, HDMI out is standard, free software media server, iMac display might as well be a TV. Pretty easy and cheap if you combine a discount + refurbished price or buy used like I always do. Your time and effort are worth something too!

vvv Adapter came in the box with mine, maybe that's changed recently.
[Aug 22,2012 1:37pm - ark  ""]
hdmi out is not standard, that's a $50 accessory, and imac would rule if it had a TV INPUT, but it is "too good" for that.
[Aug 22,2012 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
yep, macs now come with mini-display port. the remote was extra/add on, but your package just happened to come with one. Please show me an iMac with a 55" screen. I can buy 2 faster PCs with all the fixings for the cost of 1 mac.
[Aug 22,2012 1:59pm - BrianDBB ""]
Saw this on lifehacker yesterday, could be useful to those starting out

[Aug 22,2012 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
that is exactly what I'm going to do.
Exception my machine is a Proliant N40L server with this
AMD Turion™ II Model Neo N40L
processor instead of the one that guy used.
No bluray (have a ps3 that I've never watch bluray on)
[Aug 22,2012 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
AMD A4-3400 is about 2x the processor of the N40L
[Aug 22,2012 2:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm getting my HDMI card tonight. will hook up the server to my TV tonight and see what is up.
[Aug 24,2012 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
of course... I got plenty of sound, but no working video since this was a headless system. working to re-install WHS so I can try agian.
[Aug 24,2012 2:53pm - Gregd-blessedoffal ""]
I started using XMBC. It's not bad.
[Aug 24,2012 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]
Yeah. It's either xmbc or plex from what is see. If this whs2011 reinstall doesn't work, will be pissed.
[Aug 24,2012 9:03pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Here's what I did.

Got an AverTV digital TV tuner http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00266P6G4/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00

A Windows Media Center Remote http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00224ZDFY/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00

and a digital antenna http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001GE6T9A/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i01

The wife and I like some network shows, so I set up Windows Media Center as my DVR, the AverTV card can record two channels and you can watch one, so that's not a problem. We have Netflix, but more importantly I use Kick Ass Torrents, http://kat.ph/ and download EVERYTHING I want. I use this software, http://www.peerblock.com/ so thaT the man CAN'T SEE WHAT i'M DOWNLOADING. and I am NEVER getting cable again. I might get Dish or Direct TV, but never cable. I have Comcast internet, according to speedtest dot net I get 23 down and 7 up. Never a hiccup or problem
[Aug 24,2012 9:04pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
oh, and VLC media player works with the Windows Media Center remote, plus all the smartphones have apps to control it. So to watch the torrneted movies I use VLC cuz the audio is much better through it
[Aug 24,2012 9:09pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
all this on a WalMart bought eMachine, ET1331G-05W http://www.walmart.com/ip/eMachines-750-GB-ET1331G-05w/13352323

6GB of RAM, Windows is on a 1TB Western Digital and I have a 750GB baCK UP
[Aug 26,2012 8:49pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
so how'd this go Revvy Reverson?
[Aug 26,2012 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I need to bring the boxes back and all. but I loaded xbmc and I'm looking through the addons.
southpark.de is an awesome plug in.
[Aug 26,2012 9:30pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
cool. There's no need to have cable. My son (4) can maneuver his way around NetFlix no problem. I got him a cheap Android tablet, kid loves it
[Aug 28,2012 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]
this seems nice: http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/breaking_bad/season_5.html
[Aug 28,2012 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, I need to find the remote to my box today before bringing it in.
[Aug 28,2012 1:28pm - OLD DAD  ""]
[Aug 28,2012 1:36pm - ark  ""]
the only problem i have with my setup, is that sports are a pain to find. http://www.thefirstrow.eu/ has been alright, but there's entire channels that just show soccer all day, and i want those.
[Aug 28,2012 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
you seem to have forgot that sports are terrible
[Aug 28,2012 7:54pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
[Aug 10,2013 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
No more cable.
[Aug 10,2013 11:02am - Congrats  ""]
[Aug 12,2013 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
How the hell do I watch breaking bad now?
[Aug 12,2013 10:49am - the_reverend ""]
nice! project free tv has it.
[Aug 12,2013 11:38am - ark  ""]
for shows like that, torrents are swarming right after it airs, that's how i usually get it. i don't use the media server anymore, just straight PC to TV.
[Aug 12,2013 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
CAS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Alert_System
[Aug 12,2013 2:45pm - ark  ""]
my cable modem's mac address is spoofed and doesn't afraid of anything.
[Aug 12,2013 2:48pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
We had to get a splash guard for that very reason.
[Aug 12,2013 2:51pm - ark  ""]
and in the broader sense of things, the CCI can remove that splash guard and just directly suck my balls.
[Aug 12,2013 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]

ark said:my cable modem's mac address is spoofed and doesn't afraid of anything.
that makes no sense...
[Aug 12,2013 3:24pm - ark  ""]
so, i have a motorola modem with a modified firmware that allows you to flash a different mac address and serial# directly onto the hardware. using a list of known good mac addresses that are connected to ISP, i flash the modem with one of those, and as soon as it enters the analog lines, there is no difference to the ISP where the signal is coming from, as long as the frequency matches. essentially my modem becomes a valid modem that charter recognizes. i've only paid a basic cable fee ($20/mo) for almost 6 years just so i can get a digital cable line into the house.

if i use a mac address that ISP doesn't recognize, a webpage pops up belonging to the ISP that asks me for my account number and mac address. as long as i have one that's already validated by ISP, no worries and free 30 mbit internet.

[Aug 12,2013 4:03pm - RTTP CLEANUP CREW SR.  ""]
[Aug 12,2013 11:40pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
or you could just install Peer Block, and keep it updated.

[Aug 13,2013 12:22am - the_reverend ""]
I have peer block and do keep it updated.
[Aug 13,2013 12:26am - the_reverend ""]

ark said:so, i have a motorola modem with a modified firmware that allows you to flash a different mac address and serial# directly onto the hardware. using a list of known good mac addresses that are connected to ISP, i flash the modem with one of those, and as soon as it enters the analog lines, there is no difference to the ISP where the signal is coming from, as long as the frequency matches. essentially my modem becomes a valid modem that charter recognizes. i've only paid a basic cable fee ($20/mo) for almost 6 years just so i can get a digital cable line into the house.

if i use a mac address that ISP doesn't recognize, a webpage pops up belonging to the ISP that asks me for my account number and mac address. as long as i have one that's already validated by ISP, no worries and free 30 mbit internet.


I know all about mac authentication and NAC-type security. I work at a networking company and work with those protocols intimately.

Anyhow, that does nothing to protect you from CAS since they can track you down based on your ip if they really wanted to. MACs are L2 so when you switch or route, those go away (FBD tables). Any way, the fact that the cable company doesn't screen for that is hilarious. At some point those MACs will probably go bad if the account they are attached to goes away.
[Aug 13,2013 12:28am - the_reverend ""]

illinoisenemaBradness said:or you could just install Peer Block, and keep it updated.



Anonymizing your BitTorrent traffic with a proxy is one way to go, and a virtual private network is arguably even better. A a private BitTorrent tracker is also a good idea. Blocklists like PeerBlock will not keep you safe, so don't even bother with them. Of course, if you want to ditch BitTorrent completely, Usenet is simple to set up and not tracked by the Copyright Alert System.
[Aug 13,2013 8:13am - ark  ""]

the_reverend said:
ark said:so, i have a motorola modem with a modified firmware that allows you to flash a different mac address and serial# directly onto the hardware. using a list of known good mac addresses that are connected to ISP, i flash the modem with one of those, and as soon as it enters the analog lines, there is no difference to the ISP where the signal is coming from, as long as the frequency matches. essentially my modem becomes a valid modem that charter recognizes. i've only paid a basic cable fee ($20/mo) for almost 6 years just so i can get a digital cable line into the house.

if i use a mac address that ISP doesn't recognize, a webpage pops up belonging to the ISP that asks me for my account number and mac address. as long as i have one that's already validated by ISP, no worries and free 30 mbit internet.


I know all about mac authentication and NAC-type security. I work at a networking company and work with those protocols intimately.

Anyhow, that does nothing to protect you from CAS since they can track you down based on your ip if they really wanted to. MACs are L2 so when you switch or route, those go away (FBD tables). Any way, the fact that the cable company doesn't screen for that is hilarious. At some point those MACs will probably go bad if the account they are attached to goes away.

how can they track based on ip? That's just a number right? The wan ip assigned to my modem belongs to a MAC address on someone else's account. To them, I don't even have Internet or a modem. The MACs do expire and then I just put in another MAC address, which hasn't happened in months with my current one.
[Aug 13,2013 8:28am - ark  ""]
And even so, those warnings, never seen one in my life. I guess the account holder is getting them, when I happen to actually download something protected by cas
[Aug 13,2013 9:03am - the_reverend ""]
you are talking NAT addresses. Correct, the outside world doesn't know about your local ip or local MAC cause they are bridged, but the router. But of course, they know your WAN IP address and can track it back to your address. I have this one little cli app that I helped write which tracks ips through a network and all you have to do is track back the ports to find them. (it's like tracert, but for ips/macs/physical ports). what comcast chooses to do or not is on them. How CAS works with warnings, idk.
[Aug 13,2013 9:14am - ark  ""]

the_reverend said:you are talking NAT addresses. Correct, the outside world doesn't know about your local ip or local MAC cause they are bridged, but the router. But of course, they know your WAN IP address and can track it back to your address. I have this one little cli app that I helped write which tracks ips through a network and all you have to do is track back the ports to find them.
yeah, I can see that, they could find the physical address of my router, through that or process of elimination, even if they ever did that's a stretch to actually do anything with that info. And thank fuck it's not Comcast.
[Aug 13,2013 9:32am - the_reverend ""]
"process of elimination".. you know that there are computers out there in the world now?
[Aug 13,2013 9:38am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Aaron, you're just jealous of all our downloads. I have so many downloads, sometimes I just delete something so I can download it all over again.
[Aug 13,2013 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I got miles and miles of email styles
[Aug 13,2013 3:33pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Email ooh ahh email
[Aug 13,2013 3:34pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
I can do it
I can do it 9 times
[Aug 13,2013 4:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Shouldn't you be upgrading to your i8 version? I heard from some old news that it is August now.
[Aug 13,2013 5:16pm - hungtableeed  ""]
Cable is rubbish, I would never pay for it. It blows my mind how expensive it it. I haven't had it for years and the last time I turned on a t.v. with cable I was terrified when I saw the news. The shit is straight propaganda. I use amazon prime (which just added history's The Universe) and it has totally worked for supplemental entertainment. There is plenty of good history and science programs and their movie list updates quite often.
[Aug 14,2013 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
Here is the thing, amazon is just another thing to pay for. I'm trying to stop paying for things.

Right now, hulu on my HTPC is working just great.
[Aug 14,2013 9:27am - Terry Silver  ""]
Visualize: this is not a bunch of sticks and pipes anymore; this is not some pathetic mugger who needs a couple of dollars so he can eat. No! This is a deadly, hungry wrecking machine who wants to detatch your head from the rest of your body and mount it over his fireplace!
[Aug 14,2013 10:30am - ark  ""]

the_reverend said:they know your WAN IP address and can track it back to your address.
presumably the ISP could tell that they have 2 different WAN IPs assigned to the same MAC right? then they could get metadata from my router i guess, but it's still a longshot to get my actual physical location from that. ...............right?
[Aug 14,2013 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
2 ips on 1 mac should be a red flag. not your router, your cablemodem.
They would see the upstream port that your MAC is on which maps to a block.
Match that to the address of the mac's owner.
[Aug 14,2013 1:19pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Shit, we better buy a dog and put up curtains.
[Aug 14,2013 5:57pm - hungtableeed  ""]
With Amazon I was planning on going to town come christmas season and get a bunch of crap for people shipped for free but I hear you there. The biggest reason why we didn't get cable in the first place was because we didn't want to have to afford it in our bills and what did we do? We got amazon for $80/year and stinkin netflix for $7/month or whatever it is. Truthfully, neither are really anything to write home about in the end.
[Aug 14,2013 6:59pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
Cable is a rip off. Everything is free on the internet.
[Aug 14,2013 7:59pm - death-metal ""]

ark said:they could find the physical address of my router, through that or process of elimination

Traffic fingerprinting as a result of deep packet (anal) inspection has vastly improved. I don't know if they'd apply it, for business reasons (if your customers are mildly ripping you off, but paying for the service because they can rip you off, then it might make sense to tolerate it).
[Aug 14,2013 8:51pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:
illinoisenemaBradness said:or you could just install Peer Block, and keep it updated.



Anonymizing your BitTorrent traffic with a proxy is one way to go, and a virtual private network is arguably even better. A a private BitTorrent tracker is also a good idea. Blocklists like PeerBlock will not keep you safe, so don't even bother with them. Of course, if you want to ditch BitTorrent completely, Usenet is simple to set up and not tracked by the Copyright Alert System.

ya know, this was supposedly in effect in February. I was getting copyright infringement emails from Comcast about once a month. Since Feb. NONE. I'm not sure what the deal is, maybe the new system isn't as good as they thought it would be?
[Aug 15,2013 11:17am - the_reverend ""]

death-metal said:
ark said:they could find the physical address of my router, through that or process of elimination

Traffic fingerprinting as a result of deep packet (anal) inspection has vastly improved. I don't know if they'd apply it, for business reasons (if your customers are mildly ripping you off, but paying for the service because they can rip you off, then it might make sense to tolerate it).

Your knowledge of traffic profile is about a decade behind at this point, I'm guessing. Heck, I can barely keep up with it all... but they use signatures a lot not. Signatures can be made of anything basically. I know there are line-rate analyzers that will look for signature of anything and then can take your traffic and do whatever they want to do to it with policy based connections.

There are things I've seen from my company in the past few years.... scary things.

Neither of that is important though there. CAS works by invading the p2p networks.
[Jun 4,2014 9:15am - Alx_Casket ""]
Plex = my needs are met in the TV room and on my mobile. Also, Monday afternoon commutes involve downloading the latest episode of GoT on my phone to stream it later to my TV using Skifta.
[Feb 12,2015 1:00pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just bought a jailbroken Amazon Fire TV unit with XBMC and a bunch of other extras loaded on.
[Feb 12,2015 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
xbmc was ok, plex is better

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