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Things I'd Picture Kevord wearing (if I knew what he looked like)

[Aug 21,2012 11:14am - MichelleW  ""]
This has got to be number one on the list
he seems like that type of guy
can anyone confirm?
[Aug 21,2012 11:17am - arilliusbm ""]
He would totally wear that.
[Aug 21,2012 11:22am - MichelleW  ""]
how about this? Should we be Bro Hoofing him?

is he THAT guy?
[Aug 21,2012 11:31am - arilliusbm ""]
Totally. Painting shirts.
[Aug 21,2012 11:52am - trioxin245 ""]
ITT: KEVORD attempts to unassumingly remind people what he wants for his birthday
[Aug 21,2012 11:56am - KEVORD ""]
I fucking hate Superman. I'm a Marvel guy and I am no bro.
[Aug 21,2012 12:12pm - chernobyl ""]

KEVORD said:I fucking hate Superman. I'm a Marvel guy and I am no bro.
[Aug 21,2012 12:41pm - demondave ""]

chernobyl said:
KEVORD said:I fucking hate Superman. I'm a Marvel guy and I am no bro.

[Aug 21,2012 1:09pm - Yeti ""]

KEVORD said:I fvcking hate Svperman. I'm a Maruel gvy and I am no brv.
[Aug 21,2012 1:13pm - MichelleW  ""]

KEVORD said:I fucking hate Superman. I'm a Marvel guy and I am no bro.

Perhaps you feel like you deserve a more expensive present, something like this
[Aug 21,2012 1:13pm - Burnsy ""]
I'm gonna audit the fuck out of michellew.
[Aug 21,2012 1:14pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 21,2012 1:17pm - MichelleW  ""]

Burnsy said:I'm gonna audit the fuck out of michellew.

sounds kinky
[Aug 21,2012 1:18pm - Kevord's Angels  ""]
[Aug 21,2012 1:19pm - chernobyl ""]

Kevord said:[img]

[Aug 21,2012 1:20pm - chernobyl ""]
is michellew suppose to be kev lord's wifey?
[Aug 21,2012 1:32pm - Burnsy ""]

MichelleW said:
Burnsy said:I'm gonna audit the fuck out of michellew.

sounds kinky

Wait til you see what I can do with a ten-key babe.
[Aug 21,2012 1:34pm - KEVORD ""]

chernobyl said:is michellew suppose to be kev lord's wifey?
[Aug 21,2012 1:49pm - MichelleW  ""]

Burnsy said:
MichelleW said:
Burnsy said:I'm gonna audit the fuck out of michellew.

sounds kinky

Wait til you see what I can do with a ten-key babe.

I never thought I would be thankful for an audit ;) but it seems like it is turning out that way. I have to warn you, youll be getting sloppy seconds. I was audited last year, to no avail. Im a law abiding tax payer with all my ducks in a row
[Aug 21,2012 1:50pm - MichelleW  ""]

chernobyl said:is michellew suppose to be kev lord's wifey?

are these those gang members the Juggalos or whatever is is that are suing the FBI?
[Aug 21,2012 1:50pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

Kevord‘s%20Angels said:[img]


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