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attn: spence

[Aug 21,2012 3:58pm - Jerry Slamdusky  ""]
Post n00dz
[Aug 21,2012 4:00pm - chernobyl ""]
noods of spencer dressed up as a duck getting fucked by a goose
[Aug 21,2012 4:04pm - Joe Pa  ""]
Ugggghhhhh!!! Does this Chernobyl idiot have to respond to every thread. Get a life dude.
[Aug 21,2012 4:05pm - Spence ""]

chernobyl said:noods of spencer dressed up as a duck getting fucked by a goose

That would be sexy. Someone supply me a goose and a camera. ASAP.
[Aug 21,2012 4:33pm - chernobyl ""]

Joe%20Pa said:Ugggghhhhh!!! Does this Chernobyl idiot have to respond to every thread. Get a life dude.

Hi Samefag, I'm at work so yeah you're probably in a basement at moms
[Aug 22,2012 11:13pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Aug 22,2012 11:28pm - Alx_Casket ""]
That was so hot.
[Aug 22,2012 11:43pm - Goatrider ""]
I was making some serious progress in this whole boobs and vaginas business, until I witnessed what appeared to be a prosthetic pussy being diddled with. Or prospussic? Pussthetic? Why is the inside all yellow?

Buttholes are a lot more simple.
[Aug 22,2012 11:44pm - Lamp ""]
I can't hate on the Spence. He seems to be willing to discuss music on this board, even if he gets owned sometimes. That's more than I can say of some people here.
[Aug 23,2012 2:57am - Hoser ""]
But....but....but...I post ...music too. Mom!!!!

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