the official FUCK OFF NOWADAYS BLACK METAL thread[views:51417][posts:201]_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:34am - trioxin245 ""] Black metal wasn't always wimpy ass indy rock kids writing 11 minute songs about twigs and berries and shit. There was a time where it was just as extreme as any other genre. Here are some examples to remind us of the days when hearing someone utter the words 'black metal' when describing a band didn't immediately make you write them off forever. bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier the point is, there was a time when black metal didn't immediately conjure forth images of limp-wristed faggots in plaid shirts. FUCK OFF NOWADAYS BLACK METAL |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:36am - arilliusbm ""] First. And thanks. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:37am - arilliusbm ""] Although I'm in a "twigs and berries" band, I agree. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:37am - trioxin245 ""] arilliusbm said:Although I'm in a "twigs and berries" band, I agree. you know what I meant. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:39am - arilliusbm ""] Aesthetics and fuck you attitude. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:44am - trioxin245 ""] and it's not to say that there aren't ANY quality BM bands these days. For example: bennyhillifier bennyhillifier |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:50am - KEVORD ""] I support this thread. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:52am - arilliusbm ""] I'm a fan of Alcest and the like, but not once would I consider them "black metal." The genre has already done everything it could, so bands are taking the black metal sound and mixing it with other styles. it's something I've learned to accept. That being said, <insert comment about 90s black metal here > |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:53am - iteY ""] BWACK |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:55am - iteY ""] arilliusbm said:I'm a fan of Alcest and the like, but not once would I consider them "black metal." The genre has already done everything it could, so bands are taking the black metal sound and mixing it with other styles. it's something I've learned to accept. That being said, <insert comment about 90s black metal here > i disagree. the genre still has a lot to offer, it just has to be tapped into. nowadays bwack metallers are just sissies. |
___________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:56am - Baneard Stevens ""] inverticrux is better than every band in this thread, we are the most original and frightening of all. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:56am - trioxin245 ""] Revenge is an excellent example of what I'm talking about here. Instead of doing what nowadays 'black metal' bands are doing and taking the style and making it LESS extreme in order to keep it 'original,' Revenge came along and make it MORE extreme. |
__________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:56am - MikeOv ""] This is why I appreciate Blut Aus Nord. The project began with a more traditional black metal approach, but over the years he's been able to tranform his sound while still remaining relevant. His playing style is unorthodox yet he's taken the genre to the place it was meant to go. Logical progression; black metal for the 21st century, indeed. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:57am - Alx_Casket ""] Isn't this why the "post-black metal" label was created? So that both the sound and visual styles wouldn't get lumped into the same pile? Not the best solution, but there's never going to be a clear end to genre differentiation. |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:57am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] Fuck off post-1969adays black metal bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:58am - arilliusbm ""] MikeOv said:This is why I appreciate Blut Aus Nord. The project began with a more traditional black metal approach, but over the years he's been able to tranform his sound while still remaining relevant. His playing style is unorthodox yet he's taken the genre to the place it was meant to go. Logical progression; black metal for the 21st century, indeed. YUP |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:58am - Spence ""] The only black metal I really ever listen to is depressive black metal like Silencer, Shining, Svarti Loghin, etc. I don't know if this meets Trioxin's expectations or if it's twigs bm. |
__________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:58am - MikeOv ""] transform, rather |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:59am - iteY ""] blech to that. keep it primitive or call it something else. |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:59am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] Svarti Loghin put out a Pearl Jam record with harsh vocals, girlfriend metal, do not support. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:00pm - trioxin245 ""] MikeOv said:This is why I appreciate Blut Aus Nord. The project began with a more traditional black metal approach, but over the years he's been able to tranform his sound while still remaining relevant. His playing style is unorthodox yet he's taken the genre to the place it was meant to go. Logical progression; black metal for the 21st century, indeed. agreed 100%. |
_______________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:00pm - ark ""] everybody just shut the hell up and keep posting videos please! |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:00pm - Spence ""] BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Svarti Loghin put out a Beatles record with harsh vocals, girlfriend metal, do not support. There you go. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:01pm - trioxin245 ""] Alx_Casket said:Isn't this why the "post-black metal" label was created? So that both the sound and visual styles wouldn't get lumped into the same pile? Not the best solution, but there's never going to be a clear end to genre differentiation. yes, but (despite the offputting thread title) I meant this thread more as a means to remember the extreme black metal of past years, rather than to bitch about the state of the genre of nowadays. |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:04pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:07pm - arilliusbm ""] ark said:everybody just shut the hell up and keep posting videos please! I would but I'm on my phone. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:07pm - trioxin245 ""] ark said:everybody just shut the hell up and keep posting videos please! bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:08pm - Alx_Casket ""] trioxin245 said: Alx_Casket said:Isn't this why the "post-black metal" label was created? So that both the sound and visual styles wouldn't get lumped into the same pile? Not the best solution, but there's never going to be a clear end to genre differentiation. yes, but (despite the offputting thread title) I meant this thread more as a means to remember the extreme black metal of past years, rather than to bitch about the state of the genre of nowadays. Oh. The thread title seemed like it was a thread shitting on NPRBM. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:09pm - trioxin245 ""] Alx_Casket said: trioxin245 said: Alx_Casket said:Isn't this why the "post-black metal" label was created? So that both the sound and visual styles wouldn't get lumped into the same pile? Not the best solution, but there's never going to be a clear end to genre differentiation. yes, but (despite the offputting thread title) I meant this thread more as a means to remember the extreme black metal of past years, rather than to bitch about the state of the genre of nowadays. Oh. The thread title seemed like it was a thread shitting on NPRBM. It is, but rather than bitching, I'm just going to post examples of bands who shit on it. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:10pm - arilliusbm ""] I posted Mysticum on fagbook the other day and the only person that liked it was Mooney and everyone else made fun of the name. Fo shame. |
________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:11pm - AndrewBastard ""] i really like that Weakling album funny this thread is named after a Nargaroth album. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:12pm - arilliusbm ""] It is a good album (Weakling). Nargaroth? Theyve been black metal for 86 years. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:12pm - Alx_Casket ""] rttp circle ov tyrants up in here |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:12pm - Burnsy ""] Yeah, killer riffage on that weakling album. Curious as to how it's "limp wristed." |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:15pm - arilliusbm ""] It's regarded as one of the first "hipster" black metal albums if you want to get ignorant. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:15pm - trioxin245 ""] that weakling album is good stuff. Who said it was limp wristed? |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:15pm - trioxin245 ""] arilliusbm said:It's regarded as one of the first "hipster" black metal albums if you want to get ignorant. yea, by the 2003 FMP board haha |
________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:15pm - AndrewBastard ""] dude does Dispirit now but they dont have any legit releases...seem them at RoD III and they were pretty sick |
__________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:16pm - TheTacoBellBell ""] BONG |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:16pm - trioxin245 ""] also, how could I forget New England's very own Witch Tomb? bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:17pm - arilliusbm ""] THE FUCKING CHAMPS |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:17pm - Burnsy ""] trioxin245 said: Who said it was limp wristed? The weakling troll haha. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:18pm - arilliusbm ""] Weakling album, what WiTTR wants to be when they arent listening to Drudkh. |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:22pm - KEVORD ""] trioxin245 said:Revenge is an excellent example of what I'm talking about here. Instead of doing what nowadays 'black metal' bands are doing and taking the style and making it LESS extreme in order to keep it 'original,' Revenge came along and make it MORE extreme. Revenge Suck. I no longer support this thread. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:25pm - trioxin245 ""] Suit yourself. I'll take "Victory.Intolerance.Mastery" over KEVORD any day. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:26pm - Czarnobog ""] i'm pretty much on the same page as ross as far as the kind of black metal i like (shitty, fast, chaotic, raw, etc) but i don't get too worked up about all the watered-down ambient/artsy crap out there these days. i just don't listen to it and don't support the bands who play it. its a trend and it will pass. there's still plenty of good bands out there to be found who "keep it real" or at least don't give a fuck about mass appeal. |
_________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Alx_Casket said:Isn't this why the "post-black metal" label was created? So that both the sound and visual styles wouldn't get lumped into the same pile? Not the best solution, but there's never going to be a clear end to genre differentiation. "post-black metal" as a label is for a) music journalists and b) art school douches who think they can listen to a genre for 5 minutes and then "progress" it. (do a manifesto about it) |
__________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:27pm - MikeOv ""] arilliusbm said:I'm a fan of Alcest and the like, but not once would I consider them "black metal." The genre has already done everything it could, so bands are taking the black metal sound and mixing it with other styles. it's something I've learned to accept. That being said, <insert comment about 90s black metal here > I have my opinions and ideas of what constitutes as black metal, for me. I tend not to care what Decibel, a blog, or posters on a forum have to say about it. Arguing about it just gets so old. I've had many years to discern what qualities I enjoy about black metal, and it basically boils down to aesthetics. I'll go on record as saying that Neige is a particular artist who's work I tend to greet with anticipation. |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:27pm - goatcatalyst ""] That's why I listen to Trust. Blackest album of the year right here ... [img] |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:27pm - trioxin245 ""] Czarnobog said:i'm pretty much on the same page as ross as far as the kind of black metal i like (shitty, fast, chaotic, raw, etc) but i don't get too worked up about all the watered-down ambient/artsy crap out there these days. i just don't listen to it and don't support the bands who play it. its a trend and it will pass. there's still plenty of good bands out there to be found who "keep it real" or at least don't give a fuck about mass appeal. Well yea, like I said earlier, this thread is more about celebrating the GOOD black metal than bitching about the bad. |
________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:28pm - AndrewBastard ""] i'm not too keen on revenge because a lot of it really is just noise...a cool riff pops up here and there but for the most part its hard to really appreciate and/or get into the music. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:28pm - Czarnobog ""] also, predicting that "old school death metal" is the next metal genre to get over-run with hipsters who are "too brutal" for black metal. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:30pm - trioxin245 ""] Czarnobog said:also, predicting that "old school death metal" is the next metal genre to get over-run with hipsters who are "too brutal" for black metal. That shit is already happening brother. Why do you think I'm trying so hard to distance Blessed Offal from being another 'old school death metal' band? Ever since I read a review calling us part of the 'nwosdm' (new wave of old school death metal) trend, I have despised all the nowadays 19 year olds who value Seven Churches more to sound old school than for the actual music. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:31pm - arilliusbm ""] I agree with Mikeov, Mark, Ross. Fuck it, AGREED. We all know what we like, what black metal represents to US, that's all that matters. |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:31pm - KEVORD ""] AndrewBastard said:i'm not too keen on revenge because a lot of it really is just noise...a cool riff pops up here and there but for the most part its hard to really appreciate and/or get into the music.It really is just boring noise and a way to sell $60 Die Hard tin boxed picture discs. When I went to brooklyn I saw at least 10 Revenge shirts. Total hipster. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:31pm - Czarnobog ""] the rest will be in phish psych-rock jam bands. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:33pm - trioxin245 ""] Czarnobog said:also, predicting that "old school death metal" is the next metal genre to get over-run with hipsters who are "too brutal" for black metal. Remember 10 years ago when noone gave two shits about Autopsy? Now it's everyone's favorite band all of a sudden. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:34pm - Czarnobog ""] trioxin245 said:That shit is already happening brother. Why do you think I'm trying so hard to distance Blessed Offal from being another 'old school death metal' band? Ever since I read a review calling us part of the 'nwosdm' (new wave of old school death metal) trend, I have despised all the nowadays 19 year olds who value Seven Churches more to sound old school than for the actual music. oh shit, i didn't realize there was actually a new genre name floating around for it. i've just been noticing more and more bands popping up playing that style... who don't look like the type of people who would play that style. YOU'RE FUCKED. |
_________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] trioxin245 said: Czarnobog said:also, predicting that "old school death metal" is the next metal genre to get over-run with hipsters who are "too brutal" for black metal. Remember 10 years ago when noone gave two shits about Autopsy? Now it's everyone's favorite band all of a sudden. That's 'cause MetalSucks had to break kayfabe. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:37pm - trioxin245 ""] Czarnobog said: trioxin245 said:That shit is already happening brother. Why do you think I'm trying so hard to distance Blessed Offal from being another 'old school death metal' band? Ever since I read a review calling us part of the 'nwosdm' (new wave of old school death metal) trend, I have despised all the nowadays 19 year olds who value Seven Churches more to sound old school than for the actual music. oh shit, i didn't realize there was actually a new genre name floating around for it. i've just been noticing more and more bands popping up playing that style... who don't look like the type of people who would play that style. YOU'RE FUCKED. Don't worry, the next recording we do is going to separate us from that reiterative retro-death metal for good. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:44pm - Czarnobog ""] that's one cool thing about pulling this nachzehrer/martyrvore tour together, we've been getting to network with a lot of bands and promoters who are definitely part of the backlash against the watered down/mainstream-striving/smiley-face/"post"/etc black and death metal. not sure about the rest of the country but things are looking pretty good on the east coast these days (well, if you leave williamsburg out anyways haha). |
_________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Czarnobog said:if you leave williamsburg out anyways haha always the right move. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 12:57pm - permafrost ""] trioxin245 said:Suit yourself. I'll take "Victory.Intolerance.Mastery" over KEVORD any day. THIS |
________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:00pm - taking abbath ""] so if a band has black metal influences,but they are not corpsepaint wearing trve kvlt then we shit all over them? please name some of these hipster bands,and tell me why your band ist krieg. |
____________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:01pm - Obviously Obvious ""] Isnt Nachzehrer a band of overnighters? |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:03pm - Czarnobog ""] Obviously%20Obvious said:Isnt Nachzehrer a band of overnighters? totally. |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:04pm - KEVORD ""] permafrost said: trioxin245 said:Suit yourself. I'll take "Victory.Intolerance.Mastery" over KEVORD any day. THISYour KEVORD Woodbox Diehard Tryhard picture disc is no longer in the mail. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:09pm - permafrost ""] I'll accept your Antediluvian diehard lp instead. |
______________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] taking%20abbath said:so if a band has black metal influences,but they are not corpsepaint wearing trve kvlt then we shit all over them? please name some of these hipster bands,and tell me why your band ist krieg. bobnomaamrooney said:Easily the worst thing about this band and contemporaries such as Krallice is that the genre they're aping is so reliant on atmosphere and context that it's really apparent when inauthentic bands play what they think of as black metal. In that respect these interlopers have no more artistic merit than, say, Eyes of Noctum. Or as I posted on Krallice after last year's show at Great Scott, band of their ilk's aimless noodling rings as hollow as any USBM band fabricating a pagan heritage to sing about (does Krallice get double points for throwing a Mjölnir into their logo?). In Krallice's case the music isn't connected to anything, it simply exists as shred records; for Liturgy the context is the mile wide and inch deep concept of North American rebirth or something having to do with Aaron Copeland compositions. That's arguably more pathetic an excuse for co-opting black metal than Krallice's shredding because it presents a whitewashed and childish view of North American history as its atmospheric thrust. It's not even a question of pastoral vs. urban black metal, there are a number of bands who capably write black metal that reflect their urban experiences. These "hipster" black metal bands seem unwilling to do so, whether it's a lack of knowledge beyond second-wave Norwegian bands or willful adherence to a narrow spectrum of influences I'm not sure. And it's a shame because you can make incredible black metal records with an urban context. I don't think any band does this better than Antaeus, Listening De Principii Evangelikum you can hear the crushing density and alienation of Paris' banlieues in everything from the wall of sound drumming and guitars to the terse almost exclusively monosyllabic lyrics MkM grunts in short bursts. bobnomaamrooney said:It's also foolish that the first place people go to in defending bands like this is the ultimately empty statement "lol they're not trying to be kvlt" see that shit everywhere and it's tiresome. I joke about bands like this too but really the issue isn't their fashion, it's that their music just isn't good or original. |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:12pm - KEVORD ""] permafrost said:I'll accept your Antediluvian diehard lp instead.It's not in a $60 wood box. No Can Do. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:13pm - arilliusbm ""] Company of Heroes wooden box with general metalhead or newb |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:17pm - trioxin245 ""] arilliusbm said:Company of Heroes wooden box with general metalhead or newb :LOL: |
______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:37pm - goatcatalyst ""] Velveteen boxes with fanciful calligraphy from Mr. Doctor or Manhattan clam chowder powerbottom |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:42pm - trioxin245 ""] ITT: ryan forms an unholy sexual bond with three muscle-bound black men clad in the fur of 1000 white mice to the tune of 'the sacrilege of fatal arms.' |
______________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:50pm - ark ""] you can tell the bands that play black metal because they like it's potentially appealing sound, that make superficial recordings and try to distance themselves from some icky orthodoxy they don't like, then there's the bands that have the show of total skill and attention to aesthetics and attitude wrapped in hate. do you want to listen to some copycat chord machine or do you want to feel the hate????? |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:52pm - arilliusbm ""] Copy cat chord machine = 95% all metal |
______________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:52pm - ark ""] yup |
________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 1:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] goatcatalyst said:Wooden crates with army stenciling from Doctor Manhattan blue dong superpowers FIX'D [img] |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:03pm - Czarnobog ""] taking%20abbath said:so if a band has black metal influences,but they are not corpsepaint wearing trve kvlt then we shit all over them? please name some of these hipster bands,and tell me why your band ist krieg. i'm no aril elitist. don't care about any "trveness" pissing matches, and i listen to plenty of post-'93 bands. i just appreciate bands who play the music they play because its an expression of raw emotion (anger, alienation, etc) and they don't give a fuck about trends or popularity or impressing other musician geeks or making money. that goes for any style of music i give a shit about. |
______________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:10pm - ark ""] arilliusbm said:Company of Heroes wooden box with general metalhead or newb [img] |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:11pm - trioxin245 ""] Czarnobog said: taking%20abbath said:so if a band has black metal influences,but they are not corpsepaint wearing trve kvlt then we shit all over them? please name some of these hipster bands,and tell me why your band ist krieg. i'm no aril elitist. don't care about any "trveness" pissing matches, and i listen to plenty of post-'93 bands. i just appreciate bands who play the music they play because its an expression of raw emotion (anger, alienation, etc) and they don't give a fuck about trends or popularity or impressing other musician geeks or making money. that goes for any style of music i give a shit about. yea this thread has nothing to do with 'trve' or 'kvlt.' I'm just talking about MUSIC, not scenes. The music is all I ever cared about. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:12pm - arilliusbm ""] Czarnobog said: taking%20abbath said:so if a band has black metal influences,but they are not corpsepaint wearing trve kvlt then we shit all over them? please name some of these hipster bands,and tell me why your band ist krieg. i'm no aril elitist. don't care about any "trveness" pissing matches, and i listen to plenty of post-'93 bands. i just appreciate bands who play the music they play because its an expression of raw emotion (anger, alienation, etc) and they don't give a fuck about trends or popularity or impressing other musician geeks or making money. that goes for any style of music i give a shit about. aril elitist? Pissing contest? I couldn't care less about whats trve or not. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:13pm - arilliusbm ""] I wear fucking sandals to band practice. |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:14pm - Czarnobog ""] i know, you just post like you do sometimes. it was a joke. |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:16pm - Czarnobog ""] fixed Czarnobog said:i'm no aril elitist. don't care about any "trveness" pissing matches, and i listen to plenty of post-'93 bands. i just appreciate bands who play the music they play because its an expression of raw emotion (anger, alienation, etc) and they don't give a fuck about trends or popularity or impressing other musician geeks or making money and don't wear sandals. that goes for any style of music i give a shit about. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:16pm - arilliusbm ""] Trying to keep FMP alive brah. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:27pm - trioxin245 ""] arilliusbm said:I wear fucking sandals to band practice. so do I, and so does keith. FLIP FLOP KVLT ETERNAL |
____________________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:32pm - Euronymous from the Grave ""] only black metal half shirts are real. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:32pm - arilliusbm ""] LOL |
____________________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:33pm - Euronymous from the Grave ""] [img] |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:36pm - AndrewBastard ""] next halloween costume ^ |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 2:38pm - trioxin245 ""] trioxin245 said: arilliusbm said:I wear fucking sandals to band practice. so do I, and so does keith. FLIP FLOP KVLT ETERNAL trve old school blackened flip flop metal ov death [img] |
______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:06pm - Cathach2002 ""] Fuck off to your goat-worship/laveyan jewish degenerate 'music'. The only true black metal is political. NATIONAL SOCIALIST BLACK METAL |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:14pm - 2011 Kpanzer ""] I don't want to pole vault over a school of south american catfish or anything, but I prefer 'Blood on Ice' to 'the Return' any day. |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:16pm - AndrewBastard ""] LOL ^ |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:18pm - AndrewBastard ""] i hate to pogo stick over a portuguese manowar here but.... |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:18pm - AndrewBastard ""] look i'm not trying to triple sow cow over a horseshoe crab here but uhh.. |
______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:19pm - Cathach2002 ""] An honorable foe would show himself......... Pathetic cowardly Zog-poster. |
______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 3:20pm - Cathach2002 ""] I'm not trying to dance over the corpses of 6 million dead jews or anyth-OH WAIT! IAM! |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:04pm - KEVORD ""] Taken from Kim Kelly's Interview with Weapon. Kim Kelly: What are your thoughts on metal bands (black metal or otherwise) who claim that Satan is unnecessary to create extreme metal? Is it a personal choice, or do you feel that that undercurrent of Satanic feeling is necessary in order to write a proper black metal record? VM Weapon: Metal bands can sing about whatever the fuck they want. Lyrical matter is up to the band and I believe in freedom of speech. Black Metal, however, is Satan. That's non-negotiable. Lack of Satan means you do not play in a Black Metal band, regardless of how many Immortal riffs you've stolen or much panda makeup you've worn. Weather reports, national socialism, pagan fire dances and pretty flowers do not a Black Metal band make. So to answer the first part of your question more articulately - if your band claims to be Black Metal but you do not worship the Devil, go fuck yourself. Kim Kelly: What is black metal in 2012? The term is such a blanket statement - theoretically, one could toss Blasphemy, Wolves in the Throne Room, Mayhem, One Tail One Head, and Drudkh in there, and even Weapon sometimes gets thrown in as well. Is a definition necessary anymore? Is a definition possible? VM Weapon: I would never - theoretically or otherwise - utter Blasphemy, Root and Mayhem in the same breath with something as asinine as Wolves In The Throne Room. That would be like mentioning a fucktard like Adam Sandler to the work of Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Clint Eastwood. Weapon gets tossed in there and we have absolutely no problem with that, because we are still very much a Black Metal band in many ways. People often call us Death Metal, and that's fine too. Definition is necessary, and it is possible. It is necessary for the differentiating betwixt what's quality and what's vapid, what's original and what's contrived, and what's strong and what's weak. And no, not everything in world is subjective. Violence and fundamentalism are 2 very key ingredients in this music, and as long as Weapon is around, that will not change. Hail Satan. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:10pm - trioxin_245 ""] use of the word 'betwixt' = I'm burning my Weapon demo tape asap |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""] DO WE REALLY WANNA GO DOWN THE SATAN ROAD AGAIN SO WE CAN ALL TROLL EACHOTHER |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:12pm - trioxin_245 ""] Also, I missed the whole 'satan' argument, but I will say that 90% of my favorite Black Metal bands have nothing to do with satan at all. It's not necessarily a conscious choice, it's just funny how many people seem to think that satan has something to do with defining black metal. |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:15pm - KEVORD ""] we don't have to go down the Satan road again. Just thought the quotes were relevent. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:16pm - arilliusbm ""] Nah, let's go down that Satan road again |
______________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:16pm - ark ""] yeah, yet another worthless opinion from Some Dude In A Band |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:18pm - arilliusbm ""] According to FIMS, being in a band makes your opinions valid. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:19pm - arilliusbm ""] (waiting for Bday boy to take the bait) |
______________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:20pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] Did she start that Weapon interview bloviating about how Canadian culture looks down on metal or something as misinformed as her statements on Vietnam's government looking down on "godlessness" on the Wu'u interview? Seriously, she framed a story on a band from a communist nation that's had a history of persecuting religious minorities by claiming they had it rough because the government discouraged godless western influences. Do you ever run into problems with your families or the authorities because of the kind of music you play? No. They let us do anything we want. Just don’t try to use drugs or kill anyone and everything will be fine, hehe. You'd think at some point the dumbest writer in metal would have read something, fucking anything, about Vietnam considering they fought a war of independence against her own country. |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:23pm - chernobyl ""] bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:23pm - KEVORD ""] It was a Conqueror boxset not Revenge. Basically same band. [img] |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:24pm - trioxin_245 ""] ITT: cher misses the point and KEVORD commits repostery. |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:25pm - chernobyl ""] I got the point, I just wanted to post black metal stuff I like |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:27pm - trioxin_245 ""] it's not just about GOOD black metal, it was supposed to be about when black metal was actually EXTREME and not just another outlet for faggy art students to express how different they are. |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:27pm - KEVORD ""] I just wanted to show how over the top silly that boxset is. That's the metal tin version. I couldn't find a picture of the wood box that I think was actually $80. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:28pm - trioxin_245 ""] I don't disagree that the box set is silly as hell, but I love my cd version, and I would totally rock that red shirt DAILY SON. |
____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:30pm - arilliusbm ""] wheres general metalhead when you need him |
______________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:31pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] bennyhillifier |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:33pm - chernobyl ""] faggy drop out art students are gay |
__________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:48pm - largefreakatzero ""] Though my appreciation of the genre is limited, I believe the success of any up and coming extreme black metal band clearly hinges on the members' willingness to do crime. More specifically arson and murder. Rape works too. Now go forth and prosper, foghats. |
________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 4:57pm - Beleth ""] BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Fuck off post-1969adays black metal bennyhillifier Yup. This album is a mindfuck. |
______________________________ [Aug 22,2012 5:22pm - ala ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 8:20pm - BostonSucks ""] So you complain about the current state of BM yet alot of what you consider good "BM" are black/death bordering on noise forgettable crap. You all sound like you should just stick to your old school death metal revival that's equally as trendy as the modern BM you shun. Can you not do better than either overly melodic black/death or redundant bestial black/death for examples? theres more than just HHR style bands and WITTR...This is why the boston scene sucks. Cocaine fags. |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 8:30pm - Andrew Hock ""] YAY. |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 8:31pm - chernobyl ""] BostonSucks said:So you complain about the current state of BM yet alot of what you consider good "BM" are black/death bordering on noise forgettable crap. You all sound like you should just stick to your old school death metal revival that's equally as trendy as the modern BM you shun. Can you not do better than either overly melodic black/death or redundant bestial black/death for examples? theres more than just HHR style bands and WITTR...This is why the boston scene sucks. Cocaine fags. TI |
________________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 9:07pm - my_dying_bride ""] Euronymous%20from%20the%20Grave said:[img] this is why black metal is gay nOW!!! wimpy little fags like this guy!!!POSER!!! |
___________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 9:11pm - chernobyl ""] [img] |
_______________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 10:05pm - Snowden NLI ""] Haha, I love that Cro Magnon found its way into this thread. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 10:36pm - trioxin245 ""] I still say SCARED STUPID is the best Jim Varney film. |
_________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 10:40pm - Burnsy ""] Snowden%20NLI said:Haha, I love that Cro Magnon found its way into this thread. Had never heard of them before that post but I purchased the album with haste. Curious to hear the rest of the album. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 10:50pm - trioxin245 ""] It's a good album. Varied. Half of it is kind of sub-par. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 22,2012 11:48pm - Alx_Casket ""] bennyhillifier |
_______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:14am - BSV ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:52am - Alx_Casket ""] bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 8:15am - Yeti ""] there are a lot of good points in this thread. i guess i shouldn't care so much about the homogenization of black metal. fuck the community aspect, bring back the isolation. fuck it, i'm going to listen to Pest. |
_______________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 8:23am - AndrewBastard ""] which one? |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 8:23am - Yeti ""] Blasphemy is My Throne. per your recommendation. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 8:41am - arilliusbm ""] Isolation is the way to go. I would also say LOL @ city blackmetalers but I don't want to make anyone mad. Oops, I said it. |
_________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:02am - Snowden ""] Burnsy said: Snowden%20NLI said:Haha, I love that Cro Magnon found its way into this thread. Had never heard of them before that post but I purchased the album with haste. Curious to hear the rest of the album. I think they're one of the ultimate dude-working-at-weird-record-store-blows-your-mind-maan bands, or at least that's who I heard them through. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:02am - Alx_Casket ""] What does that make you, a commuting bm'er? |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:04am - ark ""] city blackmetallers like brooklynvegan or like peste noire? what does that mean? |
_________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:04am - Snowden ""] trioxin_245 said:it's not just about GOOD black metal, it was supposed to be about when black metal was actually EXTREME Totally feeling you here. I mean, EXTREME doesn't always mean good but at least it's an ethos. |
_________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:06am - Snowden ""] arilliusbm said:Isolation is the way to go. I would also say LOL @ city blackmetalers but I don't want to make anyone mad. Oops, I said it. You mean like when Neige tries to make music about "urban alienation" or whatever? Because I'd guess that outside of like, rural Scandinavian and Nationalist Quebecqois bands, a pretty big majority of black metal musicians are in or around cities. |
________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:19am - Burnsy ""] trioxin_245 said:it's not just about GOOD black metal, it was supposed to be about when black metal was actually EXTREME. Dude! You want extreme black metal? Dude from trivium has a SICK new extreme black metal project coming out. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:19am - arilliusbm ""] Bands that live in, play in, socialize in, spend their whole life in a major urban environment. I'm sorry, I don't find much ehtos or muse in major cities. If you want to compare cities like Bergen to any major US metropolis, be my guest. But yes, I expected flak and I got it. The City is so grim, I can relate. I feel full of hatred whenever I travel to the city to work. |
__________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:27am - chrisREX ""] I listened to this twice the other day. I ruled this band out a couple years back, but I think I need to back track. [img] |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:29am - ark ""] no flak bro, just a rollseyes. good bands come from everywhere. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:30am - arilliusbm ""] Obviously. I'm just being a dick. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 9:43am - arilliusbm ""] It's a topic that has been discussed for years on various metal boards. It's nothing new. Some of my favorite bands are city bands. Personally, when I'm writing riffs, the last thing I'd think about is urbanism. Here is a decent thread with the idea presented, and recommendations: edit: I didn't differentiate between the two: bands FROM the city, or bands that use urbanism in their art and songs. obviously, most people here are from the city, so it was a lovejab. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:13am - Czarnobog ""] pfft, you twig & berry black metal hicks don't know shit about unbridled nihilism and misanthropic hatred for the human race. try being stuck on the 66 bus from roxbury to allston during rush hour traffic a few times a week then get back to me. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:16am - arilliusbm ""] lollll. MOVE NACHZEHRER TO HANSON |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:19am - arilliusbm ""] Everytime I'm in the city, I hate people more and more. At least in the financial district. Bunch of workerbees and drones. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:23am - Czarnobog ""] arilliusbm said:lollll. MOVE NACHZEHRER TO HANSON fuck that. i might have the swampy bog water flowing through my veins, but no way would i ever move back there. |
_________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""] Czarnobog said:pfft, you twig & berry black metal hicks don't know shit about unbridled nihilism and misanthropic hatred for the human race. try being stuck on the 66 bus from roxbury to allston during rush hour traffic a few times a week then get back to me. I can confirm this. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:24am - Czarnobog ""] arilliusbm said:Everytime I'm in the city, I hate people more and more. At least in the financial district. Bunch of workerbees and drones. those aren't real people. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:27am - arilliusbm ""] Commuting is the worst. You know what? Fuck it. You city guys have more hatred than anyone else. |
_______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:40am - Yeti ""] yeah i can't agree with you on the city thing. living in the city made me a hateful and angry person. now that i live in an area with crickets i'm much more relaxed. living in the woods you get dreamier music like Walknut, living in the city you get machine-like industrial like Godflesh. and yes i'm well aware they have nothing in common. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 10:46am - arilliusbm ""] You nailed it with Godflesh. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:08am - trioxin245 ""] Anyway to get back on topic, I got into black metal because of dirty, mean shit like this, not because of some silly pseudo-intellectual ethos about a style of music that was essentially started by a bunch of teenagers. bennyhillifier bennyhillifier bennyhillifier I'm aware that BMoA isn't exactly BM, but it's still relevant to this thread, because every time I listen to that tape or 7", all I can think of is 'man, nowadays black metal is for FAGGOTS.' |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:21am - arilliusbm ""] Ethos and aesthetics are usually valid for discussion as the genre is so broad now, but I see what your point is. The one album that made me really want to rip my skin off when I was younger: bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:24am - arilliusbm ""] I wish I was on a computer. Embedding is suck a painstaking process. I will add to this thread when I get home, if I remember |
_____________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:41am - andrewbastard nli ""] Yeti said:Blasphemy is My Throne. per your recommendation. So good. I'm the only one that loves that Pest over swe and ger pests...though swe is a close 2nd although they're completely different styles. I can't get into that german pest. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:46am - arilliusbm ""] Heh, German Pest isn't as good. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:47am - AndrewBastard ""] arilliusbm said:Bands that live in, play in, socialize in, spend their whole life in a major urban environment. I'm sorry, I don't find much ehtos or muse in major cities. If you want to compare cities like Bergen to any major US metropolis, be my guest. But yes, I expected flak and I got it. The City is so grim, I can relate. I feel full of hatred whenever I travel to the city to work. i used to think along these lines. when i stayed at Daniel from Ashdautas house in LA for a few days (OMG i know the doodz from the BTC!!) i was like, 'how do you write grim black metal in this environment? its fucking sunny and BEAUTIFUL out EVERY DAY' but that was 2002 Kinslayer...I'm over that mindset; where you live has no bearing on your mental state when creating music IMO. If anything a hatred for humanity would be stronger in someone living among other humans...but whatevz. i dont even care mannnnnnn |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:50am - arilliusbm ""] Hahhaa, I was thinking of the good ol' days when a bunch of people thought that way. I remember asking Ashdautas that same question at Korey's house and they laughed and started talking about how awesome their guitar player's mom made tacos. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:54am - AndrewBastard ""] hahah...dude the first time I met Daniel, I was still dating Jaime and we were at some black metal fest that Kyle KEP prods) booked but out in LA and he walks up to me and we're shooting the shit then he kinda turns and is looking at something else and Jamie nudges me and points to his groin area...HIS FLY WAS DOWN AND HIS DICK WAS COMPLETELY OUT hahaha we LOLd. I dont think I ever told him that. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:56am - arilliusbm ""] Hahahaha. Also, Ross is going to get mad for thread derailment again |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:57am - AndrewBastard ""] oh shit...what i meant to post was: bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 11:58am - trioxin245 ""] The point of this thread was to avoid these tired discussions about ethos and focus on the reasons you got into black metal in the first place. I'm pretty sure my first thought as a 13 year old upon hearing 'Weeping in Heaven' wasn't 'man this is good, but I don't understand how he can live in that environment in NY and still make music like this.' It was more along the lines of 'fuck yea, this is dirty and extreme as hell, I want more.' |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:05pm - trioxin245 ""] The point is, my fondest memories of black metal were the times where I was experiencing it for the first time, not the times when I was finally old enough to consider myself elite enough to tell other people why they aren't as black metal as me. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:20pm - arilliusbm ""] I first got into it for its escapism and stances on everything it stood against. anti urbanism was always a core element of my personal take on it because I dislike people and did not grow up in the city. Music is music, but blackmetal meant more to me than that. Granted, that was a while ago now, so it's all for lulz now. But yes Ross, I SEE YOUR POINT. CARRY ON WITH THE VIDEOS GOOD SIR. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:26pm - trioxin245 ""] So you're telling me when you were like 12 years old and you heard 'a blaze in the northern sky' your first thoughts were of the core element of anti-urbanism and the stances it took on escapism? I guess you were a more thoughtful 12 year old than I was, because although it might have taken that shape later on for me, my FIRST impression of black metal was to grow my hair long and bang my head. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:33pm - arilliusbm ""] it was a combination of everything that was going on in my life. I was reading a lot of fantasy novels back then and also would go out to the woods with my headphones and blare black metal. I guess I'm a twig and berries guy at heart, haha. like I said in text message, I didnt get heavily involved in think about "ethos" until I smoked a lot of weed and started memorizing countless shitty bands from countless countries. But yea, when I first heard it, I DIDNT GIVE A FUCK BECAUSE OMG THIS MUSIC IS AWESOME. |
_______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:35pm - ark ""] my first thought was "these immortal guys are doing the exact same thing i read about in fantasy books" |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:39pm - Czarnobog ""] i got into black metal via crust punk and death metal sometime in the mid-90s. it wasn't really a huge leap from amebix, bolt thrower or celtic frost to darkthrone and satyricon. i don't remember having any deep bloated thoughts about it, just some new music that expanded on shit i was already into. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:42pm - trioxin245 ""] Czarnobog said:i got into black metal via crust punk and death metal sometime in the mid-90s. it wasn't really a huge leap from amebix, bolt thrower or celtic frost to darkthrone and satyricon. i don't remember having any deep bloated thoughts about it, just some new music that expanded on shit i was already into. Yea that's pretty much what I'm saying. I loved it but it didn't give me any kind of deep-seeded meaning or anything, it was just some grimy, extreme ass shit to thrash the fuck out to at the time. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:42pm - AndrewBastard ""] bobby saw Phil Anselmo in a Dark Throne shirt and was hooked. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:45pm - trioxin245 ""] AndrewBastard said:bobby saw Phil Anselmo in a Dark Throne shirt and was hooked. haha I actually got into EHG because Phil was wearing a Dopesick shirt in the video for 'Im Broken' and I was always curious to hear what they sounded like so I bought the cd. That was how you used to have to find shit before internet. Like, I heard Mercyful Fate in the mid 90s because Metallica cited them as an influence, so I went and checked them out and loved it. Only thank-you list discoveries are real. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:50pm - AndrewBastard ""] trioxin245 said: AndrewBastard said:bobby saw Phil Anselmo in a Dark Throne shirt and was hooked. haha I actually got into EHG because Phil was wearing a Dopesick shirt in the video for 'Im Broken' and I was always curious to hear what they sounded like so I bought the cd. That was how you used to have to find shit before internet. Like, I heard Mercyful Fate in the mid 90s because Metallica cited them as an influence, so I went and checked them out and loved it. Only thank-you list discoveries are real. or like the little check box order forms that used to be inside'd just order some random band that looked cool and hoped for the best |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 12:59pm - arilliusbm ""] Yea, weed made me think way too much for my own good. Wayyyyy toooooo muuuuuchhhhhh. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:00pm - arilliusbm ""] Haha backed on the check box. I used to get catalogues and randomly select bands. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:03pm - trioxin245 ""] AndrewBastard said: trioxin245 said: AndrewBastard said:bobby saw Phil Anselmo in a Dark Throne shirt and was hooked. haha I actually got into EHG because Phil was wearing a Dopesick shirt in the video for 'Im Broken' and I was always curious to hear what they sounded like so I bought the cd. That was how you used to have to find shit before internet. Like, I heard Mercyful Fate in the mid 90s because Metallica cited them as an influence, so I went and checked them out and loved it. Only thank-you list discoveries are real. or like the little check box order forms that used to be inside'd just order some random band that looked cool and hoped for the best yea like Blue Grape (something like that) merchandising and all that. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] AndrewBastard said:hahah...dude the first time I met Daniel, I was still dating Jaime and we were at some black metal fest that Kyle KEP prods) booked but out in LA and he walks up to me and we're shooting the shit then he kinda turns and is looking at something else and Jamie nudges me and points to his groin area...HIS FLY WAS DOWN AND HIS DICK WAS COMPLETELY OUT hahaha we LOLd. I dont think I ever told him that. arilliusbm said:Hahahaha. Also, Ross is going to get mad for thread derailment again If looking at dudes' dicks isn't on topic for this thread, I don't know what is. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] trioxin245 said:So you're telling me when you were like 12 years old and you heard 'a blaze in the northern sky' your first thoughts were of the core element of anti-urbanism and the stances it took on escapism? I guess you were a more thoughtful 12 year old than I was, because although it might have taken that shape later on for me, my FIRST impression of black metal was to grow my hair long and bang my head. Heh - my first thought on hearing Darkthrone was "WHOAH - is that a bear?" because it was Soulside Journey on tape. trioxin245 said: Only thank-you list discoveries are real. A THOUSAND TIMES THIS |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:11pm - arilliusbm ""] Best way to hear new bands = compilations too. There used to be some killer comps that were out in the 90s. Even Nuclear Blasts' "DEATH" comps had some good shit on it. |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:18pm - Yeti ""] trioxin245 said:The point of this thread was to avoid these tired discussions about ethos and focus on the reasons you got into black metal in the first place. I'm pretty sure my first thought as a 13 year old upon hearing 'Weeping in Heaven' wasn't 'man this is good, but I don't understand how he can live in that environment in NY and still make music like this.' It was more along the lines of 'fuck yea, this is dirty and extreme as hell, I want more.' hahaha awesome. I grew up in a blue collar predominantly white suburban town next to Worcester, but i was a loser so i spent my entire childhood and most of the teen years mostly alone in the acres of woods behind my house. i think the first time i ever heard black metal was on the first Blackened compilation in 97, i bought it from Record Town because it had cool sounding band names on the back. i guess that would make "I Am the Black Wizards" the first song i ever heard, and i was hooked. |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:23pm - Yeti ""] i was the only kid in my entire town who knew anything about black metal, so it's always been about isolation to me. most of my adolescence was spent sitting alone in my room with my headphones on listening to "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" while my classmates were out playing spin-the-bottle. oh man i remember my sister HATING "that stupid song with the flute", meaning "Dark Medieval Times" hahaha. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:36pm - arilliusbm ""] ^ ditto. Zero people around Middleboro liked black metal. Even in highschool, no one else. Sucked, but at the same time, was good. Introvert music. Not sure what happened, I cant stop yapping these days. BRING BACK ANGRY ADOLESCENT ARIL. |
___________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 1:48pm - Czarnobog ""] i had it easy. already lived in providence by the time i got into black metal and had fast forward records (precursor to armageddon) to check out records. suckers. |
____________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 2:11pm - Gregd-blessedoffal ""] First time I heard Venom was on The Straight Ahead Show back around 1982. In Nomine Satanas was the track. Scared the fucking shit out of me. I never heard anything so over the top and raw in my life. DO IT AGAIN! |
______________________________ [Aug 23,2012 3:20pm - Yeti ""] Czarnobog said:i had it easy. already lived in providence by the time i got into black metal and had fast forward records (precursor to armageddon) to check out records. suckers. i only had Record Town at the local mall, but back then they had a pretty good stock. i remember finding Abigor, Old Funeral, Abominator, and others. |
___________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 3:36pm - Czarnobog ""] as far as getting exposed to decent music in general i was pretty lucky growing up on the south shore too. back in the day the hanover mall had musicsmith, which actually had a good amount of underground punk, hardcore, metal, goth etc. whoever was buying for them in the '80s/early '90s knew what they were doing. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 3:39pm - trioxin_245 ""] I got a lot of my shit from that Second Coming place in harvard square in the late 90's. Guy was cool, would always throw you extra shit if he liked your taste. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 3:40pm - arilliusbm ""] All I went to was "the wall"and then newburys later on. |
______________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 4:16pm - Cathach2002 ""] Vinland Winds, Panzerfaust & Resistance are the only places you should be obtaining music from.TOTAL SUPPORT |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 4:24pm - ancient_master ""] Words & Music in Fairhaven had a used tape section which was my first exposure to underground metal |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 4:32pm - arilliusbm ""] ancient_master said:Words & Music in Fairhaven had a used tape section which was my first exposure to underground metal heh, I remember that. Is it still there? |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 4:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] I used to go to Webster Music & Sound. They had a "poster crypt". I got a Venom back patch there that would end up waiting 10 years for a suitable jacket to affix it to. |
____________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 4:44pm - trioxin245 ""] DestroyYouAlot said:I used to go to Webster Music & Sound. They had a "poster crypt". I got a Venom back patch there that would end up waiting 10 years for a suitable jacket to affix it to. I still have a Vitus back patch I bought like 10 years ago from old orchard beach that I'm probably never going to use. |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 4:50pm - Hunter Gunt-Bendsdix ""] I first got into black metal after my dad bought drilling rights in the North Sea off Norway when I told him Pitchfork had reviewed this greatest hits compilation by some band called Emperor. |
________________________________________ [Aug 23,2012 5:55pm - ancient_master ""] arilliusbm said: ancient_master said:Words & Music in Fairhaven had a used tape section which was my first exposure to underground metal heh, I remember that. Is it still there? nah, long gone...though for a while it moved across from the dartmouth mall- the selection wasn't near as good as it was in Fairhaven, I think they changed ownership until they realised no one buys cds anymore |