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who is hoser?

[Nov 30,2012 9:30am - a concerned FNG who has a scene image to uphold  ""]
no one seems to like him and hes not in a band and no one hangs out with him. who is this moron??
[Nov 30,2012 9:33am - Hoser ""]
Is this troll trolling me?

Wait....he must be newtroll.
[Nov 30,2012 9:34am - Hoser ""]
I was trolling when you were still fapping your weiner to the lingerie section of the Sears catalogue.
[Nov 30,2012 9:35am - Hand Chock Fag  ""]
no I know you really well you stinkin pig
[Nov 30,2012 9:39am - Hand Chock Fag  ""]
I remember when you sucked off powerkok in the back seat of charlies jeep you fucking homo
[Nov 30,2012 9:41am - the_reverend ""]
powerkok... I heard that guy joined pantera.
[Nov 30,2012 10:05am - largefreakatzero ""]

Hand%20Chock%20Fag said:I remember when you sucked off powerkok in the back seat of charlies jeep you fucking homo

Pics or it didn't happen.

Actually, no, I don't want to see pics of that.
[Nov 30,2012 10:22am - Hand Chock Fag  ""]
hoser is the best troll of all time .
[Nov 30,2012 10:39am - Yeti ""]
Hoser is integral to this board.
[Nov 30,2012 12:56pm - DYA is PRECIOUS MOMENTS  ""]
Hoser is a guy who has a genetic condition that prevents him from embedding videos. It's really quite tragic.
[Nov 30,2012 1:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]
that's DAD you're talking about, bro
[Nov 30,2012 4:14pm - Hoser ""]
Dad is bro.
[Nov 30,2012 4:14pm - Hoser ""]

Hand%20Chock%20Fag said:no I know you really well you stinkin pig

[Nov 30,2012 4:37pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
hes ok in my book.
[Nov 30,2012 4:38pm - VermontCore  ""]
yea but your book is shit
[Nov 30,2012 4:42pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

VermontCore said:yea but your book is shit

and you are?
[Nov 30,2012 6:11pm - Hoser ""]
Exactly. I like being the minority here Randy. They make fun of people like a gang of high school bullies. In high school, they got bullied for being nerds. The are the Zach Morris and AC Slaters of the internet. Fuck 'em....let them dissect your posts and google all sorts of stupid shit to counter your posts....they need to feel superior after being destroyed mentally and physically in high school. Let them have their cake and eat it too....lean back in your computer chair and laugh....I do.
[Nov 30,2012 6:49pm - an offended troll  ""]
you work in law enforcement. who got made fun of in high school now?
[Nov 30,2012 7:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 1,2012 9:53am - Hoser ""]

an%20offended%20troll said:you work in law enforcement. who got made fun of in high school now?

Not this guy. And how would you know that I work in law enforcement?
[Dec 1,2012 10:13am - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
Most dumb assholes usually do... It was a good guess.
[Dec 1,2012 1:24pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

Hoser said:I was trolling when you were still fapping your weiner to the lingerie section of the Sears catalogue.

Lolz, you're so old you don't realize most people here have never SEEN a sears catalog.

[Dec 1,2012 6:59pm - Josh Cunt nli  ""]
HEY!!! Nobody trolls hoser but me. Fuck off
[Dec 1,2012 7:19pm - destroyyoualot ""]
Read NLI handle. OP is Hoser.
[Dec 3,2012 9:30am - Hoser ""]

destroyyoualot said:Read NLI handle. OP is Hoser.

No, it wasn't me. I do not initiate threads about myself as such. I'm a troll, but I'm not an ubertroll. That, even George Zimmerman would guarantee.
[Dec 3,2012 9:46am - TMZ  ""]
I believe this may be hoser

who possibly wears this disguise when trolling
[Dec 3,2012 11:03am - Dan from Swampscott  ""]
Can anybody help me move a TV from my ma's place?

I'll buy you a case of Bud Light from the package store over on New Ocean Street.
[Oct 30,2016 8:59am - Wild Man  ""]
Man look at this guy wig out
[Oct 30,2016 9:20am - King Thùnderstøol  ""]
IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO HOSER IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO IS KING THUNDERSTOOL TO YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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