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Got foam packing materials?

[Dec 8,2012 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
Anyone got packing foam? that egg crate like stuff with out the egg-shape? I need 1 piece that is 8"x37" and 2-4 pieces that are 13"x27".
I say 2-4 cause I need it to be like 4" deep. so if it's only 2", I would double it up. my work had TONS of this stuff before we went all green. now I can't find anything.
[Dec 8,2012 10:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I understand boulders make suitable God packing material.
[Dec 8,2012 10:39pm - the_reverend ""]
wrong, fracking try it. not even 3 days later and the contents will have slipped out.
[Dec 9,2012 6:44am - ancient master nli  ""]
in french "god" means dildo...
gives a whole new meaning to god bless america

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