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[Jun 27,2004 5:48pm - Beakey ""]
Can you email me the directions and info for tomorrow night?

[Jun 27,2004 5:57pm - moran ""]
Is the wunh site down? I can't get to it.
[Jun 27,2004 10:37pm - succubus ""]
there you are, including a map!
[Jun 27,2004 11:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I just e-mailed you.
yeah, the site is down..
not sure why.
[Jun 28,2004 3:49am - moran ""]
So, is there another way for people to listen online rather than going to the unh site?
[Jun 28,2004 3:52am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Top navigation bar of RttP: button that says "radio show" links directly to the live stream when he's on air.
[Jun 28,2004 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 28,2004 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
the web-server on the site seems hosed.
I will try to fix that tonight.
[Jun 28,2004 10:12am - moran ""]
Cool, thanks.

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