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Former Attack Attack! Bassist John Holgado is the Stupidest Human Being Ever

[Dec 14,2012 10:37am - the_reverend ""]

I think that the english teacher at metalsucks ran with that.
[Dec 14,2012 10:41am - largefreakatzero ""]
Who cares what faggots do.
[Dec 14,2012 10:58am - KEVORD ""]
John Holgado's letter sounds like half the trolls on RTTP. He should join Vital Remains or Shudup Fagget.
[Dec 14,2012 11:51am - DYA is TESCO VEE  ""]
I like where one of the commenters calls him out on "Charlie Kelly-level illiteracy".
[Dec 14,2012 12:37pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
I undertook that piece of shit while extremely high, so while I was able to read through the whole thing, I was forced to re-read about 75% of it because illiteracy. Also, lol at "also im not homosexual."
[Dec 14,2012 12:40pm - Garth Algar  ""]
I really liked this band before I read the article.
[Dec 14,2012 12:42pm - AndrewBastard ""]
it really is retarded trying to read that shit but looking at him i have to ask, is it maybe just broken english? dude looks asian; maybe english isnt his first language?

if it is, he needs to GTFO
[Dec 14,2012 12:45pm - KEVORD ""]

AndrewBastard said: looking at him i have to ask, is it maybe just broken english? dude looks asian; maybe english isnt his first language?
That's racist bro.
[Dec 14,2012 12:51pm - the_reverend ""]
def english no accent. if you look at :50, the dude has to give him the word gardening.... socal bro.

[Dec 14,2012 12:51pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 14,2012 12:53pm - the_reverend ""]

[Dec 14,2012 2:59pm - BSV  ""]
kid dropped out of school at 16, toured and did drugs OMG HE'S SO STUPID.
Metalsucks is terrible. It's like Alex Casket trying to be the barstool sports of metal. It's so obvious that these assholes hide in the back at shows and resort to using alternate ego's in order to avoid the responsibility of claiming to be blogging journalists just looking for the next free promo and guest list. Whole thing site misses the point. It's like rich american black metal bands from the city singing songs with foreign language titles..we get it bro you're trying real hard to be evil.
Hate Metal.
Write About it.
Hate People.
Try wicked hard to be popular.

All the same shit. Bottom line is they give that horrible band waaaay to much attention and it only helps both sides.
[Dec 14,2012 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

largefreakatzero said:Who cares what faggots do.
[Dec 14,2012 3:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
All I know is putting "also im not homosexual" after everything = the new "no homo".
[Dec 14,2012 3:43pm - KEVORD ""]
The best way to prove you're not a homosexual is to not have sex with a peson of the same sex. Sounds like Johnny failed the test.
[Dec 14,2012 3:44pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
he is faggot. delete.
[Dec 14,2012 4:09pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Whatever humor there might have been in this letter/rant was sucked out by the painfully unfunny MS "contributor". Thanks a lot Metal Sucks.
[Dec 14,2012 4:51pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, I'm sure it's absolutely terrible, but I noticed on an ad at the top of that shitty page that the new convulsed artwork is pretty awesome.

[Dec 14,2012 4:53pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Dec 14,2012 5:00pm - BSV  ""]

Headbanging_Man said:Whatever humor there might have been in this letter/rant was sucked out by the painfully unfunny MS "contributor". Thanks a lot Metal Sucks.

It's a young confused kid with admitted depression probably writing this through a fucking Suri voice app. It's obvious. But jerkoff hack bloggist over there decides to rip on it for it's fucking english. Elitist much? The writer probably got beat up by metalheads in school for being a complete toolbox, equipped honor roll, scholarship and a knack for posting anonymously online.
[Dec 15,2012 4:17am - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:The best way to prove you're not a homosexual is to not have sex with a peson of the same sex. Sounds like Johnny failed the test.
wait, not to? Crap!
[Dec 15,2012 1:19pm - dreadkill ""]
Also, not raviolis
[Dec 15,2012 9:27pm - rollercoasters  ""]
who cares about attkattk
[Dec 15,2012 9:49pm - damnittohell  ""]
Kill it with fire.
[Dec 16,2012 12:32pm - why  ""]
The commentary was somehow more pathetic than the letter. Try hard much?

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