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Dec19th: WITCH KING, CRYPTER & NACHZEHRER @ Dusk (Providence)

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Dec 17,2012 2:37pm - Czarnobog ""]

[Dec 17,2012 2:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Can Herugr... OH WAIT
[Dec 18,2012 11:44am - BSV  ""]
I'll definitely be there.
[Dec 18,2012 11:46am - NUTSHAVER  ""]
That's the stupidest flyer I've ever seen.
[Dec 18,2012 11:54am - AndrewBastard ""]
someone needs to book DGM on a fri or sat night at this Dusk place... I AINT NEVER BEEN THER YET.
[Dec 18,2012 11:55am - dusk  ""]
Dusk it pretty cool. I wish there were more weekend metal shows there.
[Dec 18,2012 10:07pm - EMF  ""]
anyone have email contact for Witch King?
[Dec 18,2012 11:28pm - socialite drug addict  ""]
wish Nachzehrer played more black metal shows
[Dec 19,2012 12:42am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Email for Witch King is Key2thegate@gmail.com
[Dec 19,2012 3:30am - EMF  ""]
[Dec 19,2012 6:32pm - unchain_the_wolves ""]

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