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Best medieval movie yet

[Dec 26,2012 9:10am - givemeedtilimdead  ""]
See it here. If you have already seen it, well... see it again.
IRONCLAD - based on a true story.

[Dec 26,2012 9:11am - arilliusbm ""]
It's netflix. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz'd throgh it
[Dec 26,2012 9:14am - givemeedtilimdead  ""]
What do you mean "It's netflix"? Did they release it or something?
[Dec 26,2012 9:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Dunno what your link is because I'm on my phone, but I'm assuming it's the same knights Templar "Ironclad" on netflix, which was okay. Would watch again.
[Dec 26,2012 9:35am - xmikex ""]
[Dec 26,2012 9:40am - AndrewBastard ""]
i watched Braveheart yesterday at my parents house alone on the couch and welled up twice; a single tear actually fell down my cheek the second time LOL

i love that movie.
[Dec 26,2012 10:48am - shutup fagget  ""]

AndrewBastard said:i watched Braveheart yesterday at my parents house alone on the couch and welled up twice; a single tear actually fell down my cheek the second time LOL

i love that movie.

shutup fagget
[Dec 26,2012 10:54am - AndrewBastard ""]
FINE. jeez.
[Dec 26,2012 11:08am - trioxin245 ""]
watch the Norseman instead gayfagz

[Dec 26,2012 12:00pm - Snowden ""]
Haha, I clicked on this to post "I don't know what the BEST one is, but Ironclad is surprisingly good." The plot was whatever, but the fighting was great and way more legit than I'd expected.

But, I enjoyed "Black Death" more if we're talking recent-ish movies. Because Boromir dies and evil triumphs.
[Dec 26,2012 8:35pm - posbleak ""]
Flesh + Blood, still the best
[Dec 26,2012 8:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]


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