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Thunderstool vs. Sodomizer of Christian Scum

[Feb 13,2013 2:17pm - Thunderstool  ""]
I will win now and forever more!!!!
[Feb 13,2013 2:38pm - he is not here right now faggot  ""]
he is not here right now faggot, try back later, ok faggot?
[Feb 13,2013 5:46pm - Thunderstool  ""]

he%20is%20not%20here%20right%20now%20faggot said:he is not here right now faggot, try back later, ok faggot?

Nobody asked you.
[Feb 13,2013 6:13pm - he is still not here faggot  ""]

Thunderstool said:
he%20is%20not%20here%20right%20now%20faggot said:he is not here right now faggot, try back later, ok faggot?

Nobody asked you.

still not here try back later faggot
[Feb 13,2013 11:56pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 14,2013 1:32am - shutup fagget  ""]

he%20is%20still%20not%20here%20faggot said:
Thunderstool said:
he%20is%20not%20here%20right%20now%20faggot said:he is not here right now faggot, try back later, ok faggot?

Nobody asked you.

still not here try back later faggot

shutup fagget

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