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Some dumb show on Discovery channel created by Eric Bischoff ripped off a Beherit design and copyrighted it to make clothes for Bros

[Feb 26,2013 1:55am - KEVORD ""]


The copyright in question:


Filing Date: May 18, 2012

Owner: Bischoff Hervey Entertainment Television, LLC
1754 14th Street
Santa Monica CA 90404

The company is owned by eric bichoff from wcw and jason hervey from the wonder years :shocked:
[Feb 26,2013 4:06am - LucidCurse ""]
Eric bichoff and Beherit: hated by most suckaz
[Feb 26,2013 7:05am - arilliusbm ""]
Is that Cher on the far right??
[Feb 26,2013 7:16am - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:Is that Cher on the far right??

Sinister Mob Syndicate. Makes sense.
[Feb 26,2013 10:13am - largefreakatzero ""]
I love this new trend of glorifying bike gangs (this, SOA, etc). The faggots who watch this crap clearly have never been around any of these assholes.
[Feb 26,2013 11:03am - RichHorror ""]
If they start getting murdered by real bikers then it was all worth it.
[Feb 26,2013 11:37am - largefreakatzero ""]
Clearly. I'll accept rape as well. Or having to watch as the entire club rapes their girlfriend.
[Feb 26,2013 11:52am - ShadowSD ""]
Eric Bischoff is the biggest rip off artist of any booker in the history wrestling. His brief fifteen minutes of success involved taking characters created by others and continuing to use them without the names.

Aside from that, he was also the worst commentator and general on-screen personality I ever saw in wrestling; he was pretty much the last straw in me not watching WWE after it stopped being WWF when it bought out the other organizations.
[Feb 26,2013 2:49pm - xmikex ""]
So it's Johnny Cupcakes in biker form?
[Feb 26,2013 5:50pm - copyright?  ""]
that artwork is chris moyens right?
[Feb 26,2013 6:02pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Feb 27,2013 12:21pm - way to go sons of anarchy  ""]
now every beefy meathead with a tattoo thinks they can trick the world into thinking theyre badass because they look like a biker
[Feb 27,2013 12:26pm - DYA is POSTING ON THE INTERNET (3 hours)  ""]

RichHorror said:If they start getting murdered by real bikers then it was all worth it.

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