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Mago de Oz in NYC May 19 and 21

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Apr 22,2013 10:02pm - Mark_R ""]
Anyone here like them?

Shows are on a Sunday and a Tuesday, so I most likely can't go. If I was already there for any other reason, I'd definitely be curious enough to investigate. I hear their fanbase is fanatical.

Venue is a club called La Boom which is Ugess is around Queens.

They're also doing Indianpolis, Washington DC, Chicago, and Texas.

[Apr 23,2013 1:00am - Spence ""]
I would TOTALLY go see them if I could. I don't know much of their music, but what I do know, is very energetic and fun.

Wonder why they're taking that Monday off - perhaps so they can just have a day to have fun in NYC?
[Apr 23,2013 8:57am - My Penis  ""]
...is bigger than yours.
[Apr 23,2013 9:17am - boblovesmusic ""]
that would be wicked fun

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