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[Apr 23,2013 9:56am - largefreakatzero ""]

That's for lulz, but these cunts actually did:

[Apr 23,2013 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 23,2013 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
I love my pressure cooker, but I'm nervous making potatoes now.
[Apr 23,2013 9:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
Ha, you failed at the image fix. I fixed.
[Apr 23,2013 11:05am - the_reverend ""]
well then maybe I will be fighting terrorism by making some potatoes.
[Apr 23,2013 11:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
I'm cutting weight to avoid further blood pressure pills. Taters sound damn good right now.
[Apr 23,2013 11:42am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 23,2013 11:46am - Blackwater Sales  ""]
Dear Sir or Mam, can I interest you in a goverment approved pressure cooker?
[Apr 23,2013 11:51am - Alx_Casket ""]

Blackmarsh%20Sales said:Dear Sir or Mam, can I interest you in a rabbit haunch pressure cooker?

[Apr 23,2013 4:42pm - ShadowSD ""]
You'll have to tear the slow cooked pork shoulder out of my cold dead hands.
[Apr 23,2013 4:58pm - largefreakatzero ""]
You like slow cooked pork? I have a killer/easy recipe:

3 TBS Coarse Salt
3 TBS Paprika
1 TBS Ground Mustard
1 TBS Garlic Powder
1 TBS Brown Sugar

Mix that together and rub in on a 4lb (or bigger) pork butt/shoulder (same thing). Cover and let sit overnight in fridge. Next day, preheat oven to 260 and roast that bitch until internal temp is at least 170. 4lbs meat takes about 6 hours. Pull that shit apart and use for whatever -- BBQ sandwiches, mexican wraps, etc. It reheats great too, so your $7 piece of pig will feed you for like 3 days. So fucking good...
[Apr 23,2013 5:36pm - ShadowSD ""]
Nice dude, thanks, I will have to try that dry rub, when we make pork shoulder we've been going with BBQ sauce and a long hot pepper, although my wife's version is also a little different than my drummer's because she also adds adobo and cloves (ten hours of the crockpot on low with the pepper, cloves and adobo, then drain, followed by two more hours with the BBQ sauce).
[Apr 23,2013 5:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Oven > crockpot because you get that nice bark on the outside. Dry rub works like a brine and seals in the moisture.
[Apr 23,2013 5:50pm - ShadowSD ""]
I'll try that, moisture and tenderness are what it's all about.

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