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Wehrmacht FIRST EVER East Coast tour!

[Apr 25,2013 5:11pm - cvvdfv  ""]
August 21 - Buffalo, NY (The Forvm)
August 22 - Cleveland, OH (Now That's Class)
August 23 - Pittsburgh, PA (Belvedere's), part of Skullfest
August 24 - Baltimore, MD (venue tba)
August 25 - Brooklyn, NY (Saint Vitus Bar)
August 26 - Philadelphia, PA (Kung Fu Necktie)
[Apr 25,2013 5:24pm - AndrewBastard NLEYE  ""]
woah, rad...no MA date :(
[Apr 25,2013 5:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Skip Cleveland. No one will show up. Come to Boston.
[Apr 25,2013 8:15pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I would pay any amount just to see them play E.
[Apr 25,2013 8:35pm - The_reverend ""]
They are still around? I thought they were defunct
[Apr 25,2013 8:37pm - King Thunderstool  ""]
[Apr 26,2013 1:44am - Lamp ""]
[Apr 26,2013 1:56am - BBoANP ""]
United Shoe Brothers would be fun with the full ending.
[Apr 26,2013 8:00am - King Thunderstool  ""]
[Apr 26,2013 5:31pm - blue ""]
[Apr 26,2013 9:44pm - Spence NLI  ""]
I'd totally see Wehrmacht if they were playing at like, the middle east or something, but oh well.
[Apr 26,2013 9:47pm - amorok666 ""]
I'd go to NY for Wehrmacht so long as the ticket price is reasonable and the other bands aren't gay.
[Apr 27,2013 4:30am - Lamp ""]
I'd go to New York to see Wehrmacht even if the other bands did suck. But I am curious about what this "Skullfest" is now...
[Apr 27,2013 9:31am - demondave ""]
[Apr 27,2013 12:33pm - nekronaut ""]
I tried but they already had the damn thing routed before I heard about it about a month ago.
[Apr 28,2013 1:11am - arilliusbm ""]
Seriously, Cleveland is an awful choice to play a show. 5 people go to shows there.
[Apr 28,2013 2:00am - Lamp ""]
I dunno how it is for metal, but Cleveland is a rowdy as shit town for punk music. Seeing as Wehrmacht is a crossover band, they may do okay.
[May 12,2013 2:50pm - Spence ""]
If anyone actually ends up roadtripping down for this with an extra seat or two in their car, let me know. I'd totally be down for this. And obviously i'd pay gas money and such.
[May 12,2013 2:54pm - Overrated  ""]
Road trips are soooo overrated.

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