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Hivesmasher - En Route to Meat Land (music video content)

[Aug 12,2013 8:34pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Aug 12,2013 10:01pm - zucchi  ""]
the whole "meat is murder" thing for grind bands is overdone, but the song is nasty and that's what matters.
[Aug 13,2013 5:23pm - hungtableeed  ""]
this is fucking awesome!
[Aug 14,2013 7:22am - Wendys  ""]
Dear HS -

This song is pretty fucking awesome however, your video made me hungry :(

seriously, song is good and video is cool. GOOD JOB
[Aug 16,2013 1:26pm - easier  ""]

[Aug 16,2013 1:42pm - livesmasher  ""]
LOL is that footage from club oasis?
[Aug 16,2013 6:53pm - t2daeek ""]

zucchi said:the whole "meat is murder" thing for grind bands is overdone, but the song is nasty and that's what matters.

I can say for certain that I never had "meat is murder" on my mind while working on any of these tunes. Meatland is an actual place we passed out near where Tentacles!!! live. I personally hope that this is just a video of meat for the sake of a video of meat.
[Aug 16,2013 6:56pm - t2daeek ""]
yea club oasis
[Aug 18,2013 7:41am - pele  ""]

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