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Ok....who was that band.

[Aug 31,2013 5:36pm - Hoser ""]
2 girls, one blonde, one brunette, both beautiful.

Blonde played piano, brunette sang....2 dudes in the band.

They all met at college. I think the blondes name was Heather. They are from Europe somewhere.....music is indie/folk....

theyre awesome...cant remember the name
[Aug 31,2013 7:23pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Hoser Thread
[Sep 1,2013 3:56am - Burnsy ""]
[Sep 1,2013 10:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
Ace of base
[Sep 1,2013 10:42am - Hoser ""]
I figured it out, was the Jezabels.
[Sep 1,2013 11:07am - the_reverend ""]
Never heard of.
[Sep 1,2013 11:19am - Hoser ""]
They make me happy as hell....just incredible.


[Sep 1,2013 11:22am - Hoser ""]


Rev, you'd probably love these guys. Great shit. Australian.
[Sep 1,2013 11:27am - Burnsy ""]
You said Europe. What the fuck, dude? I would've known it was the fuckin' jezebels..................
[Sep 1,2013 1:06pm - Hoser ""]

[Sep 1,2013 1:07pm - Hoser ""]

Burnsy said:You said Europe. What the fuck, dude? I would've known it was the fuckin' jezebels..................

Sorry brutha, I dun goofed. Used to listen to them all the time, they're fuckin' great. Haven't heard them in a while, forgot everything except the fact that the girls are foxes.
[Sep 1,2013 2:57pm - Hoser ""]

[Sep 1,2013 2:59pm - Hoser ""]
I am nely in love with the blonde. She's fucking gorgeous.
[Sep 1,2013 10:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't think I know them. I'm glad you figured it out.
[Sep 2,2013 8:40am - Hoser ""]
Well, check 'em out and tell me what you think dear Rev.
[Sep 2,2013 11:05am - conservationist ""]

Hoser said:2 girls, one blonde, one brunette, both beautiful.

Blonde played piano, brunette sang....2 dudes in the band.

They all met at college. I think the blondes name was Heather. They are from Europe somewhere.....music is indie/folk....

theyre awesome...cant remember the name

[Sep 2,2013 12:02pm - Hoser ""]
Hahahahahaha....that's what my wife said. Hahahahahaha
[Sep 3,2013 12:58pm - RTTP CLEANUP CREW SR.  ""]
[Sep 3,2013 1:38pm - MS. RTTP CLEANUP CREW  ""]

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