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N.H. Blues-Doomers SKROGG Release 2nd Album "BLOOZE"

[Sep 27,2013 7:00pm - BLARGH!!!  ""]
They've got a show coming up as well...
[Sep 27,2013 7:05pm - BLARGH!!!  ""]

[Sep 27,2013 11:07pm - Hames Jetfield  ""]
10/10 stuff.. any of the guys from Tractorass in this band??
[Sep 28,2013 9:07am - BLARGH!!!  ""]
Just Jeff (vocals/guitar).
[Sep 28,2013 2:48pm - Hames Jetfield  ""]
definitely buying this album w/o a doubt. 100% support

[Sep 28,2013 2:54pm - BLARGH!!!  ""]
Thanks. Spread the word!
[Sep 28,2013 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]
This should pop up on the front page / Facebook / twitter soon.
[Sep 28,2013 5:37pm - BLARGH!!!  ""]
Thanks Rev.
[Sep 28,2013 5:38pm - BLARGH!!!  ""]
[Sep 28,2013 5:45pm - BLARGH!!!  ""]
...and it's technically their official "debut" album. Their 1st release, "RAW HEAT" is considered a demo. Still kicks ass though regardless of what it's called. KEEP ON SKROGGIN'!!
[Oct 3,2013 5:57pm - BLARGH!!! ""]
Bump for Blooze!!

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