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Free NightBitch show this Friday, Dec 20. Much sleaze. Such werewolf. Total party. WOW.

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Dec 17,2013 4:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
This is gonna be quite the motherfucker. Chronological NightBitch with select jams being Hammond-enhanced. From the Swanson era through our upcoming "Caged Heat" EP which we will enter Sonic Environments on 12/26 to record for a to-be-announced label (it's a real humdinger, I insist!!!)

This will be the first time at Scotty's for NB mk III. Expect the usual - classic heaveymetals so loud in the night and morally objectionable / aesthetically titillating cinema lovingly selected from the golden age of exploitation, wicked women and tall drinks in the night to obliterate your conception of acceptable human behaviour. So don't be a false... Don your yuletide leathers and denims (ladies, wear lace!) to join us in this goddamn FIRE NIGHT!!!


festivities commence around 9:30 and the band goes on around 11
[Dec 17,2013 8:02pm - Beherit^___^  ""]
1/10 too hairy would not fuck

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