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[Dec 27,2013 11:46am - Hoser ""]
Why are people shitting all over Dan Robinson? He's a good dude. Been friends with him a looong time.
[Dec 27,2013 11:59am - Yeti ""]
his last name is Robinson? i never knew that. yes i agree, he is the man. that's probably why he is getting shit on.
[Dec 27,2013 12:04pm - Friendly's  ""]
Because that asshole has a problem with us.
[Dec 27,2013 12:05pm - K-Mart DVD department.  ""]
Fuck that guy.
[Dec 27,2013 12:19pm - The_Real_Question  ""]

Friendly‘s said:Because that asshole has a problem with us.

[Dec 27,2013 12:22pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
No the REAL question is, when is that idiot Duncan finally gonna give me that $18 he's owed me since last summer?
[Dec 27,2013 2:01pm - hand stroke cock  ""]

Hoser said:Why are people shitting all over Dan Robinson? He's a good dude. Been friends with him a looong time.

You are correct. People should be shitting on you as you are a total shit bag.
[Dec 27,2013 10:55pm - largefreakatzero ""]
"Hand Choke Dick" is the proper way to make fun of Hoser's previous band. Get with the program.
[Dec 27,2013 11:26pm - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:"Hand Choke Dick" is the proper way to make fun of Hoser's previous band. Get with the program.

That guy is angry with me! This is upsetting.
[Dec 28,2013 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
no you didn't. you came here for an argument.
[Dec 28,2013 5:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Hoser said:
largefreakatzero said:"Hand Choke Dick" is the proper way to make fun of Hoser's previous band. Get with the program.

That guy is angry with me! This is upsetting.

[Dec 28,2013 5:51pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Dans been cool with me, I dig his music (both shroud and dark passenger)(no surprise). Props for drinking milk on stage!
[Dec 28,2013 5:54pm - the_reverend ""]
He's not in shroud. That is a different band. Dan has also been cool with me too since I've known him since at least the early 90's.
[Dec 28,2013 7:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I also love how Eric paone birches about RTTP trolling like I couldn't see all the IPs in his threads.

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