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3 shows in a row does not constitute a "fest" you providence hack jobs

[Jun 2,2014 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
Why does everyone call everything a fest now?
[Jun 2,2014 2:55pm - also anonymous.  ""]
They don't seem to mention fest anywhere, you anonymous hack job.
[Jun 2,2014 2:58pm - forzaMorte  ""]
[Jun 2,2014 3:13pm - Biggus Dickus  ""]
Thith fetht ith the nextht logical thtepp in Providentheth athention to claim thupremethy ath the go to dethtination for Black & Death metal showth here in the Norrh Eatht thene.
[Jun 2,2014 3:17pm - trainwreck  ""]
I approve this thread.
[Jun 2,2014 3:21pm - Lamp ""]
I wouldn't call it a "fest" either, but the idea of three shows in three days with four bands on them each is far more appealing to me than all 12 bands in a row on one day. So who cares.
[Jun 2,2014 4:45pm - Czarnobog ""]

Lamp said:the idea of three shows in three days with four bands on them each is far more appealing to me than all 12 bands in a row on one day.

^ what he said.

[Jun 2,2014 4:46pm - Czarnobog ""]

also%20anonymous. said:They don't seem to mention fest anywhere.

^ also, what they said.
[Jun 2,2014 5:29pm - anonymous  ""]
having an official title for three days of music makes it a fest...
[Jun 2,2014 5:32pm - moot point  ""]

anonymous said: having an official title for three days of music makes it easier to promote/refer to/and those with short-term memories to remember...

[Jun 2,2014 5:43pm - Czarnobog ""]

anonymous said: having an official title for three days of music makes it a fest...

oh. guess we fucked up then. ah well.
[Jun 2,2014 7:37pm - Biggus Dickus  ""]
I wouldn't wathte a minuthe'th thleep on thethe cretinouth trollth, Mithter Lathkey. You and your felllow cohort-th in Fortha Morte have done a thuperb dithplay of profethionalithm! Kudoth!
[Jun 3,2014 4:43pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
OP would rather have 30 shit CT bands for an all-day marathon mediocre-off.
[Jun 3,2014 5:41pm - Chriskar nli  ""]
Vattnet Viskar hasn't been invited to play any of these so-called "black metal fests". A v-neck pox on both CT and RI.
[Jun 7,2014 9:08pm - ITT:  ""]
Complaints about things that matter.
[Jun 8,2014 12:42am - comedic genius  ""]

anonymous said:Why does everyone call everything a fest now?

Cry harder, pussy.
[Jun 8,2014 9:07am - Klaus barbie  ""]

Chriskar%20nli said:Vattnet Viskar hasn't been invited to play any of these so-called "black metal fests". A v-neck pox on both CT and RI.

is he releated to ravi shankar?

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