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Vital Remains looking for a new drummer

[Jun 10,2014 5:41pm - Dechristianize  ""]
VR is looking for a drummer who can play their music, record the new album and tour any time. No drunks or junkies need to apply. Anyone interested contact Tony Lazaro directly on his FB page.
[Jun 10,2014 6:15pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF TL;DR  ""]
So what you're telling us is that Jack Blackburn got sick of you and that skinny little white supremacist fuck that you've got on vocals who got you thrown off of that EU tour with Immolation and Broken Hope.
[Jun 10,2014 6:38pm - Dechristianize  ""]
Actually Jack quit to go back to school and work full time.
[Jun 10,2014 6:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
They were only vital 1990-2000.
[Jun 10,2014 6:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Tony Remains and the Replacements
[Jun 10,2014 7:03pm - Dechristianize  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Tony Remains and the Replacements

Why all the hate bro?
[Jun 10,2014 7:16pm - shock and awe  ""]
lol @ you thinking anything but hate and jokes will come from posting here.
[Jun 11,2014 7:59am - Eaten was the Whopper  ""]

Dechristianize said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:Tony Remains and the Replacements

Why all the hate bro?

Golly gee, I dunno... maybe because Vital Remains has been a joke for fourteen years? Take a wild guess.
[Jun 11,2014 8:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Attn: Gaucher
[Jun 11,2014 12:13pm - BURGER KING  ""]
[Jun 11,2014 12:15pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF TRANSLATIONS  ""]

Dechristianize said:No drunks or junkies need to apply.

No Wiley faggets
[Jun 11,2014 12:53pm - dust covered box of eternal suffering flexfits  ""]
dwyer and vital remains the two biggest jokes in metal
[Jun 11,2014 2:13pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
[Jun 21,2014 5:08pm - mikeheadrot ""]
[Jun 22,2014 11:41am - Dwyer Tha Cryer  ""]
Do you want me to fuck you up Tony? I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO ASK!

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