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HEADROT, We are currently seeking a new bassist

[Jun 21,2014 11:41am - mikeheadrot ""]
We are an old school death metal band with a groove. You must be 18 or older gender and race are not important, attitude is, must be professional and dedicated, must have pro gear and be able to practice a minimum of twice a week. We have a full length coming out with label support and good distribution at the end of 2014, we also have many show's lined up, one in particular on 07/19/2014 with "SUFFOCATION" you must be able to travel we have a band vehicle "NO DRUNKS" drugs are your business providing you can function while doing them! Serious inquiries only, you can contact us at headrotband@headrot.net , www.facebook.com/michalebrown666 or www.facebook.com/G.Skip.Bradshaw


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