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Feminists are losers!!!

[Jul 3,2014 10:12am - Feminists  ""]
[Jul 3,2014 10:15am - Butthurt was the Dwyer  ""]
Chinstrap wishes there was a "report to facebook" link on rttp
[Jul 3,2014 11:20am - Czarnobog ""]
i don't get it. what do any of these bullet points have to do with calling out a scumbag who loudly and proudly creeps on girls? doesn't really take a heavy feminist agenda to find reason to raise a stink about that. if someone started coming around shows and taking/posting sneaky pics of dudes taking a piss at the urinal and they got outed, would it be any different?

[Jul 3,2014 11:26am - Daily Insights  ""]
We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations, and without reference to character or abilities.
[Jul 3,2014 12:21pm - Dwyer Tha Cryer  ""]
re; taking photos of female asses

[Jul 3,2014 1:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Guess if any random chick is in a random pic she should be blurred for the PC cunts.
[Jul 3,2014 2:01pm - FUCK YOU  ""]
No, you douchebag, it means the next time you're out & about being a pathetic creep, taking pictures of girls asses & you get caught- you're going to get your fucking head kicked in.
[Jul 3,2014 2:18pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Women's consent? I shouldn't have to ask -Johnthony Dwyemia
[Jul 3,2014 2:27pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
>> Knows for a fact who he was called out by, reports it to Facebook because people are being mean
>> Blames it on the guy who didn't volunteer a Desolate interview
>> Cries about feminism to RTTP

Sounds legit.
[Jul 3,2014 2:49pm - Czarnobog ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Guess if any random chick is in a random pic she should be blurred for the PC cunts.

oh please. yeah, you "accidently" just happened to snap pictures of random girls asses, repeatedly, and without their knowledge. for years. and when someone called out you respond with "CREEP FOR LIFE" all loud and proud, and look to your douchebag friends to hi five you and back you up (and then cry to facebook to take the post down). fucking pathetic.

whatever dude, be a sad creepy loser. just don't cry about it when no one wants you coming around.
[Jul 3,2014 2:52pm - Marion Cobretti  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Guess if any random chick is in a random pic she should be blurred for the PC cunts.

Hey dirtbag. You're a lousy shot. And I don't like lousy shots. You creeped out a girl for nothing. And now I think it's time to waste you.

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