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Abazagorath "The Satanic Verses" newest release from Eternal Death

[Aug 21,2014 10:37am - Valder  ""]
Newest full length from USBM diehards Abazagorath to be released by Eternal Death on October 7th. Pre-order of the CD and t-shirt available through the label webshop for $15+shipping:


Streaming of the first track available through Invisible Oranges:


[Aug 21,2014 1:06pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Sep 19,2014 12:19pm - Valder  ""]
New track streaming through Decibel -

[Sep 19,2014 12:24pm - more like  ""]

Valder said:Newest full length from USBM diehards Abazagorath

more like usbm tryhards
[Sep 19,2014 12:30pm - TRUTH  ""]
Anything after Tenebrarum Cadent Exsurgemus '97 is complete fucking shit. this band should have hung it up years ago.
[Sep 19,2014 4:22pm - Czarnobog ""]
band is still awesome.
[Sep 20,2014 10:35am - Snowden NLI  ""]
Yeah, looking forward to seeing the new lineup.
[Sep 21,2014 8:17pm - This band is so 1997  ""]
[Sep 21,2014 8:54pm - Old Man Critic  ""]
Fuck nowadays black metal.
MOAR 1997 PLS.
[Oct 7,2014 6:26pm - Valder  ""]
Officially released today, CD+download available for $5+shipping through label bandcamp site:

Record release gig December 5th in NYC (w/One Master, Sangus, and AntiKosmos):
[Oct 7,2014 11:56pm - MotleyGrue ""]
This is badass, fuck you.

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