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Burnsy Farts on Passenger Airline and Almost Crashes Plane

[Aug 21,2014 5:14pm - Aerial News Team  ""]
There are preliminary reports of some noxious fumes spewing out of Burnsy's asshole at 25,000 feet in the air. The plane almost crashed. More at 11.
[Aug 21,2014 6:28pm - Burnsy ""]
I came.
[Aug 21,2014 6:32pm - diarrhea cum splatter  ""]
Was it as good for you as it was for me?
[Aug 21,2014 6:45pm - Burnsy ""]
[Aug 22,2014 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 22,2014 9:31pm - Samantha ""]
A+ thread. Would read again.
[Aug 23,2014 1:01pm - Aril New Team  ""]
This thread reeks of ariltroll
[Aug 23,2014 1:15pm - crabcore warrior  ""]
[Aug 23,2014 2:30pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Aug 23,2014 3:55pm - The scent of defeat  ""]

Aril%20New%20Team said:This thread reeks of ariltroll

it actually reeks of burnsy's toxic butthole.
[Aug 24,2014 10:05am - Burnsy ""]
[Aug 25,2014 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
this needs more gas.

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