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Favorite releases of 2014?

[Sep 22,2014 4:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm trying to think of anything "amazing" that came out this year... drawing a blank. What are your favorites so far?
[Sep 22,2014 4:43pm - 2014 sucked  ""]
emptiness - nothing but the whole
swans - to be kind
[Sep 22,2014 4:54pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Misantropic (split LP with Eaten Raw), Diocletian, Kauan, Empyrium, Dornenreich, Soul Remnants
[Sep 22,2014 4:58pm - 2014 sucked  ""]
yes to Empyrium
[Sep 22,2014 5:17pm - elite black metal guy  ""]
Azazelagaboriazabananaszagorathissimusmuzrubthrone - Chapter 1; Desecrating the azazelabagorathissimusfaxass on the altar of zaggagagagagazazzaagaaagagaaaeeüè demo split w/ Bazazelthlezaggurniggurathshubber.
[Sep 22,2014 6:19pm - blue ""]
Thantifaxath - Sacred White Noise
Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation

...these two albums pretty much crush everything this year IMO.

Other killer ones so far:
Devangelic - Resurrection Denied
Internal Bleeding - Imperium
Soils of Fate - Thin the Herd
Gorgasm - Destined to Violate
[Sep 23,2014 2:00am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
AUTOPSY - Tourniquets Hacksaws And Graves

[Sep 23,2014 4:58am - HookedonMetal ""]
I haven't been that great about keeping up with new releases, but here are a couple that I really enjoyed this year...

Seven Sisters - "The Warden Demo"


Ranger - "Shock Skull" 7"

[Sep 23,2014 9:08am - the_reverend ""]

blue said:Thantifaxath - Sacred White Noise
Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation

...these two albums pretty much crush everything this year IMO.

Other killer ones so far:
Devangelic - Resurrection Denied
Internal Bleeding - Imperium
Soils of Fate - Thin the Herd
Gorgasm - Destined to Violate

I will have to check those out.
[Sep 23,2014 10:30am - Yeti ""]
Godflesh - Decline and Fall
[Sep 23,2014 10:58am - Burnsy ""]
Agreed on Thantifaxath and Artificial Brain. New Nightbringer obviously. Voidcraeft put out a couple sweet releases as Well.
[Sep 23,2014 11:41am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF ONE LINERS  ""]
Thought Burny's favorite release was on your GF's face.

[Sep 23,2014 11:49am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Slough Feg + Trap Them
[Sep 23,2014 5:10pm - Yeti ""]
I listened to that Thantifaxath. It was better than I expected, I was anticipating Shining style shittiness. Some of the arrangements aren't what I'm looking for, but overall it held together well. The vocals were excellent however, recorded and executed perfectly.
[Sep 23,2014 5:44pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Shards of Humanity - Fractured Frequencies has been my favorite this year. Also thoroughly enjoy:
Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation
Gorgasm - Destined To Violate
Euphegenia - Telexistent Depravity
Cannibal Corpse - A Skeletal Domain (surprised, since I haven't really been into them at all ever)
Birdflesh/PLF - Split
Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall
Hooded Menace - Labyrinth Of Carrion Breeze
Morbus Chron - Sweven
Ringworm - Hammer Of The Witch

I imagine Internal Bleeding - Imperium will be in that list as soon as it's out.
[Sep 24,2014 8:31am - Yeti ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall

oh yeah, that was this year. that joins the list.
[Sep 24,2014 9:26am - faggot shirt  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
Morbus Chron - Sweven.

that is definitely their best album since swfive. I thought swix was a total disaster.
[Sep 24,2014 9:43am - Ski Team  ""]
bring on the snow so i can go cross country skiing whooooooooooooooopiiieeeeee

[Sep 25,2014 10:35am - Arist nli  ""]
I liked the new Vader, Dark Fortress and necrophobic albums this year
[Sep 25,2014 10:59am - the_reverend ""]

faggot%20shirt said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:
Morbus Chron - Sweven.

that is definitely their best album since swfive. I thought swix was a total disaster.

that album is really good. Forgot about that one.
[Sep 25,2014 11:01am - TimRiley ""]
Good call on the Vader. That one flew under the radar but i was pleasantly surprised.
[Sep 25,2014 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]
cause I can't pronounce the album name.
[Sep 25,2014 12:54pm - Lol @ people  ""]
Lol @ fags that care about new metal in 2014
[Sep 25,2014 1:00pm - Gnarttrand  ""]
SHITFUCKER- suck cocks in hell
[Sep 25,2014 2:07pm - KEVORD ""]
Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall
Domains - Sinister Ceremonies
Martyrdod - Elddop
Horrendous - Ecdysis
Grand Magus - Triumph and Power
Funeral Presence - The Archer Takes Aim
Midnight - No Mercy For Mayhem
Trench Rot - Necronomic Warfare
Fluisteraars - Dromers

If you read Codex Obscurum you'd know this stuff.
[Sep 25,2014 2:21pm - Choadex  ""]
^ so fucking predictable
[Sep 25,2014 2:28pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan spent his $18 on CDs instead of giving it to me!
[Sep 25,2014 2:37pm - NJ Junkiefaggotry  ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:Duncan spent his $18 on CDs instead of giving it to me!

scottfromzircon said:I'm going to be more slick for now on so nobody knows who my trolls are.
[Sep 25,2014 3:47pm - King Thùndêrstøol  ""]

[Sep 25,2014 4:05pm - NJ Junkiefaggotry  ""]

King%20Thùndêrstøol said:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


scottfromzircon said:I'm going to be more slick for now on so nobody knows who my trolls are.
[Sep 25,2014 4:12pm - NJ Junkiefaggotry  ""]
I am in the presence of the great King Thunderstool!
[Sep 25,2014 4:18pm - NJ Junkiefaggotry  ""]

scottfromzircon said:I'm going to be more slick for now on so nobody knows who my trolls are.
[Sep 25,2014 4:21pm - NJ Junkiefaggotry  ""]


scottfromzircon said:I'm going to be more slick for now on so nobody knows who my trolls are.

[Sep 25,2014 6:08pm - Lodgarh ""]
InVeRtIcRuX!!!! !
[Sep 25,2014 9:12pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Just go the new Stallion album Rise and Ride in the mail yesterday. Already listened to the album in its entirety like four times.


I also really dig the new Judas Priest and what I've heard off the new Riot album so far.
[Sep 25,2014 9:12pm - HookedonMetal ""]
inb4 a slew of Bill and Ted jokes in response to the title of that song.
[Sep 28,2014 8:02pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Not that anyone here would care, but the new Riot album is fucking amazing. I just listened to it all the way through and it's even better than Immortal Soul.
[Sep 28,2014 9:46pm - KEVORD ""]
Really enjoying Exordium Mors-The Apotheosis of Death right now.
[Sep 28,2014 11:05pm - boblovesmusic ""]
My list is super silly but I don't care:

Bruce Springsteen - High Hopes
Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall
Tuomas Holopainen - The Life and Times of Scrooge (as silly as the premise was, I thought the music was great)
Free Spirit - All the Shades of Darkened Light
Rhadamanthys - Midnight Skies
Babymetal - Babymetal
Alcest - Shelter
Casualties of Cool - Casualties of Cool
Dynazty - Renatus

I'm blanking on a few but these stood out for me. Stoked for the new Devin Townsend Ziltoid album!
[Sep 28,2014 11:08pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I've been on a melodic metal/atmospheric metal/related phase lately
[Oct 20,2014 9:36am - TimRiley ""]
While Heaven Wept- Suspended At Aphelion.

way more progressive than past releases. not a big prog fan, but this album is great.
[Oct 20,2014 10:45pm - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Waiting on that new Archgoat album to drop.
[Oct 21,2014 8:06pm - zyklon ""]
Behemoth - The Satanist
Aborted - the necrotic manifesto
Decapitated - blood mantra
[Oct 21,2014 8:32pm - Christian Weston Chandler  ""]
None of you damn dirty trolls listed Christian And The Hedgehog Boys. You are not TRUE and HONEST music fans! Mary Lee Walsh must be behind this.
[Oct 22,2014 9:06am - ParahSalin  ""]
Ty Segall - Manipulator
Floor - Oblation
The War On Drugs - Lost In The Dream
Aeges - Above And Down Below
Sun Kil Moon - Benji
Fu Manchu - Gigantoid
Sharon Van Etten - Are We There
Nothing - Guilty Of Everything
Foxygen - ...And Star Power
House Of Lightning - Light Worker
Morgan Delt - s/t
Thee Oh Sees - Drop
Beck - Morning Phase

Great year for music.
[Oct 22,2014 10:19am - beelze ""]
sign of the goat- ministers of blasphemous wisdom
[Nov 7,2014 7:51pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Agalloch - The Serpent & the Sphere
Sockweb - Werewolf
Internal Rot - Mental Hygiene
[Nov 7,2014 8:33pm - the_reverend ""]
the new ty segall is great.

also the cult of fire 7" might be my favorite of the year.
[Nov 8,2014 12:17pm - boblovesmusic ""]
High Spirits - You Are Here
[Nov 28,2014 10:10am - boblovesmusic ""]
U2 - Songs of Innocence
Nightingale - Retribution
Devin Townsend Project - Z2
A Far Cry - Dreams & Prayers
gonna assume the new Cretin will be there
[Dec 1,2014 12:04pm - Yeti ""]
Godflesh - A World Lit Only By Fire
[Dec 1,2014 12:25pm - listener  ""]

Yeti said:Godflesh - A World Lit Only By Fire

as an avid godflesh fan i was actually disappointed by this release. it has many stellar moments but lacked the intensity utter desolation of previous releases imho.

6/10 would try again with stronger drugs.
[Dec 1,2014 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
you're not the first person to say that. I think I'm just a fanboy because I loved it, I feel it's what he wanted "Hymns" to sound like. As with most Godflesh releases it takes many listens before it opens up.
[Dec 2,2014 1:26am - the_reverend ""]
I just flipped through the decibel top 40 and I'm both outraged and appalled.
damn man.
[Dec 2,2014 8:01am - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
My favorite release of 2014 is Rich posting this again

[Dec 2,2014 8:43am - CJ Peeper  ""]

DYA%20is%20LEGAL%20LENS%20TWILL said:My favorite release of 2014 is Rich posting this again


[Dec 2,2014 11:27am - demondave ""]

boblovesmusic said:

gonna assume the new Cretin will be there

Yeah, that advance track "Fourteen" makes it a pretty promising bet
[Dec 3,2014 4:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


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