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Duncan finally gave me my $18!

[Oct 5,2014 9:40am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
It only took you a year you stupid motherfucker!!!
[Oct 5,2014 10:30am - TimRiley ""]
what a development
[Oct 5,2014 10:36am - BeholdJudas  ""]
Funny, because people would have recalled witnessing me beating a long-haired white male with a braided goatee in the lobby area of the Webster had you actually showed up. No one witnessed this, ergo...
[Oct 5,2014 11:39am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
I held you up against the wall by your throat and you were so afraid of getting your ass kicked you gave me $18!!!
[Oct 5,2014 1:13pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
The very notion that Willey could ever possibly do that is a fucking riot.
[Oct 5,2014 3:20pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
What are you bitching about? You don't owe me $18 anymore!
[Oct 6,2014 2:03pm - nobody cares  ""]
Willey wussed out like usual.
[Oct 6,2014 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
this thread is very homo-erotic.
[Oct 6,2014 3:58pm - Samantha ""]
Well, it looks like this troll retired just in time for his big court date. What impeccable timing.

Megatron never showed up at my house to rape me, and no one disemboweled or sexually violated my corpse. I'm still very much alive and breathing.
[Oct 6,2014 4:07pm - Why Samantha Why?  ""]
Why do you always make these threads about you? Seems like you are stalking him.
[Oct 6,2014 4:15pm - xmikex ""]
Smart move Duncan.
[Oct 6,2014 4:41pm - King Thùndêrstøol  ""]

[Oct 6,2014 4:42pm - Samantha ""]

Why%20Samantha%20Why? said:Why do you always make these threads about you? Seems like you are stalking him.

Yeah. I must totally be stalking this guy. That seems plausible. That MUST be why I've had a restraining order against him for almost 3 years, and he has a criminal trial happening next week because he won't stop posting threats to murder and/or rape me on this web site every other day.

God! Why do I always have to make it all about me. I'm so selfish for not wanting to be murdered by someone who actually broke into my house and threatened to murder me.
[Oct 6,2014 4:53pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF THIS  ""]

Samantha said:Well, it looks like this troll retired just in time for his big court date. What impeccable timing.

Megatron never showed up at my house to rape me, and no one disemboweled or sexually violated my corpse. I'm still very much alive and breathing.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^is what the board means, no one mentioned you in this thread, you come in and bring this up.:moe:
[Oct 6,2014 5:07pm - Samantha ""]
I love how none of these people ever log in and are probably the same mentally unstable individual who has essentially taken over this forum for the last couple of years.

Trying to promote shows on this site is a complete waste of time. The name should be changed to "Return to the King Thunderstool" forum.
[Oct 6,2014 5:31pm - the truth  ""]

Samantha said:I'm still very much alive and breathing.
that's too bad
[Oct 6,2014 8:00pm - the real truth  ""]
King Thunderstool has a 10 inch penis!
[Oct 6,2014 8:41pm - the real real truth  ""]
Every anon in this thread is wily.
[Oct 6,2014 11:17pm - the untruth  ""]

Samantha said:I love how none of these people ever log in and are probably the same mentally unstable individual who has essentially taken over this forum for the last couple of years.

Trying to promote shows on this site is a complete waste of time. The name should be changed to "Return to the King Thunderstool" forum.

So why are you here then?

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