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the great when did you turn on your heat thread of the winter of 2016

[Oct 3,2016 11:47am - the_reverend ""]
I'm starting to close my doors and windows.
[Oct 3,2016 12:18pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Ran my gas fireplace a few times, no furnace yet.
[Oct 3,2016 12:23pm - Mandatory response, every year  ""]
If you turn your heat on in October, you are a pussy and don't deserve to live in New England
[Oct 3,2016 12:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I wanted to run my stove, but I need to clean it and get wood.
[Oct 3,2016 1:35pm - Typical white trash  ""]
Not im my house. We have to fart to keep warm.
[Oct 4,2016 8:32am - Gem plumbing  ""]

Typical%20white%20trash said:Not im my house. We have to fart to keep warm.

I think that's called a dutch oven.

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