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[Aug 10,2004 1:03pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/litterbox.html holy amazing grind kittens
[Aug 10,2004 2:14pm - retzam ""]
hahahahahahahahahahahhaha, that was wonderful
[Aug 10,2004 3:04pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
thank you im glad someone appreaciated it
[Aug 10,2004 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]
that's old.
[Aug 10,2004 3:20pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
my kitty's looking around the house now in case there's an intruder cat. that was cute, tho. =)
[Aug 10,2004 4:37pm - Dissector ""]
Thats funny
[Aug 10,2004 6:34pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
the_reverend said:that's old.

i guess im behind the times
[Aug 10,2004 6:39pm - Jellyfish ""]
its old, but still good as ever.
[Aug 10,2004 7:23pm - Kalopsia ""]
i'm gonna start a grind core band and the singer is gonna be a cat on a pitch shifter. i think i'll name the band Pissed Off Pussy. any suggestions?
[Aug 10,2004 7:33pm - Dissector ""]
A band from NY already did that with pitbulls.
[Aug 10,2004 7:35pm - Kalopsia ""]
Dissector said:A band from NY already did that with pitbulls.

yea pitbulls, not cats. plus there's a band called Hate Beak who have a parrot on pitch shifters doin vocals. there's another band that actually uses a vacuum cleaner on pitch shifters!!!! but like i said, no one's done cats yet
[Aug 10,2004 7:40pm - Dissector ""]
Thats fuckin awesome!
[Aug 10,2004 7:41pm - retzam ""]
Kalopsia, I like the idea, but no pitch shifters, just have it a cat meowing at normal pitch. To keep it in the same place tie it down, which will also make it meow a lot, and you can make it do even more vocals by punching it and stuff.
[Aug 10,2004 7:42pm - FrancisPman  ""]
listened to that about 4 times before i realized it was looped.
[Aug 10,2004 7:43pm - retzam ""]
[Aug 10,2004 7:45pm - Kalopsia ""]
retzam said:Kalopsia, I like the idea, but no pitch shifters, just have it a cat meowing at normal pitch. To keep it in the same place tie it down, which will also make it meow a lot, and you can make it do even more vocals by punching it and stuff.

i will take your suggestions into consideration. though i still wanna use pitch shifters, maybe i can switch between the two.
[Aug 10,2004 9:38pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahahaha, ok then, but of course, the tie down and punching are not optional.
[Aug 10,2004 10:12pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
the band with the pitbulls is the dudes from most precious blood, if you listen to the end of our lady of analiation (or what ever it is called it is on there.
[Aug 10,2004 10:17pm - Kalopsia ""]
well that's only required if the cat misses it's cue to come in during the verse or if you need a really loud scream
[Aug 10,2004 11:10pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha, or if it is Jay's cat.
[Aug 10,2004 11:23pm - Kalopsia ""]
hey reverend, think your cat might be interested in joining my band?
[Aug 11,2004 4:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
my kitty meows loud as hell when you pick her up and if you don't put her down, she starts to claw and hiss.
[Aug 11,2004 5:31pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahaha that's what fucking Jay's cat does, I hate that little bitch, so I make it miserable everytime I'm at his house. This last time it was trying to run away from me and I grabbed it's tail and started pulling it back by it. Hahahahahaha, stupid little bitch. And I'm not a cat-hater, cats are probably one of my favorite animals, I just can't stand Jay's little bitch.

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