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Don't you love how Metalcore bands are all fashion and no music???

[Aug 27,2004 9:50am - Riot_Of_Violence ""]
Yeah, I just want to hop onto the faggy band-wagon....

Hey, what if I wore eyeliner, had a wacky hairdcut, women's designer stretch jeans with the 'faded' look, a white belt to prove how 'hardcore' I am, and constantly yapped about how 'vintage' my brand new pair of 2004 Converse shoes were? you think that would be enough to hopefully land record deal with Victory or Trustkill records?

But wait...

I should have a band named Love Is A Broken Harp While Remembering Yeseryear As I Walk Through Crumbling Autum Leaves That Have Fallen From This Dying Tree...y'know...give it that 'emotional' appeal to it. Maybe I should write a song about a failed highschool relationship. Or maybe I should write a song dealing with how in love I am with the whole 'goth' sub-culture(not that Hot Topic has totally ruined it)....

Bands such as Bleeding Through, Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, Eighteen Visions...I hope you all burn in hell :middlefinger:
[Aug 27,2004 9:52am - RustedAngel ""]
did you sign up just to post this piece of shit thread?

this has been discussed a million times. get over it.
[Aug 27,2004 9:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You and I should get some black masks on and start smashing store front windows in government center.
[Aug 27,2004 9:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How can anyone ever get over metalcore? It's disgusting.
[Aug 27,2004 9:55am - Riot_Of_Violence ""]
RustedAngel said:did you sign up just to post this piece of shit thread?

this has been discussed a million times. get over it.

Mmm...not to my knowledge. By the looks of this site, a lot of people seem to accept this shit bands. I figured it was a good place to post a good rant.

[Aug 27,2004 9:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It's true, alot of people have the attitude 'well atleast its not nu-metal', and that is not helping. Metalcore needs to stop.
[Aug 27,2004 10:31am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Really? I cant think of anyone on this board that likes those bands.
[Aug 27,2004 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
I like BT and AILD... they actually aren't fashion core at all.
atreyu and 18v are and I hate that bs.

BT and AILD are actually really awesome live. very huge sounding and a powerful performance.
[Aug 27,2004 10:35am - succubus ""]
who cares what people dress or look like?

enjoy the music for the music

PS: I love Bleeding Through

[Aug 27,2004 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
18v pisses me off when they are all "we only want pink and white lights on us"...
plus I don't like their music.
[Aug 27,2004 12:22pm - Jellyfish ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:How can anyone ever get over metalcore? It's disgusting.

[Aug 27,2004 12:25pm - Jellyfish ""]
oh yeah, 18 visions is horrible.
[Aug 27,2004 12:25pm - assuck ""]
riot of violence!

i was listening to that song yesterday
[Aug 27,2004 1:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Haha cool name Riot of violence. Kreator kicks ass.
And yeah, trends suck nigger dick.
[Aug 27,2004 2:09pm - JayTUS ""]
Or maybe you can write a song about Satan and fucking dead corpses...
[Aug 27,2004 2:10pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That sounds good.
[Aug 27,2004 3:12pm - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
RustedAngel said:did you sign up just to post this piece of shit thread?

this has been discussed a million times. get over it.

[Aug 27,2004 3:33pm - Hooker ""]
Is this thread from 1999 or something? Aren't you a little late on this? Go buy the new Motorhead and shut the fuck up. It's damn good.
[Aug 27,2004 3:33pm - tbone_r ""]
i like bleeding through, atreyu and as i lay dying
[Aug 27,2004 3:34pm - Hooker ""]
Atreyu is pure shit.

I'm gonna start a band called [insert name from Never Ending Story] and it'll be huge.
[Aug 27,2004 3:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
my friend nate wanted to name a band atreyu before those fags ever watched the neverending story.
[Aug 27,2004 3:54pm - Hooker ""]
You should hit your friend nate real hard in the face with a sock full of penises.
[Aug 27,2004 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
it's been done to him already.

now, back to this song about fucking dead corpses...
[Aug 27,2004 4:00pm - Hooker ""]
Oh it's been done to him already? He's been to Bugaboo Creek on his birthday?
[Aug 27,2004 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
that kids is a 100% midnight golfer.. you tell me.
[Aug 27,2004 5:00pm - dreadkill ""]
i think every genre has a few good bands and a lot of shitty bands, whether it's metalcore, hardcore, black metal, death metal, etc. (although black metal and death metal in my opinion have a lot more good bands than the other genres) i like killswitch and have since they first started. their guitarist gets gayer and gayer by the minute but i think the songwriting is good. it sucks that all the posers and nu metal fags are getting into that band, but i still like them and hopefully they have one good album left in them. i know the posers are all about mastodon now, but i still like them a lot and will continue to like them until their songwriting goes stale. i've always liked shadows fall too, but based on the 2 new songs i have heard by them, i think they might be starting to hit the wall. 18 visions and atreyu and all those other pink shirt, girl pants, makeup bands are pretty gay though, i must agree. i hate trends and i hate bands who start up because of a trend, not necessarily bands that innovate and then get imitated by everyone else.
[Aug 27,2004 10:26pm - FrancisPman  ""]
everyone please get on with your life.
[Aug 28,2004 12:11am - boobtoucher ""]
i wish everyone in the world had to wear the same ninja suits... i mean, c'mon
[Aug 28,2004 12:57am - tbone_r ""]
FrancisPman '04
[Aug 28,2004 2:27pm - JayTUS ""]
Who gives a flying fuck about trends. If it's not one thing, it's going to be another, so instead of worrying about the music other people make and the way other people choose to live their lives, why don't you worry about yourself, because I am sure everyone can be laughed at for something by someone else.

And for the record, I would say Eighteen Visions and Atreyu would be two of the trend starters, not followers. But again, if they want to make their hair pretty and wear girls jeans, why the hell does anyone else care? There's so much good music out there, why waste time with the music you don't like?
[Aug 28,2004 4:37pm - Dissector ""]
the_reverend said:18v pisses me off when they are all "we only want pink and white lights on us"...
plus I don't like their music.

HAHAHAHA I Remember that at metal fest. I heard them say that and I was like fuck this I'm going to 2nd stage.
[Aug 28,2004 6:13pm - heimdall ""]
killswitch engae is a very good band, and comeing from a metal nazi as myself thats a good thing

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