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Sun, November 3rd: DYSTOPIATE (CD release show), PSYCHO, GOON PLATOON!, HORRIBLE EARTH @ O'Briens Pub, Allston, 8pm doors, $10, 21+ @ Oct 23,2024 10:15am
DYSTOPIATE - "Dystopiate" LP @ Sep 22,2020 1:36pm
DYSTOPIATE - s/t demo (2020) @ Feb 16,2020 11:19am
CRYOSTASIUM - "Dystopiate" LP available @ Apr 18,2019 7:03am
CRYOSTASIUM - "Asleep, Screaming" single & "Dystopiate" LP to come. @ Feb 10,2019 7:54pm
Cryostasium - "The Possessor" EP @ May 27,2018 7:55am
Cryostasium - Starbound (2017) @ May 29,2018 7:55pm
The Triangle Theory - "The Sapphic Grimoire/Theorem" @ May 27,2018 12:36pm
Cryostasium....been up to a lot...sample tracks from a few releases. @ Oct 24,2015 6:41pm
Cryostasium - "Stalwart" LP available for free download @ Jul 21,2014 11:44am
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