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Winter Is Coming, vote-off for Sunday headliner!

[Aug 9,2012 11:17pm - Spencer  ""]
The facebook event

"So...out of all these bands who would you like to see headline Sunday...

1) Ritual
2) Novembers Doom
3) All Pigs Must Die
4) Aeternus
5) Sunn O))
6) Troll
7) Alcest
9) Absu
10) Nachtmystium

whoever wins does not mean they will head line or even play the fest. We will say we have been in contact with 4 of the bands mentioned above..."

All I will say, is anyone who votes Alcest / Absu / Nachtmystium isn't thinking straight due to the fact they all tour nonstop.

Only voting Sunn O))) and Novembers Doom is real.
[Aug 9,2012 11:19pm - Spencer  ""]
I don't even think it's technically a vote-off, it could just be an opinion census, but i'd like to think the promoter will use the peoples opinions to decide between the four bands he's in contact with.
[Aug 9,2012 11:19pm - faggy shit is coming  ""]
[Aug 9,2012 11:27pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2012 1:18am - Garth Algar  ""]
[Aug 10,2012 5:52am - nekronaut ""]
When WOE canceled the promoter said there was a replacement.

Why are they posting a popular opinion thread now?

Book shit behind the scenes. People will come no matter what as long as you know what you are doing...........
[Aug 10,2012 6:15am - amorok666 ""]
Since when do Alcest and absu tour nonstop? As car as I know both of them have come through once in the last 5 years or so. Not exactly goatwhore.
[Aug 10,2012 6:16am - amorok666 ""]
Also Alcest canceled.
[Aug 10,2012 7:01am - arilliusbm ""]
lol @ thinking Aeternus will come play.
[Aug 10,2012 7:11am - KEVORD ""]
I vote for Black Metal Teenagers.

[Aug 10,2012 7:40am - Yeti ""]
[Aug 10,2012 8:39am - GH  ""]

arilliusbm said:lol @ thinking Aeternus will come play.
[Aug 10,2012 8:56am - arilliusbm ""]
1) Ritual -- no thanks.
2) Novembers Doom -- too many hamburgers and ipad lyrics
3) All Pigs Must Die  -- dumb name, no care.
4) Aeternus -- not going to happen
5) Sunn O)) - zzzzzzzzz
6) Troll -- not going to happen
7) Alcest -- meh, they've played 3 times in the past two years, won't happen until next album, which he said will lose all metal elements
8) ABAZAGORATH - likely. Played with them in april. Decent set, nothing like they used to be.
9) Absu - I doubt they'd want to play.
10) Nachtmystium - probably won't happen.
[Aug 10,2012 8:58am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm going to go, just to heckle Orc Adams and throw tomatoes at him.
[Aug 10,2012 9:10am - trioxin245 ""]
Is this a real thing or troll? I hope it's a troll.
[Aug 10,2012 9:38am - arktouros ""]
aeternus, yeah right
[Aug 10,2012 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]

amorok666 said:As car as I know

Lol wat
[Aug 10,2012 9:50am - trioxin_245 ""]
[Aug 10,2012 9:54am - anonymous  ""]
jelarious aril is jealous
[Aug 10,2012 9:57am - arilliusbm ""]

anonymous said:realistic aril is realistic
[Aug 10,2012 9:59am - arilliusbm ""]
If being honest and having opinions are jealousy in your eyes, please have the courage to log in.
[Aug 10,2012 10:06am - GH  ""]
In arils world, Still waters run deep
[Aug 11,2012 4:39am - Spencer  ""]

amorok666 said:Since when do Alcest and absu tour nonstop? As car as I know both of them have come through once in the last 5 years or so. Not exactly goatwhore.

Compared to some of the other bands on that list, yeah, those bands tour nonstop.

Absu toured just last November, I saw Steven Wilson the same night in Boston as that Absu show. And Absu also play doomfests and MDF and one-off shows as well.

Alcest have toured three times in the past two years. (albeit, their first US tour's Boston show hey dropped last minute and their third US tour the closest they came was to CT)

If Sunn O))) or Novembers Doom are the headliner, then awesome.

But if Nachtmystium end up being the headliner, i'm not going. No way i'm supporting that god awful band.
[Aug 11,2012 11:59am - trioxin245 ""]
In light of this recent update on this fest, I have down graded my status from 'might go to get drunk with notshaver if I can find a ride' to 'will not attend this queer shit regardless of whether good bands like Evoken play or not.'
[Aug 11,2012 2:23pm - chernobyl ""]

trioxin245 said:In light of this recent update on this fest, I have down graded my status from 'might go to get drunk with notshaver if I can find a ride' to 'will not attend this queer shit regardless of whether good bands like Evoken play or not.'

Why so srs?
[Aug 11,2012 3:27pm - Czarnobog ""]

trioxin245 said:In light of this recent update on this fest, I have down graded my status from 'might go to get drunk with notshaver if I can find a ride' to 'will not attend this queer shit regardless of whether good bands like Evoken play or not.'

its cool, we just got kicked off.
[Aug 11,2012 3:32pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Aug 11,2012 3:35pm - KEVORD ""]
[Aug 11,2012 3:36pm - KEVORD ""]
Nachzehrer is no longer in the movie.
[Aug 11,2012 3:38pm - trioxin_245 ""]
so what you're saying is that I should stay in and watch the new Breaking Bad? SOLD
[Aug 11,2012 3:41pm - trioxin_245 ""]
no honestly I'll probably still try to go if someone wants to drive a nigga
[Aug 12,2012 3:06pm - faggy shit is coming  ""]

Czarnobog said:its cool, we just got kicked off.

[Aug 12,2012 4:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Kicked off? Elucidate.
[Aug 12,2012 4:17pm - Czarnobog ""]
dude sent us an email yesterday saying he didn't like our attitude towards the fest, that we "spit in their faces after all they have done for us" blah blah blah and "the legion" was no longer interested in working with us. meh.
[Aug 12,2012 4:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pish posh
[Aug 12,2012 4:37pm - Czarnobog ""]
oh yeah, and we got blamed for making fun of dead ypres guy's mom. THANKS FOR GETTING US IN TROUBLE WITH THE LEGION YOU GUYS.
[Aug 12,2012 4:40pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, what are you guys fucking stupid? Black metal has always been about being POSITIVE bros!!!
[Aug 12,2012 4:54pm - KEVORD ""]
How to make Black Metal friends and influence people.
[Aug 12,2012 5:19pm - chernobyl ""]
Hahahahahah they kicked them off hahaha
[Aug 12,2012 5:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Can Barren Oak take the open slot, message me LEGION.
[Aug 12,2012 6:03pm - RagnarokWraith ""]
The only thing more black metal than getting kicked off the fest would be for Notshaver to stab Lord Viall in his stairwell
[Aug 12,2012 6:10pm - KEVORD ""]
That's assault brother.
[Aug 12,2012 6:35pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Once I saw this

Czarnobog said:its cool, we just got kicked off.

I knew this

Czarnobog said:dude sent us an email yesterday saying he didn't like our attitude towards the fest, that we "spit in their faces after all they have done for us" blah blah blah and "the legion" was no longer interested in working with us. meh.

must be the /r/eason.
[Aug 12,2012 6:37pm - KEVORD ""]
The original post with the E-mail before it was edited was better.
[Aug 12,2012 7:37pm - nekronaut ""]
I made him take it down.
[Aug 12,2012 7:39pm - KEVORD ""]
[Aug 12,2012 7:42pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
[Aug 13,2012 1:00am - Spence ""]
Ritual was confirmed for the headliner on sunday.

Such a fucking bust.
[Aug 13,2012 2:35am - Nazgul667  ""]
regarding the comment posted by RagnarokWraith. I am looking forward to this festival. I might have to get the police involved because i've spent good money to get to this fest and will not have it shut down because you stabbed the promoter.
[Aug 13,2012 2:58am - Lord Vial  ""]
This goes out to Michael from Nachzerer; do not attempt any sudden moves, I have already notified the police of a potential threat and they will be monitoring the festival closely that as well as the legions finest soliders. Do not attempt anything you might regret.

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