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Winter Is Coming, vote-off for Sunday headliner!

[Aug 14,2012 10:29am - KEVORD ""]
Officialy a fest.
[Aug 14,2012 10:37am - Mark_R ""]
I like Vital Remains fine but wish they were after Evoken.
[Aug 14,2012 10:38am - Spence ""]
This festival is no longer happening for me.

i was considering going saturday for Agalloch, camping somewhere and seeing Sig:Ar:Tyr and a GOOD headliner the next day - but Ritual distinguished all hopes of that.

[Aug 14,2012 10:43am - Yeti ""]

Spence said:This festival is no longer happening for me.

i was considering going saturday for Agalloch, camping somewhere and seeing Sig:Ar:Tyr and a GOOD headliner the next day - but Ritual distinguished all hopes of that.

[Aug 14,2012 10:46am - KEVORD ""]
If Spencer isn't falling for this Twigs and Berries Fest nonsense anymore the Legion is in trouble. I wonder how many 3 day passes they've sold.
[Aug 14,2012 10:49am - Spence ""]
*Extinguished, holy fuck.

Automatic spellcheck is horrid.

They're supposedly getting close to selling out 3 day passes. But something tells me their FB is exaggerating.
[Aug 14,2012 10:49am - J. Walter Weatherman  ""]
And THAT'S why always be skeptical about retard promoters
[Aug 14,2012 11:40am - J. Walter Weatherman  ""]

J.%20Walter%20Weatherman said:And THAT'S why always be skeptical about retard promoters

[Aug 14,2012 12:54pm - xmikex ""]
Horshack's mom booked as the surprise headliner

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