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hahaha got another email from that fag.

[Mar 25,2006 9:17pm - litacore ""]
anonymous said:i mean everything! i am a miserable,old,grumpy man!

shut up and clean my oven bitch:gun:
[Mar 25,2006 9:32pm - anonymous  ""]
litacore said:anonymous said:i mean everything! i am a miserable,old,grumpy man!

shut up and clean my oven bitch:gun:

bahahahaha,,you just tell me where to sign id love to clean your "oven" sweettits..
[Mar 25,2006 10:07pm - litacore ""]
sign in first UNLESS you're scared to do so

then tattoo GIRL POWER onto your forehead

then get a partial lobotomy, oops you already did
[Mar 25,2006 10:55pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
sacreligion said:BestialOnslaught said:Joe/NotCommon said:What band is this about?


that doesn't make any sense and it's funny to me you had to edit that in

It doesn't make sense cause you're slow and I had to edit it to make it clear I was replying to Joe.
[Mar 25,2006 10:56pm - ouch  ""]
litacore said:sign in first UNLESS you're scared to do so

then tattoo GIRL POWER onto your forehead

then get a partial lobotomy, oops you already did

oh baby don't be so cruel,i know you want me
[Mar 25,2006 10:57pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
anonymous said:BestialOnslaught said:It depends on the bill. $10 for 4 or 5 local bands is too much to bug your friends to pay, unless 1 or 2 are "headliner quality", or what have you.

Either way, mandatory ticket selling/pay-to-play shit is for lazy promoters, and it'll always be a shady, amateur-ish tactic. There could be ways for it to work in a co-operative fashion, but generally it's just a way of suckering bands into doing legwork that's not their job.

if it's not their job who the hell's job is it! we aren't exactly talking clash of the titans tour here,most of these bands are lucky to even find a place to play music that NOONE is going to come and see,i am not saying the promoters shouldn't do anything to help but it's EVEYONE involved in the show's responsibility to get as many folks there as they can,fucking spoiled,selfish,lazy, kids!you all make me sick,,

NEWSFLASH, just because you got your four best friends in a band and wrote some songs doesn't entitle you to jack shit,,maybe this kind of attitude is the reason so few bands from new england ever go anywhere?


Newsflash... Just cause you woke up one morning and decided to be a "promoter" doesn't make you any less of a scumbag if you pawn off any/all financial risk of the position on the bands you book.
[Mar 25,2006 11:05pm - anonymous  ""]
i didnt say it did,,i said that they should be thankful they even have a place who will let them play at all,regardless of promotion or the excrutiatingly difficult task of selling a few tickets
[Mar 26,2006 3:40am - sacreligion ""]
sacreligion is awesome
[Mar 26,2006 3:44am - the_reverend ""]
emo? I think they mean homo.

and sacreligion is nu-metal? fuck them.
[Mar 26,2006 3:44am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
This thread COULD have been constructive if:

1) someone actually said who/what club this was
2) Rev hadn't broken his own board with a link that was too long
3) anyone had the common sense to point out that most bands are
interested in exposing themselves to OTHER bands followings, and
broadening thier fan-base. I could play in front of my 30 friends in
my own rehearsal space and keep 100% of ticket sales.
[Mar 26,2006 8:38am - Sinislazy  ""]
It could have been more constructive without the sexist bullshit too, but hey.

Anyways, it's not a hell of a lot of people, but we had around 80 people at our cd release show. But if we had to sell 80 tickets in order to open for a bigger act, we wouldn't get a quarter of that. People want to pay at the door. That's just how it is. Hell, we could have opened for Green Carnation, but they wanted us to sell 75 tickets. I'm guessing that the total crowd wasn't more than 100 for that show, so if you bring more people than the headliner, you're giving them more exposure instead of it being the other way around.

Bottom line: pay to play puts more pressure on the bands than it's worth, unless it's a golden opportunity. For extreme metal tours? Fuck it.
[Mar 26,2006 10:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't know of any bands having trouble finding places to play, and making them sell tickets or pay to play is sort of ridiculous since the band is the one performing a task for the promoter. Without bands to play shows, then you are out of a job. Would you pay money to go work at your job hoping you impress someone there so that you can get to work another day for free?

If you are booking bigger bands, then the idea of relying on the local opening acts to bring in all the people is stupid and lazy and you might as well only book the local bands. This sort of strategy is what destroyed Jarrod's place in Attleboro and will in the end destroy whatever club this is happening at.

I've been booking shows for like 6 years or something and I like to think I know a little something about it and everyone I've seen who has made bands selll tickets or pay to play has vanished because the reality of the situation is the bands do not need you if you aren't helping them.
[Mar 26,2006 10:18am - RichHorror ""]
Pay to play is the dumbest, weakest shit ever. The End.
[Mar 26,2006 10:25am - i stand corrected  ""]
well,if joe not common says so...
[Mar 26,2006 10:36am - CTborderpatrol  ""]
truth has been told by the last 2 posts. one hand washes the other and frankly i'd rather play a basement show than sell tickets and pay to play one of these shitdick "fests" with that hackjob ticket scam.
im setting up a 2 day fest here where i plan on selling beer at $1 per cup. now if you get a half barrel of bud and sell $1 beers, you about double your money back. im sure theres some people who arent bitch about life and have no qualms illegally selling booze. this method has the potential to send all bands home with a full gas tank if the promoter actually promotes and does his job. to say you NEED to have bands sell tickets just tells me you dont know what the fuck you're doing and your fest is gonna suck.
[Mar 26,2006 11:03am - JayTUS nli  ""]
I don't see what the big deal is. The dude set ground rules from the begining that if you want to play the show, you have to sell X amount of tickets. You can't/don't want to, so why did you take the show?

You can all sit around and cry and complain and moan about having to do the "legwork," but it is EVERYONE's responsibility to promote and sell the show. If five bands play and each bring 30 on their own, that should be 120 people who may not know who your band is watching. I understand it can be hard/frustrating selling tickets in advance, but if those are the rules, then those are the rules. Otherwise, don't take the show. It's pretty simple.

Bands shouldn't just post a couple messages on MySpace, your website and/or even this board and expect people to just show up, and if that is all you're doing, then you have no right to bitch when no one shows up. The promoter should be doing all of that plus more, I agree. But it's a two way street. If you expect the promoter to do ALL of the work, then obviously you don't take your band very seriously...
[Mar 26,2006 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I could sit here and argue with you all day, but please tell me one band who made it big by paying to play and selling tickets to open slightly bigger shows?

In a music scene, alot of the people only see each other at shows so selling tickets to your fans is not as easy as you might think because you won't see them until that show happens.

Also, if a promoter pays attention, bands will play with other bands whose fans will like the other bands, which will happen less if bands are just clumped together on random bills because they paid for it.
[Mar 26,2006 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
I got an email today too:
"got out of hand if Faggot had not stopped the rain of money by suddenly blowing into the air. Two young men, grinning purposefully, left their seats and made straight for the bar. A loud buzz filled the theatre : the audience was galvanised with excitement and in an effort to control the situation Bengalsky stirred himself and appeared on stage. With a tremendous effort of self-mastery he went through his habitual motion of washing his hands and in his most powerful voice began: 'We have just seen, ladies and gentlemen, a case of so-called mass hypnosis. A purely scientific experiment, demonstrating better than anything else that there is nothing supernatural about magic. We shall ask Maestro Woland to show us how he did that experiment. You will now see, ladies and gentlemen, how those apparent banknotes will vanish as suddenly as they appeared.' He began to clap, but he was alone. A confident smile appeared on his face, but the look in his eyes was one of entreaty. The audience did not care for Bengalsky's speech. Faggot broke mnh sigiui l hf gjhmiih i hshq ij huiiho ilipgf fngljs fmfpfq sdjksdfsdfsdlgkj sdflkjsdf lksdjfsdfsdf"
[Mar 26,2006 11:19am - RichHorror ""]
I love those.
[Mar 26,2006 11:33am - JayTUS nli  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I could sit here and argue with you all day, but please tell me one band who made it big by paying to play and selling tickets to open slightly bigger shows?

In a music scene, alot of the people only see each other at shows so selling tickets to your fans is not as easy as you might think because you won't see them until that show happens.

Also, if a promoter pays attention, bands will play with other bands whose fans will like the other bands, which will happen less if bands are just clumped together on random bills because they paid for it.

No, I agree. There has to be some middle ground, like expecting a band to bring X amount of people, and making tickets available before the show. But as a promoter, which I know you are, I would find it hard to believe that you would book bands that expected to just show up and play.

Everyone wants to make a buck, and this dude took the tactic of requiring tickets to be sold up front. If he was unclear on that, then shame on him, but if the band took the show knowing they had to sell X amount of tickets, then they really don't have anything to cry about...
[Mar 26,2006 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
I think the point of this thread is that this dude sends the same story of easter lunch with sevendust to everyone every time people ask him about anything.
average convo:
"hey guy, what's up?!"
"nothing right now, but I did have easter lunch with sevendust so that I just said is that much more important"
"um.. ok dude, sevendust sucks"
"you obviously are never going to make it big."
[Mar 26,2006 11:37am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 26,2006 11:39am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I could sit here and argue with you all day, but please tell me one band who made it big by paying to play and selling tickets to open slightly bigger shows?

Motley Crue

Jesus, I could give a list of thousands, joe, but I just woke up.

You may have been booking shows for 6 years, but you've obviously
never been on the west coast. I don't agree with pay to play either,
but out there it's pretty much standard procedure.

[Mar 26,2006 11:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Maybe pay to play is standard on the west coast but did paying to play west coast gigs really break metallica and godsmack or whoever?

[Mar 26,2006 11:44am - ArrowHead nli  ""]

Well, godsmack did it on the east coast with the locobazooka appearances.

However, the other bands I mentioned DID end up getting signed off of shows
where they sold tickets or paid to play, and there were a&r reps present.

Again, out there it's s.o.p., and there's a reason bands do it.
[Mar 26,2006 11:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Locobazooka is a different story then paying to play on a random Exodus show, or something like SXSW or whatever where tons of A&R reps and other industry people are going to be present.

However, the NEMO convention up here is a total rip off and I would never support it.
[Mar 26,2006 11:48am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
However, the NEMO convention up here is a total rip off and I would never support it.


[Mar 26,2006 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
i heard pillory got sign by paying to UL
[Mar 26,2006 12:08pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
the_reverend said:i heard pillory got sign by paying to UL

No. We used our sexual charms to get signed.
[Mar 26,2006 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
raping your way to the top again?
[Mar 26,2006 12:14pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
You mean raping our way to thier BOTTOM, right?

eeew, that was bad.
[Mar 26,2006 12:20pm - CTborderpatrol  ""]
its been my experience that the quality of the pay to play shows is generally lower. theres been a few of these events which are just local bands, and i think these types of backwoods events can benifit from my idea before. who cares what they do on the west coast? are you gonna contract aids and turn queer now?
[Mar 26,2006 12:21pm - dreadkill ""]
Sinislazy said:It could have been more constructive without the sexist bullshit too, but hey.

Anyways, it's not a hell of a lot of people, but we had around 80 people at our cd release show. But if we had to sell 80 tickets in order to open for a bigger act, we wouldn't get a quarter of that. People want to pay at the door. That's just how it is. Hell, we could have opened for Green Carnation, but they wanted us to sell 75 tickets. I'm guessing that the total crowd wasn't more than 100 for that show, so if you bring more people than the headliner, you're giving them more exposure instead of it being the other way around.

Bottom line: pay to play puts more pressure on the bands than it's worth, unless it's a golden opportunity. For extreme metal tours? Fuck it.

there were 30 people at that show
[Mar 26,2006 12:27pm - CTborderpatrol  ""]
CTborderpatrol said:its been my experience that the quality of the pay to play shows is generally lower. QUOTE]

ps. i only say this because it kinda turns the band's set into one where you watch em and you get the vibe that they are at work, and not actually enjoying the performance, while still paying full price for the spirits etc. its all about the raging drunk shows put on purely for the shits and giggles.
show+party=sharty. get into it

[Mar 26,2006 12:39pm - the_reverend ""]
ArrowHead nli said:You mean raping our way to thier BOTTOM, right?

that is rapping, not raping.
[Mar 26,2006 12:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
King Gary and I are gonna do a rap battle cd, in hopes of flaming a war between boston and philly rappers. I am gonna lyrically dis his label.
[Mar 26,2006 1:06pm - RichHorror ""]
And he's going to have sex with whatever girl you're talking to at the time.
[Mar 26,2006 1:12pm - dreadkill ""]
another classic rich horror post
[Mar 26,2006 6:35pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
JayTUS nli said:If he was unclear on that, then shame on him

No, no, no. Shame on him for invoking pay-to-play tactics, no matter how up front he might have been. And shame on any bands that work with him and help keep promoters like this in business. A guy makes a few phonecalls and emails to set up a show and is somehow entitled to have the opening bands suddenly shell out all the headliner's guarantee up front so he takes on no financial risk? He's entitled to sit back and make the bands do all the flyering and ticket selling, then to grab a piece of the back-end if the show does well? How exactly is he doing any promoting work, if that is the case?

It is most definitely the job of bands to try to get their friends, acquaintances and fans in the door when they play, on an implied level. Their actual job IS to show up and play though, the promoter's actual job is to supply financial guarantees and create public awareness about the event, the venue's job is to supply advance tickets if it's the kind of show where that's necessary. Of course it's in the best interest of bands, especially in, say, the underground Metal scene, to get as many people in the door as possible, but in traditional performance industry terms, show promotion really does not fall under the job description of performers.

Try to paint any face on it you like, pay-to-play will still always be for FUCKING SCUMBAGS.
[Mar 26,2006 7:46pm - infoterror ""]
Agreed. Fuck pay to play. Then again, you need to get into some different genres: there's too many bands here for any to stand out.

[Mar 26,2006 8:41pm - pam nli  ""]
JayTUS nli said:I don't see what the big deal is. The dude set ground rules from the begining that if you want to play the show, you have to sell X amount of tickets. You can't/don't want to, so why did you take the show?

You can all sit around and cry and complain and moan about having to do the "legwork," but it is EVERYONE's responsibility to promote and sell the show. If five bands play and each bring 30 on their own, that should be 120 people who may not know who your band is watching. I understand it can be hard/frustrating selling tickets in advance, but if those are the rules, then those are the rules. Otherwise, don't take the show. It's pretty simple.

Bands shouldn't just post a couple messages on MySpace, your website and/or even this board and expect people to just show up, and if that is all you're doing, then you have no right to bitch when no one shows up. The promoter should be doing all of that plus more, I agree. But it's a two way street. If you expect the promoter to do ALL of the work, then obviously you don't take your band very seriously...

I understand your point. In this particular case however, it INITIAL email this jackass sends out makes no mention of tickets, promises NEVER PAY TO PLAY, and The Accursed did not accept the show, they asked questions first because they suspected this was the same schmuck they'd heard from before. When the second email came, that's when the ticket situation came up. The guy wanted 100 dollars up front for 30 tickets. UP FRONT.

How this got twisted into a bands being lazy/can't sell tickets thread I have no idea.

Oh and for that pussy anon above, when you get some hair on your sack and sign in, we'll talk.
[Mar 26,2006 8:46pm - anonymous  ""]
when you shave the hair off your upper lip,i'll sign in.and then we can talk ..deal?
[Mar 26,2006 8:48pm - pam nli  ""]
whatever. pussy.
[Mar 26,2006 8:53pm - i stand corrected  ""]
pam nli said:whatever. pussy.

shouldn't you be vacuuming or cleaning something?
[Mar 26,2006 9:04pm - pam ""]
Shouldn't you be getting laid, for the first time?
[Mar 26,2006 9:10pm - anonymous  ""]
i'm married,so unfortunately i got laid for the last time,some time ago..but my floors sparkle and you could eat maple walnut icecream out of my toilet,she's a good woman,,knows her place
[Mar 26,2006 9:14pm - pam ""]
she's either a dumb cunt, or fucking your friends behind your back. sorry.
[Mar 26,2006 9:22pm - anonymous  ""]
well,either way she know's when to shut her numb cunt mouth...
[Mar 26,2006 9:26pm - anonymous  ""]
me and pam..a love story
[Mar 26,2006 9:27pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:well,either way she know's when to shut her numb cunt mouth...

is your wife's mouth numb from sucking your friends' cocks?

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