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[Apr 11,2005 7:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
We brought the drums down to bet setup on saturday night...This was already way later than originally planned, but the place was just supplied with electricity that day. Ken was up till about 5 in the morning setting all of his gear up for us to start tracking the next day (sunday).


Went down saturday when things were now coming together with the new studio, drums were tuned and ready to go. Tim and I had to go to guitar center in natick to pickup about $330 in mic cables. Got back and by then it was about 5 and I was worried dane wouldn't be able to complete his tracks and make it home in time for work today. Luckily he busted them out pretty well with only 2-3 takes for each song. He was on his way home by 11 or so.


Next was the fun part for Shawn and I! GUITARS!!!!!! We put in a disc I will leave un-named as a point of reference to match guitar tone too using my ENGL. We got it almost exact but obviously geared to my sound in B using EMG's in my Jackson. Ken played with 'my knobs' for easily an hour. one SM57 and one condensor mic'ed by a VHT 6x12" cab with P50's. Once we got the tone we wanted we decided to start tracking. We did Frailties Of Humanity first. Shawn used his Universe, but the sound we achieved with my ENGL was definetly setup for my Jackson, so shawn had to use my axe for the rest of his parts which kinda screwed him up. If that wasn't enough unfortunately his wrist is still kinda f-ed so he couldn't do the 2 new songs and most of one of the old ones. He's getting better so hopefully he'll be playing shows with us again ASAP. We finished frailties by 2am. Bedtime.


Got woken up by ken at 9am sharp to start the rest. We ended up busting out all the tracks for 4 songs by 2:30 or so, and then finished all the leads by 4 using his Modded JCM800.


Got home around 6, Dan goes down tomorrow morning at 9 to start tracking Bass...Vocals will be tracked throughout this weekend. Mixing comes after. Word has it that Adam D. (killswitch) will have his hands on some of the mixing for our EP this weekend. I can't friggen wait to hear the finished product. All I know is that all the hard work and effort has already payed off. I have high hopes that we will finally get picked up by someone then we can go back for a full length and really get picky about EVERYTHING.

1. Untitled
2. Chambers
3. Frailties of Humanity
4. Deprivation
5. End Flesh Divinity


more pictures:
[Apr 11,2005 7:46pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
you guys blow my ass
[Apr 11,2005 8:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Damnit Tom, it's Where's The Beef not Untitled.

Can't wait to hear it
[Apr 11,2005 8:56pm - smartass  ""]
Hey is that the fag from Unearth behind the board?
[Apr 11,2005 9:03pm - porphyria603 ""]
all in all i'm pretty siked about the tracking we have done so far.Drums are sounding sick,and the guitar tracks are pretty rediculous compared to the old tascam recording(hehe).
I was kinda nervous that i wouldn't be able to contribute to the recording,but ken made me feel pretty relaxed and i i got through most of the old ones,and even managed to throw down a riff tom was having trouble lining up with some stops,and write a better solo for one of the new one's.
Tom kicked ass,and picked up alot of my slack(I'll suck his dick off later for that),and laid down a fricken sick solo in the new song.

bass tomorrow...arrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
[Apr 11,2005 9:09pm - boobtoucher ""]
whoa thats awesome, can't wait to hear it.
[Apr 11,2005 9:34pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I love how I can see it as its happening pretty much. Looking forward to buying this someday.
[Apr 11,2005 11:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
edit tracklisting:
1. where's the beef?
[Apr 12,2005 1:30am - El Justin  ""]
[Apr 12,2005 9:24am - RustedAngel ""]
dan's doing his bass right now, and I'm stuck at work. gaaaaaaay.
[Apr 12,2005 1:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
shawn just called, Dan got the bass done in about 2 1/2 hours! siiick.
[Apr 12,2005 1:35pm - christraper_nli  ""]
You should name the untitled track "Dong Of Hatred"
[Apr 12,2005 1:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
untitled = football riffs
[Apr 12,2005 1:38pm - christraper_nli  ""]
footbaall riffs? you mean the kind of shit the guys in the weightroom like to listen to?
[Apr 12,2005 1:39pm - christraper_nli  ""]
so you guys are covering "eye of the tiger"?
[Apr 12,2005 1:40pm - christraper_nli  ""]
[Apr 12,2005 1:45pm - christraper_nli  ""]
i still havent heard you guys
[Apr 12,2005 1:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
untitled is actually a godsmack cover song.
[Apr 12,2005 2:28pm - powerkok ""]
gooo awayyyah!!
dood no one can match 'tony's' SIIIIIK guitar tone!!!
[Apr 12,2005 3:05pm - Hooker ""]
Porphyria is the only band I like.
[Apr 12,2005 3:20pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Hes just got his hat on so that its concealing his hair right?!?!!
[Apr 12,2005 3:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
Aegathis nli said:
Hes just got his hat on so that its concealing his hair right?!?!!

don't hate us now, but shawn shaved his head. hahahaha.
[Apr 12,2005 3:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker said:Porphyria is the only band I like.

Hooker is the only man I would give the reacharound.
[Apr 12,2005 3:30pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:Aegathis nli said:
Hes just got his hat on so that its concealing his hair right?!?!!

don't hate us now, but shawn shaved his head. hahahaha.

Thats funny??!! NO , no hate for you ,just when people have to go that route.
[Apr 12,2005 3:33pm - blue ""]

track 1: cinnameain sticks
[Apr 12,2005 3:59pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
[Apr 13,2005 11:05am - RustedAngel ""]
track 1: windex warpath
[Apr 13,2005 11:07am - Christraper ""]
Anal Agression
[Apr 13,2005 11:08am - Christraper ""]
Phallic Impalement
[Apr 13,2005 11:08am - Christraper ""]
Im brainstorming here...Im obviously VERY busy at work
[Apr 13,2005 11:09am - Christraper ""]
Carnivorous Cock
[Apr 13,2005 11:11am - Christraper ""]
Malevolent Excrement
[Apr 13,2005 11:12am - Christraper ""]
Benevolent Excrement
[Apr 13,2005 11:13am - Christraper ""]
Care Bear Holocaust
[Apr 13,2005 12:44pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Capracious Cuntpuncher
[Apr 13,2005 2:18pm - Christraper ""]
Corrosive Colon
[Apr 13,2005 2:19pm - Christraper ""]
Fraggle Cock
[Apr 13,2005 2:40pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
Humungous Humunculus
[Apr 13,2005 3:20pm - Hooker ""]
Wrought-iron boner.
Shit kiln suprise.
Scarred Skin Chimney.
[Apr 13,2005 3:21pm - grundlegremlin ""]
The Cannibal Diaries
[Apr 13,2005 4:24pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The Infection of Blood
[Apr 13,2005 4:29pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
The Broodwich!!!!
[Apr 13,2005 4:57pm - meghann  ""]
you are the hottest
[Apr 13,2005 6:13pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
[Apr 13,2005 7:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Apr 13,2005 7:53pm - danny_p ""]

track 1: skroll warz
[Apr 13,2005 8:05pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Chilli dog
[Apr 14,2005 3:57am - darkwingsunfurl nli  ""]
question, did you purchase triggers for the recording?
[Apr 14,2005 3:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
we did not.
[Apr 15,2005 8:46am - RustedAngel ""]
ken is filming gaybangers ball right now, but will hopefully be coming back to his house tonight to start tim's vox....I hope!
[Apr 16,2005 12:52am - Ryan (Scurrility)  ""]
shit i live like 15 minutes from Shawn and didnt know his hair was gone... holy fuck
[Apr 16,2005 12:46pm - your worst nightmare  ""]
I saw that little Rusted Angel queer at the Over Kill/CSDO show the other day. What a shit talking fag he is.
[Apr 16,2005 12:50pm - SHUT UP  ""]
RustedAngel said:ken is filming gaybangers ball right now!

[Apr 16,2005 12:51pm - powerkok ""]
its doodbangers ball.
[Apr 19,2005 12:33pm - RustedAngel ""]

It's been about 2 weeks since we started recording with Ken Susi. We've only put not even 4 full days into recording. Guitars were done in about 8 or 9 hours, Drums in about 5, Dan busted out his bass tracks in about 2 hours, Tim finished up his vocals last friday and Ken has proceeded with mixing. He should be done today. I'm going down to pick up a copy of it tonight after work. Once it's approved then it's off to mastering which shouldn't take long. We have a rough mix of 'Frailties of Humanity' and it's sounding pretty sick so far! Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as we do!

We're forced to take the next few weeks off until our bass player is done school...tons of shows in late May, and June.
[Apr 19,2005 12:34pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
who is doing the mastering?
[Apr 19,2005 12:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_hates_you said:who is doing the mastering?

I don't know his name, but it's a friend of Ken's who's going to hook us up.
[Apr 19,2005 1:15pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
oh yeah, that guy.
[Apr 20,2005 2:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
Got a rough mix of all the songs, frailties still doesn't have the solo in it yet but it will tomorrow. Contact me and maybe I will give you a secret link to hear a rough mix if I haven't already contacted you. ;)
[Apr 20,2005 2:38pm - nate ""]
I heard it already and it sounds killer Tom, can't wait to hear it done and blasting in my stereo at home!
[Apr 20,2005 3:36pm - powerkok ""]
Me listen, Me likey.
Very good.
[Apr 20,2005 4:51pm - Hooker ""]
[Apr 20,2005 4:55pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
sounds fucking amazing
[Apr 20,2005 5:50pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
your worst nightmare said:I saw that little Rusted Angel queer at the Over Kill/CSDO show the other day. What a shit talking fag he is.

It's no secret. We all know who you are. We all know you change your anonymus name to act like you are 5 or 6 different people. You are not fooling us. No one cares what you say. You know that I know who you are, and anyone who knows how to read and knows your snake-like ways knows who you are too. Give it up man.

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