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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to RustedAngel.
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[QUOTE="RustedAngel:240997"]We brought the drums down to bet setup on saturday night...This was already way later than originally planned, but the place was just supplied with electricity that day. Ken was up till about 5 in the morning setting all of his gear up for us to start tracking the next day (sunday). [img]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29408&h=e40fbd4f4d644d5ae9667c6f2397e21a[/img] Went down saturday when things were now coming together with the new studio, drums were tuned and ready to go. Tim and I had to go to guitar center in natick to pickup about $330 in mic cables. Got back and by then it was about 5 and I was worried dane wouldn't be able to complete his tracks and make it home in time for work today. Luckily he busted them out pretty well with only 2-3 takes for each song. He was on his way home by 11 or so. [IMG]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29420&h=325bc28c722ff942fe8843bf5a69cf11[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29424&h=88cc2417b36929ea4bc05897cae14ff1[/IMG] Next was the fun part for Shawn and I! GUITARS!!!!!! We put in a disc I will leave un-named as a point of reference to match guitar tone too using my ENGL. We got it almost exact but obviously geared to my sound in B using EMG's in my Jackson. Ken played with 'my knobs' for easily an hour. one SM57 and one condensor mic'ed by a VHT 6x12" cab with P50's. Once we got the tone we wanted we decided to start tracking. We did Frailties Of Humanity first. Shawn used his Universe, but the sound we achieved with my ENGL was definetly setup for my Jackson, so shawn had to use my axe for the rest of his parts which kinda screwed him up. If that wasn't enough unfortunately his wrist is still kinda f-ed so he couldn't do the 2 new songs and most of one of the old ones. He's getting better so hopefully he'll be playing shows with us again ASAP. We finished frailties by 2am. Bedtime. [IMG]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29432&h=d9eabd1bce81461410a33fae11f658e4[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29427&h=bbd9f3f349fefbd15be9072b6211c8c4[/IMG] Got woken up by ken at 9am sharp to start the rest. We ended up busting out all the tracks for 4 songs by 2:30 or so, and then finished all the leads by 4 using his Modded JCM800. [IMG]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29434&h=c8f70f3e0fcd280a3ad8087663be5514[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/dbimage.php?i=29437&h=91b483992ba828f19e9767cd0db13eb2[/IMG] Got home around 6, Dan goes down tomorrow morning at 9 to start tracking Bass...Vocals will be tracked throughout this weekend. Mixing comes after. Word has it that Adam D. (killswitch) will have his hands on some of the mixing for our EP this weekend. I can't friggen wait to hear the finished product. All I know is that all the hard work and effort has already payed off. I have high hopes that we will finally get picked up by someone then we can go back for a full length and really get picky about EVERYTHING. Tracklisting: 1. Untitled 2. Chambers 3. Frailties of Humanity 4. Deprivation 5. End Flesh Divinity :nuke: more pictures: http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/index.php?p=gallery&a=day&year=2005&month=4&day=10 http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/index.php?p=gallery&a=day&year=2005&month=4&day=11[/QUOTE]
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