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[Sep 16,2003 2:58am - joostin ""]
I'm just about finished with my current book, and i'm looking for my next.
Are there any literate folk out there who could recommend some good reading to an old man?
I'll go with anything fiction, non-fiction, documentary, auto/bibliography, etc., etc.
Just as long as it's good and makes one not want to go back to kindergarded due to this abundance of pictures.
[Sep 16,2003 3:02am - Terence ""]
From one old man to another, The Old Man and the Sea makes for some great reading
[Sep 16,2003 3:09am - thegreatspaldino ""]
you should read a bunch of edgar allen poe... he rules
[Sep 16,2003 3:11am - joostin ""]
unfortunetly i've read almost all of Eddies stuff, and i've got 2 editions of Old Man. But good choices fellas.
[Sep 16,2003 3:13am - thegreatspaldino ""]
read the books based on the game doom... i thought they were fairly cool when i read the whole series back in the day... 4 books... all about 300 pages... bad ass stuff
[Sep 16,2003 3:39am - joostin ""]
haha, believe it or not, i own them all.

i guess to narrow things down i'm looking for books along the lines of william borough, palahniuk, and mark danielewski.

and if someone owns a copy of mein kampf, may i borrow it?
[Sep 16,2003 3:43am - thegreatspaldino ""]
hahahah whoa... what did you think of them? i would love to read them again sometime... also.. they actually made Doom 2 books as well. i havent read those though.
[Sep 16,2003 4:38am - phantos ""]
some good fucked up contemporary fiction...
Amnesia Moon by Jonathan Lethem
Valis by Philip K. Dick
[Sep 16,2003 4:44am - moran ""]
[Sep 16,2003 7:49am - succubus ""]
wow...so i opened this thread and it made me remember one of the ddreams i had last night...it was about books! (yes i'm a dork) ... i can't remember all the details but I was with the Rev and we started talking about books and found out that we were a fan of the same author...damn i can't remember his name..but i wish i did because i'd do a search to see if he really existed...anyhow...he was telling me about books he read (i had only read 1 of those) and I told him about the books I had read...and he had only read the same one...weird..

anyhow...back to the topic of this post..

Have you ever read James Joyce? I think "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is a good start...

if you are in the mood to read some erotic fiction....Anais Nin is the author..anything by her...or Henry Miller (they had an affair by the way)...

I'm sure you know J.D. Salinger...ever read Franny & Zooey? I suggest that one as well.

[Sep 16,2003 8:39am - succubus ""]
hey joostin..for when you see this...someone bumped a thread all about books on another board for you *cough*cough*..it's 7 pages long...:spineyes:
[Sep 16,2003 8:49am - the_reverend ""]
franny and zoey sucked... I couldn't get into it.

Snow Crash by Neil Stevenson about a drug-religeon-mimevirus-computer virus where in the whole nation/world is broken up in to corporate franchise states

Breakfast of Champions by vonegut
cats craddle by vonnegut

Geeks by um.. I forget his name, but he writes for slashdot.org about some kids from the mid-wes using the net to get out of there (true story)

hannibal/red dragon/silence of the lambs

Half asleep in frog pajama by tom robbins (he's like a more modern day vonnegut)
still life with woodpecker by tom robbins (he's like a more modern day vonnegut)
<< he wrote even cowgirls get the blues which was the worst thing ever.. his other books are good through

spell for chameleon by peirs an
[Sep 16,2003 8:49am - the_reverend ""]
franny and zoey sucked... I couldn't get into it.

Snow Crash by Neil Stevenson about a drug-religeon-mimevirus-computer virus where in the whole nation/world is broken up in to corporate franchise states

Breakfast of Champions by vonegut
cats craddle by vonnegut

Geeks by um.. I forget his name, but he writes for slashdot.org about some kids from the mid-wes using the net to get out of there (true story)

hannibal/red dragon/silence of the lambs

Half asleep in frog pajama by tom robbins (he's like a more modern day vonnegut)
still life with woodpecker by tom robbins (he's like a more modern day vonnegut)
<< he wrote even cowgirls get the blues which was the worst thing ever.. his other books are good through

spell for chameleon by peirs anthony about a girl that has a 28 day cycle... on one side ugly and brilliant on the other beautiful and dumb

michael chiton: the terminal man, andromeda strain, congo, sphere, all HORRIBLE MOVIES but amazing book... very indepth and a lot of really really good ideas.

then there are all the classics:
the red pony, the jungle (you will become a veggie after this book), the hitch hikers guide series, plant of the apes, 1984, brave new world

honestly, I have an attic full of books. I love reading. I read just about anything... from books on fantasy to ficton to smut to tech docs to pop culture to science book. Ask succubus, she's seen a lot of the books I have... I love love love books and some day I'm going to have a study with a nice chair, a light and tons of books. it's going to smell like old paper and book worms.
[Sep 16,2003 8:53am - succubus ""]
geeks by Jon Katz..

and to say Franny and Zooey sucked TWO TIMES because you "couldn't get into it"...ahh well your loss i guess....i loved it

[Sep 16,2003 8:55am - xeatadickx ""]
Moby Dick is an excellent book; its my favorite novel of all time. its surprisingly morbid and deeply intellignt if you can pick up all the subtle symbolism...
[Sep 16,2003 8:56am - Beakey ""]
Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski
[Sep 16,2003 10:48am - Lynneaus ""]
im a huge fan of murder mysteries with either a forensic science angle or pyschology angle... with that...

anything by Patricia Cornwell (well except her reccent nonfiction work about Jack the Ripper cuz that just sucked) or anything by Jonathan Kellerman are really good.

i usually read about a book a week...:spineyes:
[Sep 16,2003 10:51am - Lynneaus ""]
Beakey said:Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski

ive only read one of his books... Pulp.... and it was really fucked up.
last time i was in Toronto i looked for more stuff of his at a bookstore and they were sold out of everything he did.
[Sep 16,2003 12:47pm - trinitytest ""]
Gotta go with the dude recommending Kurt Vonnegut. I hadn't read anything other than tech manuals since like junior year in high school (now i am 21) and a friend turned me on to him. Really fast moving books. I have read Cat's Cradle, Player Piano, and Breakfast of Champions since the end of August. Half was through reading Sirens of Titan now. So add Sirens of Titan to that list. This book is a trip.
[Sep 16,2003 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
someone sure sounds like a guffooner
[Sep 16,2003 1:07pm - trinitytest ""]
Or am I in your Karass??? Yea Bokononism.
[Sep 16,2003 1:18pm - RustedAngel ""]

lord of the flies.
[Sep 16,2003 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know... all I got to say is "go hoosers!"
[Sep 16,2003 2:04pm - trinitytest ""]
hmm beginning to look doubtful. ;)
[Sep 16,2003 2:15pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
hustler man. best printed material ever written
[Sep 16,2003 4:24pm - joostin ""]
thanks for the referals.
I'm sure this'll keep me busy for about 2 weeks, haha.
[Sep 16,2003 5:15pm - george at school  ""]
i fucking hate vonnegut. ive read cats cradle and slaughterhosue 5. im not sure what it is about him, hes just too full of himself and it comes out in his writing. read anything by palahniuk, except invisible monsters cause that book trash. Choke is probably his best.
[Sep 16,2003 5:30pm - retzam ""]
Well, Of Mice And Men is great, but it is really short. I would think that you have read Dracula already, but if not i recommend it.
[Sep 16,2003 6:15pm - Anthony ""]
It's awesome that this thread is about books. Reading is great.

I love William Faulkner. "Light in August" and "As I Lay Dying..." are great books. I know most people have probably already read it but Albert Camus' "The Stranger" is impressive. Herman Hesse's lengthy futuristic novel "The Glass Bead Game" is great. It is ver very different from "Siddartha" so don't expect the same experience.

Books are great.
[Sep 16,2003 10:45pm - joostin ""]
Light in August was amazing
[Sep 17,2003 12:24am - the_reverend ""]
I couldn't get into dracula.. it was too much like michael chiton's eats of the dead (well, the other way around as brahm was first).

also: war of the worlds was an awesome book.
[Sep 17,2003 12:46am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Dracula's a classic case of the book being better than the movie.
"In Search of Dracula" (by Florescu/McNally) is a good read if you're interested in the origins of all that loveliness.

I'm still almost done with 20k Ls _teh C.
Anyone remember Phil Hartman doing that on SNL? "Twenty thousand leeeeeeeeeeages under the seeeeeeeeeeeea." I'm easily amused. Stay in school.
[Sep 17,2003 1:13am - Terence ""]
the Gangs of New York is probably the greatest book ever. The movie was awesome but the book is more factual. Daniel Day-Lewis is my dad.
[Sep 17,2003 1:17am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That sounds strangely familiar. THAT SOUNDS STRANGELY FAMILIAR.

I'm eating candy shaped like body parts.
[Sep 18,2003 8:29am - succubus ""]
[Sep 20,2003 12:07pm - retzam ""]
Havnt read it myself, but I hear good things about Fast Food Nation. A friend told me it will make you never want to touch a Big Mac ever again.
[Sep 20,2003 12:26pm - joostin ""]
oh yeah. that book is intense when it comes to the development of any fast food service
[Sep 20,2003 12:37pm - babysbreath ""]
How To Shit In The Woods by Kathleen Meyer

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