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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to the_reverend.
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[QUOTE="the_reverend:22334"]franny and zoey sucked... I couldn't get into it. read: Snow Crash by Neil Stevenson about a drug-religeon-mimevirus-computer virus where in the whole nation/world is broken up in to corporate franchise states Breakfast of Champions by vonegut cats craddle by vonnegut Geeks by um.. I forget his name, but he writes for slashdot.org about some kids from the mid-wes using the net to get out of there (true story) hannibal/red dragon/silence of the lambs Half asleep in frog pajama by tom robbins (he's like a more modern day vonnegut) still life with woodpecker by tom robbins (he's like a more modern day vonnegut) << he wrote even cowgirls get the blues which was the worst thing ever.. his other books are good through spell for chameleon by peirs anthony about a girl that has a 28 day cycle... on one side ugly and brilliant on the other beautiful and dumb michael chiton: the terminal man, andromeda strain, congo, sphere, all HORRIBLE MOVIES but amazing book... very indepth and a lot of really really good ideas. then there are all the classics: the red pony, the jungle (you will become a veggie after this book), the hitch hikers guide series, plant of the apes, 1984, brave new world honestly, I have an attic full of books. I love reading. I read just about anything... from books on fantasy to ficton to smut to tech docs to pop culture to science book. Ask succubus, she's seen a lot of the books I have... I love love love books and some day I'm going to have a study with a nice chair, a light and tons of books. it's going to smell like old paper and book worms. [/QUOTE]
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