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can someone post all the info for that show in bridgewater tomorrow

Bridgewater State (Bridgewater, Ma) - [beyond_the_sixth_seal][in_dire_need][randomshots][ravage][terminally_your_aborted_ghost][trinity_test]
[Nov 25,2003 2:58am - Dave Maggot  ""]
im gonna try my damndest to make it to it.

terminally, your aborted ghost
beyond the sixth seal.
[Nov 25,2003 3:00am - Dave Maggot  ""]
oh dur, i think i found it.
[Nov 25,2003 3:10am - the_reverend ""]
post directions please.
[Nov 25,2003 8:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
get there at 8:45 to see ravage
that is all you need to know or care about
[Nov 25,2003 8:31am - succubus ""]
joe are you going?
[Nov 25,2003 8:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i have to work until 9, so I would miss Ravage
so no, i am not going.

if you go let me know how trinity test was though
[Nov 25,2003 9:28am - BornSoVile ""]
I might wanna go...
[Nov 25,2003 9:29am - Dave Maggot  ""]
i'm going for all the bands. thats if i can get there after work. but mostly beyond the sixth seal. last two shows.
[Nov 25,2003 9:47am - succubus ""]
hey dave...

be sure and say hello tonight then :spineyes:
[Nov 25,2003 10:01am - Dave Maggot  ""]
i will. :NEWHORNS: i just gotta find someone to give me a ride. :doublehorns:
[Nov 25,2003 10:02am - Dave Maggot  ""]
ok i gotta go to work now. later.
[Nov 25,2003 10:32am - jake  ""]
rev - where are you coming from?

dave - where do you live? im pretty sure one of us can get you.
[Nov 25,2003 12:27pm - succubus ""]
The show in on the Campus Center

Directions from the North:
From Boston, take I-93 South to Route 24 South
From other points North, take I-95 South to 495 South to Exit 7A (Route 24 North).
Once on Route 24, take Exit 15 to Route 104.
Take Route 104 East to STOP sign (approximately three miles).
Turn left.
Proceed to Rotary (Town Common).

Take School St. off rotary. (As you enter rotary, School St. will be straight ahead--you will see the fire station on left as you enter it).
Take left at end of the street onto Summer Street.
Take first right onto Park Avenue.
Visitor parking is in the Chapel Lot on the left past the third brick building (Kelly Gymnasium).

Directions from the West:
Follow the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to Route 495 South to Exit 7A (Route 24 North).
Once on Route 24 North, take Exit 15 (Bridgewater/Raynham--Route 104).
Follow Route 104 East to STOP sign (approximately three miles).
Turn left.
Follow directions above...
Directions from the East:
Follow 106 West to Route 104. (see above)...
For Chapel Lot, take first left onto Park Avenue; enter at left after third brick building on the left.
Directions from Providence, Rhode Island and Points South:
Follow I-95 North to Route 495 South to Exit 7A (Route 24 North).
Once on Route 24 North, take exit 15 (first exit).
Take Route 104 East to STOP sign (approximately three miles).
Turn left.
Follow directions above

[Nov 25,2003 12:37pm - tyagxgrind ""]
TYAG's playing 3rd so come early! Then stay for the rest of the awesome bands afterwards.
[Nov 25,2003 5:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving now.
[Nov 25,2003 6:30pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
i live in pembroke, but i found a ride, my two guitarist are taking me. see everyone there.:shocker:
[Nov 26,2003 1:27am - the_reverend ""]
I'm home and working on the pictures
what a turn out.
[Nov 26,2003 1:48am - the_reverend ""]

pictures are up now.
[Nov 26,2003 1:54am - thegreatspaldino ""]
the_reverend said:

no, i wont!

[Nov 26,2003 2:50am - Dave Maggot  ""]
i sure enjoyed!
[Nov 26,2003 8:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Nov 26,2003 10:36am - joostin ""]
show was fun, then i puked:pukeface:
[Nov 26,2003 10:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
joostin said:show was fun, then i puked:pukeface:

haha, all over the BSC cops?
[Nov 26,2003 11:37am - joostin ""]
i was trying for the crowd beside me, but i didn't even make it that far:(
[Nov 26,2003 11:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
joostin said:i was trying for the crowd beside me, but i didn't even make it that far:(

did you atleast avoid getting it on yourself?
[Nov 26,2003 12:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]

mad props to Al Ravage
[Nov 26,2003 12:03pm - Beakey ""]
That is the best picture I have ever seen.
[Nov 26,2003 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm sorry to the first 2 bands, but I missed you guys.
blame boston traffic.

terminally your aborted ghost: they had the largest crowd there I think. they played ok, but the sound there wasn't too good. I defintly think they needed more cowbell. (they got cut off before playing the "cow bell" song).

trinity test: I didn't like the first song, it was like dis-jointed 70-rock meets burnt by the sun. the songs after that got better. They (the sound guys) also got the mix right by the end.

ravage: no matter what joe says, I'm not really a fan of this type of metal. anyhow, they (like the other band) started off with the sound out of wack. the vocals where wasy out in front of the music and Al looked a little akward up in front. after a couple tracks, the sound got mixed right and Al got more comforatble and into the music. there was a group of metal heads up front joining in. I was a little upset that they didn't summon richard simons... I kept waiting and waiting.. but nothing.. bastards!

in dire need: they pulled together in a "in dire need huddle" and then played the new intro they worked up. Then they broke into monster sound. Joe announced that if any one died, they would be really sad. It was pretty cool cause the cops only came over into the crowd once during their set. They are looking for a third guitar player. Awesome idea. Make their sound even bigger. I'm sure their last song would have been longer if they had 3 guitar players.

beyond the sixth seal: 3rd to last show ever from these guys (I believe then they are moving on to call themselves beyond the 4 beards). they are really funny to watch and listen to. interesting that gunface (singer) is quiet with the red chord and then does a comedy routine back and forth with greg (bass). they did some korn intros, pizza song, cartwheel song, and sent a song out their their home-boy sully. Also, they played two covers. I didn't remember the name of one. but the second was planet of sound by the Pixies. Man, I was the only one singing along to it... I felt like I was a freshmen in highschool again. best decision of their lives right there. check out their last shows before they are gone.

big props to WBIM for having this show.
good times.
[Nov 26,2003 1:15pm - XmikeX ""]
Terminally was great, but the guitars were too low.

In Dire Need was amazing minus the 4 hour long intro, and the 4 second long closing song. Both stupid. And minus Lynchie McDooshbag hitting me in the face with his guitar.

BTSS was hilarious, and they did an Entombed cover which ruled. Other then that it was "meh"

Bridgewater State College is wicked gay and im glad i got to finally smash some of the stupid kids that go there. the whole show for me was the radio station kids following me around begging me to stop hitting people. i'd give them a thumbs up and then go hit someone else. oh well, everyone lived.

I paid my pork & beans, let me dance.
[Nov 26,2003 1:17pm - jake  ""]
XmikeX said:Bridgewater State College is wicked gay and im glad i got to finally smash some of the stupid kids that go there. the whole show for me was the radio station kids following me around begging me to stop hitting people. i'd give them a thumbs up and then go hit someone else. oh well, everyone lived.

I paid my pork & beans, let me dance.

well said.

i dont think ive ever heard / received so many "STOP DANCING LIKE THAT" comments in my life. absolutely retarded.
[Nov 26,2003 1:28pm - Sinistas ""]
Beakey said:That is the best picture I have ever seen.

Indeed. :NEWHORNS:
[Nov 26,2003 3:47pm - HiImPaul ""]
I thought jay was leaving from IDN and they were getting another guitarist to replace him. Three guitarists in a band like IDN is totally pointless. It doesnt make the sound better it makes it more muddy. They dont do any leads at all. Plus if your playing on a sound system it wont make any difference what so ever. People dont seem to understand that you can have a huge sound with even one guitarist. Look at bane of existance. They have one guitarist and they have a huge sound. IDN sounded sloppy with the three guitarists. With only two they sound a whole lot better. I hope it stays that way. Sorry I missed the show, work is fucking gay.
[Nov 26,2003 3:54pm - nick ""]
fun show, taped TYAG and IDN
tyag-they didnt sound as good the other night but it was still pretty crazy.

ravage-i wasnt into it. they put a rediculous amount of syllables into small words. i heard them use the word 'telescopes' in one song it made me laugh, then i stopped listening.

IDN-they moved everyone all the way to the walls as usual. they should have played longer or cut the intro shorter. it was a fun set though. radio kids kept trying to convince us that we were ruining the show by kicking the audience and that they have been to shows before.

btss-look at this fuckin pizza. we're gonna eat some pizza. i hope they do this again sat. at club marquee.
[Nov 26,2003 4:38pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
[Nov 26,2003 6:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
nick said:fun show, taped TYAG and IDN
ravage-i wasnt into it. they put a rediculous amount of syllables into small words. i heard them use the word 'telescopes' in one song it made me laugh, then i stopped listening.


ravage has no such song.
stop spreading lies
[Nov 27,2003 1:59am - Defecatemybrain  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:nick said:fun show, taped TYAG and IDN
ravage-i wasnt into it. they put a rediculous amount of syllables into small words. i heard them use the word 'telescopes' in one song it made me laugh, then i stopped listening.


ravage has no such song.
stop spreading lies

Sorry Joe, but that's "Spider on the World." I heard it too.

But three syllables?!?!?! Oh my, heaven forbid!!!
[Nov 27,2003 2:14am - Al  ""]
If I were capable of putting more syllables in "telescopes" I definitely would... that particular line in the song is more or less about not seeing the forest for the trees (in an alternately metaphorical way)...so obviously everyone listening got the point :spineyes: we weren't going to play that song originally, but the set list got a little jumbled because we had some time added and subtracted to and from the set at the last minute. In retrospect, I wished we had played our 7 minute power metal song just to piss off the people who absolutely can't stand that kind of music, but things were a bit helter skelter and we winged it and blah :pukeface:

As far as the show goes...Anthony (bassplayer) said it was our worst show ever. I wouldn't venture to say that...although I normally wouldn't venture to say anything. The crowd was a little dead, and that puts a damper on the fun, and half the people who came to see us showed up at the beginning of the next band's set...so things could have been butta, but I had a good time incognito in da pit, and we sold some cds so alls swell that ends swell :spineyes::gun: on to the 665 fest :krusty: amen

everyone should rent the dolph lundgren movie shootout in little tokyo...it is easily one of the top 10 funniest movies ever...if only for the preview of the Chuck Norris movie "The Hitman" that is on the VHS version
[Nov 27,2003 2:20am - moran ""]
Thats "Showdown" in Little Tokyo, my friend.
[Nov 27,2003 9:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ravage's worst set was the one that was al on vocals, eli and charlie on guitar, john lo on drums, no bass, at sydneys in lawrence
[Nov 27,2003 1:17pm - Al  ""]
ah that's what it was...yes, best movie ever

Chuck Norris - "Drop dead."

Effeminate-looking Brandon Lee "You have the right to die!"

[Nov 27,2003 3:56pm - Beakey ""]
moran said:Thats "Showdown" in Little Tokyo, my friend.

John, the next time you correct Al Ravage (even if you're right), you're out of the band.
This comes straight from the Reverend.
[Nov 27,2003 3:57pm - Beakey ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:ravage's worst set was the one that was al on vocals, eli and charlie on guitar, john lo on drums, no bass, at sydneys in lawrence

That was, in no way, their worst set.
That set was what VH1 Behind The Music stories are made of.

[Nov 27,2003 4:01pm - Beakey ""]
XmikeX said:Bridgewater State College is wicked gay and im glad i got to finally smash some of the stupid kids that go there.

Mikey, who are these kids that you always "smash" and how small are they?
They must be tiny little people, these guys.
[Nov 27,2003 6:10pm - Defecatemybrain  ""]
XmikeX said:Bridgewater State College is wicked gay and im glad i got to finally smash some of the stupid kids that go there.

Right, because you couldn't fight them alone. You'd need at least 10 people to back you up.
[Nov 27,2003 6:11pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
if you defecated out your brain... how can you type? :shocked:
[Nov 27,2003 6:12pm - ratt_mowe ""]
ummm i dunno what you people are talking about..... mike can hold his own
[Nov 27,2003 6:17pm - Defecatemybrain  ""]
ratt_mowe said:ummm i dunno what you people are talking about..... mike can hold his own

I've heard many people talking about how certain hardcore kids can hold their own, but they never seem to give themselves the opportunity. The second that someone decides to push someone out of the way so that they aren't punched, 10 people decide that the person is attacking a friend so they all go make threats to those bystanders.
[Nov 29,2003 11:36am - jake  ""]
Defecatemybrain said:ratt_mowe said:ummm i dunno what you people are talking about..... mike can hold his own

I've heard many people talking about how certain hardcore kids can hold their own, but they never seem to give themselves the opportunity. The second that someone decides to push someone out of the way so that they aren't punched, 10 people decide that the person is attacking a friend so they all go make threats to those bystanders.

cry about it.
[Nov 29,2003 2:04pm - ratt_mowe ""]
Defecatemybrain said:I've heard many people talking about how certain hardcore kids can hold their own, but they never seem to give themselves the opportunity. The second that someone decides to push someone out of the way so that they aren't punched, 10 people decide that the person is attacking a friend so they all go make threats to those bystanders.

ok go right ahead and make generalizations
[Nov 29,2003 2:20pm - xmikex ""]
Defecatemybrain said:XmikeX said:Bridgewater State College is wicked gay and im glad i got to finally smash some of the stupid kids that go there.

Right, because you couldn't fight them alone. You'd need at least 10 people to back you up.

How about because normally when I see these people it's in a class room...or in the library. I might be a "hardcore dickhead" but i'm not the kind of kid who goes tackling people in a school cafeteria. Dickbag.

Furthermore I was getting more then my fair share of shots in during TYAG well before any of my friends showed up. You wouldn't know that because you're a moron, and you don't know anything.
[Nov 29,2003 8:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
xmikex said:Defecatemybrain said:XmikeX said:Bridgewater State College is wicked gay and im glad i got to finally smash some of the stupid kids that go there.

Right, because you couldn't fight them alone. You'd need at least 10 people to back you up.

How about because normally when I see these people it's in a class room...or in the library. I might be a "hardcore dickhead" but i'm not the kind of kid who goes tackling people in a school cafeteria. Dickbag.

Furthermore I was getting more then my fair share of shots in during TYAG well before any of my friends showed up. You wouldn't know that because you're a moron, and you don't know anything.

Beakey is still wondering who these people are that you are able to smash?

We all know what you look like, and one on one Pat would destroy you. Call him a moron all you want.

[Nov 29,2003 9:00pm - XmikeX ""]
what people? dumb jock kids and weiner nerd kids that goto my school. the knobs with the white hats that you seemed so adamantly against. it's not like im fucking gorilla pressing these kids. what do you care joe, what do any of you care?
[Nov 29,2003 9:06pm - XmikeX ""]

[Nov 29,2003 9:11pm - XmikeX ""]

[Nov 29,2003 9:19pm - XmikeX ""]
i just saw a fight break out over a marching band competition.

TV off....back to homework.
[Nov 29,2003 11:14pm - Beakey ""]
Settle down, Mikey. You're completely losing it.
[Nov 29,2003 11:37pm - XmikeX ""]
i've been doing homework all day. i'm trying to put together a movie for my tv direction class and everything is falling apart. the only outside contact i've had since i left work at 2 oclock today is this messageboard. i can't go 2 seconds without thinking about how much i want to smash my ex girlfriend in the face with a baseball bat. i'm living on penut butter, jelly, and sugar. i haven't gotten more then 5 hours of sleep in over 2 weeks. i have to be up at 6am tomorrow to work with knives. the stock market is down. my blood pressure is up and the only solution the world has to offer me is a movie about black people in competative marching bands.

fuck it. suicide.
[Nov 30,2003 1:16am - ratt_mowe ""]
mike i love you.
[Nov 30,2003 2:05am - Dave Maggot  ""]
ever had your knuckles burned raw by a movie theater popcorn popper? i have. i dunno. i.just.felt.like.being.random.ooooh. YODA. :yoda: ahhh the dark side bad you must, do not pass into it you will. :nuke::shocked::pukeface::cd: why the hell is there a cd over here???
[Nov 30,2003 2:48am - the_reverend ""]
I wish I were in a marching band.

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