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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to the_reverend.
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[QUOTE="the_reverend:36987"]I'm sorry to the first 2 bands, but I missed you guys. blame boston traffic. terminally your aborted ghost: they had the largest crowd there I think. they played ok, but the sound there wasn't too good. I defintly think they needed more cowbell. (they got cut off before playing the "cow bell" song). trinity test: I didn't like the first song, it was like dis-jointed 70-rock meets burnt by the sun. the songs after that got better. They (the sound guys) also got the mix right by the end. ravage: no matter what joe says, I'm not really a fan of this type of metal. anyhow, they (like the other band) started off with the sound out of wack. the vocals where wasy out in front of the music and Al looked a little akward up in front. after a couple tracks, the sound got mixed right and Al got more comforatble and into the music. there was a group of metal heads up front joining in. I was a little upset that they didn't summon richard simons... I kept waiting and waiting.. but nothing.. bastards! in dire need: they pulled together in a "in dire need huddle" and then played the new intro they worked up. Then they broke into monster sound. Joe announced that if any one died, they would be really sad. It was pretty cool cause the cops only came over into the crowd once during their set. They are looking for a third guitar player. Awesome idea. Make their sound even bigger. I'm sure their last song would have been longer if they had 3 guitar players. beyond the sixth seal: 3rd to last show ever from these guys (I believe then they are moving on to call themselves beyond the 4 beards). they are really funny to watch and listen to. interesting that gunface (singer) is quiet with the red chord and then does a comedy routine back and forth with greg (bass). they did some korn intros, pizza song, cartwheel song, and sent a song out their their home-boy sully. Also, they played two covers. I didn't remember the name of one. but the second was [I]planet of sound[/I] by the Pixies. Man, I was the only one singing along to it... I felt like I was a freshmen in highschool again. best decision of their lives right there. check out their last shows before they are gone. big props to WBIM for having this show. good times.[/QUOTE]
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